468 “Aren’t you a little too horny?”

After his emotions cooled Yi Chen sat on the bed while following Zi Han with his intense gaze. Zi Han was analysing the floor plans of the temple with a serious look on his face.

Yi Chen subconsciously leaned back and half lay on the bed while biting his lower lip lightly. He had heard the phrase men are sexiest when they work and that was indeed true. He couldn’t resist Zi Han’s charm.

He tugged at the lapel of his clothes revealing his exquisite clavicle and gorgeous pectoral muscles while lying there leisurely. The image didn’t even need a caption or a hashtag because the meaning was obvious.

Zi Han had been pinching his lower lip while finalising the details of the plan when he felt that something was wrong. Yi Chen had been quiet for too long. He was a little well behaved which was unlike him.

Zi Han turned his head glancing in that direction only to double take when he saw what Yi Chen was doing. It was obvious that he was trying to seduce him. His gaze transfixed on those mouth watering muscles for a second longer than he should.

“Aren’t you a little too horny? You are like a beast in heat,” mocked Zi Han while looking away lest he drools. How embarrassing would that be?

Yi Chen’s forefingers trailed down his chest while staring at Zi Han with an intense gaze as though trying to make Zi Han look at him.

“How can I not be when you look like that? When I am in your presence I really can’t help myself,” he said and Zi Han grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

“I will get you neutered you horny bastard,” said Zi Han with a smile on his lips.


Yi Chen chuckled lightly while hugging the pillow. “So what’s the plan?” he asked after calming down.

Zi Han took out a grey thumb ring with purple cracks throughout its circumference and said, “Here. That’s an interspatial storage. Use it.”

Yi Chen caught it and studied it for a while but his attention was soon drawn toward the things Zi Han was taking out. It started off with two battle rifles, one burst-fire assault rifle, and one havoc energy rifle before escalating to submachine guns, handguns, and grenades.

“This one, and this one... no not this one. I like this one... Oh, here. You can also have these daggers,” he said acting like a preschooler sharing their toys with their new friend.

Yi Chen, “...”

No one would be able to guess that someone as cute as Zi Han would be carrying this much ammo in that small bracelet. Well, he was cute in Yi Chen’s eyes but in everyone else’s eyes, he looked a little intimidating especially when he had a sly grin on his face.

“I want that one,” said Yi Chen pointing at the outlier in Zi Han’s possession. It was the only thing colorful and not just a simple colour but hot pink. It was a hot pink handgun.

“No. This one my mom gave to me for my birthday. See... it even has my name on it,” said Zi Han before packing it away as though afraid Yi Chen would insist. This wasn’t the first time Yi Chen asked for it it’s just that the last time he lent it to him this man refused to give it back.

That big man with a hot pink handgun in his hand was quite intriguing and if he was intrigued then others will most definitely be intrigued by it as well. His man was already hot as is so why should he attract more bees by giving this?

“I won’t break it,” said Yi Chen but Zi Han didn’t agree. If he wasn’t allowed to modify Hydra without permission Yi Chen would have modified Hydra and given it a pink cannon blaster. That Zi Han was certain of.

“It’s not about that,” said Zi Han while lifting his pant leg and sheathing the dagger on the strap wrapped around his ankle.

“If you have the storage thing why do you keep other weapons on your body?” asked Yi Chen genuinely curious.

Zi Han suppressed a smile recalling how he fought with Yi Chen during training once and tried to access his interspatial storage to counterattack but couldn’t. Yi Chen beat him down and pressed him against the wall with a dagger in his hand. With a sly quirk, he leaned closer and licked his cheek his expression so lewd that Zi Han thought he was going to be molested right there and then.

At that time Yi Chen whispered in his ear that if his interspatial storage failed him in battle what was he going to do? He handed the dagger to him and said that he needed backups. Now the same person was asking him why he was doing that.

“You will know when you regain your memories,” replied Zi Han while putting away a handgun behind his back.

He tossed Yi Chen a small medical kit and said, “Get ready. We are going to storm a temple today.”

Yi Chen smirked while catching the medical kit. His blood was rushing like this is what he was good at. Despite having no memories of who he was his body seemed programmed to fight. He started to pack up but his gaze remained on Zi Han the entire time.

He couldn’t help but ask himself how he got this lucky. How many good deeds did he do in his past life to end up with someone as amazing as this person?


As the sun hung low in the skies above Kengston city the boisterous streets had fallen into silence.

The night market that should have been busy was empty with all the stalls closed and the doors and windows were shut like it had been deserted. But in truth, all its citizens were standing in silence at the bottom of the temple stairs awaiting the execution of four people who had been blasphemous against stor f?niks.

According to the law, everyone was meant to be present. Failure to appear meant defiance. Even when you were on your death bed they were forced to come. Their family members would put them in a wheelbarrow and roll them to the temple. Failure to attend would result in punishment for the entire family.

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