Chapter 327: Assistant Mentor

He was a close acquaintance of Elder Nie’s, and while people didn’t fawn over him, at the very least, they treated him with courtesy.

No one had ever insulted him quite like this woman had. Not only had she snatched something of his, but he had also mocked him and called him a paid actor.

He was so furious that he didn’t know what to say.

He glanced at the gold-laced invitation card in Qin Man’s hand and spoke through gritted teeth, “Madam, I believe there is much I need to explain to you.

“First things first—the invitations that we issued do not come in only one color, but five. The colors represent the guest’s level of expertise, his specialization, and yes, his degree of importance.

“The invitation that you are currently holding is of the least priority.” He paused then, and looked pointedly at the wrinkled invitation card on the floor. His next words were spoken slowly. “And the one that you just trampled is of the utmost priority.

“I’ll have you know that the Music Associationis well within its rights to take measures against you for your blatant disrespect!”

The last bit was clearly a warning, and its implications hung heavily over the room.

Still, Qin Manwas undaunted. She reacted not with contrition, but with disdain. As if to make a point, she walked over to the red invitation card and stomped on it a few more times. “There, how’s that, huh? What are you going to do to me now.”

“You impudent—” the man pressed his lips together to keep from saying something he might regret. He didn’t want to stoop down to this hateful woman’s level.

Yao Tang’s invitation was beyond salvaging at this point. He raised a shaking finger and pointed it at Qin Man. His face had turned an alarming shade of red as he fumed.

But Qin Mandidn’t give him a chance to say anything and continued to mock him. “I must say, you’re doing a pretty good job with your act. If I require actors in the future, I’ll be sure to look for you.

“You have to think this carefully, though. If you persist on this little show of yours with Yao Tang, you won’t get the double salary that I offered. Well, forget it. I’ll give you ten times what she’s paying to drop this act right now! You’re pissing me off.”


Back at the table, Yao Yuanturned toYao Tangwith a disapproving look. “You heard your Aunt, right? Just come clean and tell us the truth. Stop all this nonsense.”

They heard the man take a long, deep breath, presumably to calm himself. Then, he took out a small booklet from his pocket and showed it to Qin Man. “You may not know about the hierarchy of our invitation cards, but surely, you must have heard about theMusic Association’s membership card. Here! Take a look, this is my membership card. See for yourself whether this one is a fake, too, or not.”

To his greatest frustration, Qin Manonly glanced at the booklet briefly before letting out a mocking laugh.

“So you even have a membership card, huh? You’re truly well-prepared. Of course, this one is fake as well! I can tell with just one look.”

In reality, Qin Manwas clueless about the membership card. All she heard from her social circles was that only senior-ranking members were qualified to receive this privilege.

She looked at the man up and down again.

He didn’t look like a senior rank at all.

She inspected the booklet despite herself, and read the words “Assistant Mentor” indicating the man’s position. Qin Manscoffed and shook her head.

“Are you saying that you’re an Assistant Mentor at the Music Association? So someone of such an important standing came all the way here to personally deliver an invitation? My,Yao Tangmust be feeling honored by your generosity.”

For a moment, the man thought that Qin Manfinally realized her mistake. He was so caught up in his raging emotions that he failed to detect the sarcasm in her tone.

And so, he replied in a formal manner, “Miss Yao Tangis our esteemed master’s apprentice. I am the one who feels honored to be delivering her invitation card. She shows great promise in the art of music. I’m sure that she will go far someday.”

His words earned him a hysterical laugh from Qin Man. She was so taken that she had to lean on the table for support.

“Did you honestly think I believed you?” she asked in between wheezes and gasps for breath.

“She’s just a nobody from the countryside! How can she be your master’s apprentice? No, I don’t believe it! I’ll die before I believe a word of this ridiculous story! You should leave. Go, now! Otherwise, I will call security and have them kick you out.”

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