The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 542 - 542 "You underestimate me"

542 “You underestimate me”

While the pair of lovers were playing adult games in the deliberation room, the two AI explored Cetus going places they could be and places they shouldn’t be. It didn’t take them long to find Sheba’s weapon system and mess with it.

Like two siblings up to no good, they picked at the defence system of the warship and even had the audacity to despise it.

“Han is definitely better, right? It has more weaponry than this,” said Igneous while Chronos pulled up the data on the warheads.

“The Han will definitely lay it to waste in a heartbeat. How about a fight between us? Who would win?” asked Chronos and Igneous did some calculations.

“It’s obvious I will win. Have you seen the new pulse lasers I got? You don’t have a chance,” said Igneous eager to show off its upgrade.

Like a little brother who knows their older brother’s strength Chronos agreed too. “Yea, you are right. I would probably lose that fight. But I would give you hell first. It will be a hell of a fight.”

“True true. How about me vs Hydra?” asked Chronos and the two AIs fell silent for a while.

That was yet to be determined. Hydra had more battle experience and it was ruthless in its methods. One on one, they might not win.

“You aren’t supposed to be here,” said Hydra startling them after appearing out of nowhere.


“AAAAAHHHH!!!! Why would you sneak up on us like that?” screamed Chronos almost ready to run back to Xixi and complain.

“Nothing... nothing at all. What are you doing here?” asked Igneous like they were about to pick a fight.

“This is my territory and yes I will win that fight,” said Hydra getting straight to the point.

Chronos gasped before pointing fingers, well, if it had fingers. “You were eavesdropping on us. You are nasty,” it said.

Igneous, “...”

Hydra, “...”

“You want to fight?” asked Hydra and Igneous being the most mature of the three refused with one word,


Hydra sneered before asking, “Scared?”

Chronos, “...”

“You aren’t scared are you?” asked Chronos not at all helping the situation.

“No... if you want a fight then let’s fight,” it replied accepting a challenge that was long overdue.

“Virtual fight it is with all our mech specs,” said Hydra and the two left only to realise that Chronos wasn’t behind them.

“Chronos what are you doing?” asked Igneous and Chronos that was caught with its virtual tentacles hovering above the missile instruction codes retracted its sticky fingers and said,

“Nothing nothing. I am coming.”

“You better run you brat,” said Sheba after noticing something was messing with its weapon system. It wasn’t as intelligent as the three calamities but it wasn’t lagging behind that much.

Like a toddler caught in the cookie jar, Chronos ran fast leaving the two of them behind.

“Stupid,” scolded Hydra and Igneous didn’t like that at all.

“Your emotional intelligence is seriously lacking,” said Igneous accurately hitting the spot.

Hydra, “...”

Even it couldn’t even refute that.

While the two AIs were fighting it out Li Ran was suffering heavy damage that he almost mourned for his mech. Now he knew when they say don’t ever mess with someone’s wife, they meant it.

Those were indeed wise words. In a ‘fuck around and find out’ teaching moment Li Ran thoroughly grasped the meaning of those words.

“I was wrong Han-ge,” said Li Ran after a good beat down in the training room. This could also count as training except that this time Yi Chen didn’t hold back.

“I am not your brother. You should call me grandfather from now on,” said Zi Han with a smirk on his face.

“Yes yes I am your grandson from now on,” he said and Zi Han was satisfied.

“As for your punishment,” said Zi Han and Li Ran’s eyes widened. Wasn’t this beating the punishment? No, the beating was the punishment from Yi Chen for luring his wife by typing the words ‘I love you’.

This punishment was for Zi Han’s pain and suffering or his emotional distress. Since he didn’t know how to handle Li Ran he asked Hela and of course, she had a few suggestions. As punishment, she asked for something she had been begging Li Ran to do for a very long time so Zi Han picked that.

He stood up and descended from the platform he was looking down at Li Ran from. He took a few steps and draped his arm around Yi Chen’s shoulder before saying. “For the wedding, you dress in whatever Hela says and I will let bygones be bygones,” he said and Li Ran’s expression changed slightly.

AAAAAHHHH!! His girlfriend screwed him over. Hela had been mentioning something about challenging gender roles and him wearing a skirt and her wearing pants. Damn, she really got him good.

“Okay, this grandson accepts the punishment,” he said and Zi Han smiled happily.

He stretched out his hand and helped him up.

Just like that, this matter was resolved and Yi Chen was very happy. He didn’t want there to be any enmity between his wife and his best friend.

Yi Chen kissed Zi Han’s cheek and asked, “Do you want me to go beat up my old man next?”

Zi Han laughed softly before saying, “I would rather go and have a mocktail with my gramps. The man makes a mean mocktail. Besides you won’t be able to win that fight.”

“You underestimate me,” said Yi Chen a little dissatisfied.

“You really underestimate him saozi. He will mop the floor with him,” said Li Ran trying to help out a brother impress his wife.

“Let the former Marshal hear you say that and he will turn you into a mop,” said Zi Han as they walked out of the training room.

Grandpa Zi who had no idea he was going to be used to make mocktails didn’t know that his peace was about to come to an abrupt end. He had already sobered up and he was still playing against Old Lu trying to figure out what sort of sorcery that kid used to beat him.

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