69 Hanifa’s honey

Zi Han hadn’t expected that his playful remark would captivate the entire class. Didn’t these people have things to do? Didn’t they have assignments or something? Why were they so curious about his affairs?

Shorty who was trying to reduce his sense of existence suddenly had a bad premonition. Without saying a word he tried to get up and used the excuse of going to the bathroom but Zi Han grabbed his arm and yanked him down making it difficult for Shorty to move.

His eyes were suddenly glossed over like he was about to cry. Well, internally he had already cried an entire river. His body relaxed he pulled Shorty closer and boldly declared, “He would be jealous, isn’t that right honey?”

Shorty, “QAQ”

He turned back to Shaun and Shannon sitting behind them and yelled, “Help,” in a low voice but the twins chuckled lightly while staying out of it.

Hela relaxed as a small smile showed on her face.

She knew there was absolutely nothing happening between Zi Han and Shorty thus she relaxed and licked her lower lip showing a pair of beautiful dimples.

“Really now..... Don’t you think I will be a much better candidate than him?” she replied in a teasing tone but Yi Chen couldn’t bear it anymore.

“The Military historical studies professor will be here any minute. Please prepare for class,” said Yi Chen in a cold and detached voice that made everyone subconsciously obey him. The class fell silent with a few people murmuring under their breaths in a whisper.


Yi Chen had relaxed considerably after hearing Zi Han’s declaration. From Zi Han’s tone he could clearly see it was a joke but why didn’t Zi Han joke with him like that? Why not pick him to play house instead of Shorty?

It is safe to assume by now he had already realised that he wanted more than just Zi Han’s attention. He didn’t want to be his colleague or his friend. He wanted to be more than that.

After this realisation, his emotions hadn’t fully settled but he feigned calmness externally making it incredibly difficult for one to notice something was off.

Even Li Ran who had grown up with him for years couldn’t see it. Maybe he could have seen it but he was blinded by his own grievances.

“Uh, big brother, I know I was wrong but did you have to put this pot over my head. Is this you taking revenge on me?” asked Shorty trying to break free from Zi Han but Zi Han was like a little puppy who found another puppy to play fight with.

He refused to let go and because Shorty was trying not to attract everyone’s attention he couldn’t make big movements. The two of them push and pulled underneath the desk while the twin started making bets on who will win.

“Honey stay still..... don’t move,” whispered Zi Han while clasping Shorty’s hand trying to interlock their fingers together.

“The fuck I will. Ouch.... you...,” replied Shorty as he struggled underneath the desk. As he pulled away from his fingers he accidentally brushed Zi Han’s skirt up. His body froze like a popsicle when he saw this.

Both their eyes widened and Shorty wanted to apologize but Zi Han grabbed his fingers and pulled him closer before saying in a playful tone, “You are going to have to take responsibility.”

Shorty, “.....”

“Hell no-,” he replied only for him to shut his mouth when a dark gloomy shadow hovered above them startling the both of them.

Zi Han initially thought it was the professor but when he raised his head he was suddenly faced with that one person he wanted to stay as far away from as possible.

Yi Chen appeared calm and his expression indifferent but as his gaze fell on the fingers entwined together underneath the desk his eyes darkened. Shorty felt a bone-chilling pressure enveloping his body and crawling up to his neck to strangle him.

His entire body was tense as an icy chill crawled up his skin making him terrified. His instincts were telling him to run but he somewhat found that his body couldn’t move. The fingers entwined with his let go and Shorty suddenly felt a great sense of relief wash over his body. He didn’t dare speculate as he leaned away from Zi Han.

He subconsciously chose to sit on his seat crookedly like he was about to crawl out of the window at any second.

Zi Han leisurely crossed his arms on his chest as he stared at Yi Chen his posture defensive. Yi Chen looked at his skirt with a fleeting glance before averting his gaze. Zi Han felt something was wrong so he looked down and noticed that his skirt had ridden up again showing a tiny part of his black undergarments.

Pulling it down he suddenly regretted not taking his grandfather up on that offer. If he had that velvet blanket he could at least cover his legs.

His cheeks heated up in embarrassment but he wouldn’t let that show on his face. He was a thick-skinned SOB and wouldn’t show his true emotions that easily, well, except anger.

“Does the class president have any business with me?” he asked the friendliness he had with Shorty just now completely vanished without a trace. His entire body was as frosty as a glacier and he didn’t even make an effort to hide his dislike.

Since things were like this Yi Chen chose to get straight to the point. “Cadet Han, why aren’t you in uniform?” asked Yi Chen his voice neither domineering nor angry. It was as tranquil as a deep cave pool free from external influence.

It was serene and charming but it was in no way a true reflection of what Yi Chen was feeling inside. He just wanted to drag this person outside and ask him why he was avoiding him so much.

If it was because he had punched him in the face he can apologize to him which was a big deal for someone like Yi Chen.

Zi Han hooked the corner of his lips as he averted his gaze. “And you are asking in which capacity? As the class president or the guy whose father robbed my grandpa’s map because I struck you..... no, no accidentally struck you in the nose?” asked Zi Han his voice low that only the twins behind him and Shorty could hear their conversation and boy, were they enjoying being in the peanut gallery.

Yi Chen subconsciously clenched his fist his brain short-circuiting for a while that he blurted out, “Is that what this is about?”

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