Chapter 122 - 122 Task (4)

Translator: 549690339 Wang Zisu was stunned for a moment, but then Bo Yan strode out, blocking his way.

He then quickened his pace to catch up with Xia Siyu.

Outside the villa was a coastal road; on one side of the road were sheer cliffs, and on the other lined up neatly were European cottages, mostly white.

Blue sky, white clouds, the blue sea, the white houses; heaven, earth, and sea all blended together perfectly.

Bo Yan and Xia Siyu walked side by side, the sea breeze fluttering her skirt. Xia Siyu was usually chatty, but perhaps because she was now walking with him and there wasn’t much to talk about, she was also quiet. Unintentionally, there was a sense of peaceful times and a stable life.

—The live comments also became sentimental:

“l admit I’m a face-chaser, I actually think these two look good together.”

“Good together my ass, kick Xia Siyu away, Bo Teacher alone is gorgeous!”

“YJGJ (an acronym), Xia Siyu’s looks really can’t be criticized.”

“Can’t be criticized, how else could she snag a rich guy?”

As they walked toward the alley, Xia Siyu seemed a bit lost. When she was about to ask for directions, Bo Yan spoke indifferently, “This way.”

“How did you know, did you use navigation?”

Bo Yan didn’t answer, but Xia Siyu still followed him, and sure enough, they quickly arrived at the market. Bo Yan turned around and said lightly, “l watched your live stream yesterday.”

Xia Siyu said “Oh” and didn’t think much of it, heading straight into the market. She had the eighteen euros left over from yesterday’s grocery shopping and the seventy euros from everyone else today.

But she couldn’t be reckless with the money; who knew what trouble the show crew might cause later on, so of course it was better to save and spend conservatively.

Bo Yan followed her inside and saw her head straight for the barbecue stall, where a roast chicken was five euros.

Xia Siyu then went to the seafood area where, in this foreign country, most of the fish was sold in large chunks like pork or beef. She saw the prices ranged from three to twenty euros a pound. Bo Yan thought she would choose the expensive ones, but Xia Siyu directly pointed at the fish heads.

Naturally, fish heads were much cheaper than fish meat. This sea fish head weighed three pounds, but it only cost ten euros.

She then went to the pork stall, where the vendor was enthusiastically calling out. She scanned the area and noticed what seemed like discarded items in a bag in the corner. She asked in fluent Sicilian, “I want this.”

Seven pigs feet for just five euros; together with some leftover vegetables from yesterday, it was more than enough.

Not only was Bo Yan stunned but even the viewers in front of the live comments were amazed by her shopping skills:

“Didn’t see that coming; Xia Siyu is actually good at buying stuff.”

“l thought she would go for the twenty-euro garnet grouper! Who knew she would buy a head.”

“Are pigs feet that cheap in Italy? Less than one euro each? So, foreigners really don’t eat pig’s feet! ”

Bo Yan, holding the groceries, looked surprised, “How did you know these things were cheap?”

It was common sense, but seeing Xia Siyu’s usual intelligence, she might not have this knowledge.

“No big deal, you just know these things after buying a lot.” Xia Siyu said casually, then her expression changed slightly, and she didn’t want to talk any more about it.

Bo Yan, with his sharp senses, felt there was something more, and since there were cameras filming behind them, he didn’t say anything more either.

On their way back, at the entrance to the alley, she was attracted by a bulletin board covered with advertisements.

early at the channel, and though the live stream had just started, there were question is, what kind of work do you want to do? Do you want to go fishing or moving bricks?”

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