Chapter 430: Another Rejection

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

“How cunning of you, Miss Yao!

“All right, Sun Hao. You can have her. I want to watch and see exactly how your club would endeavor to train this high and mighty brat. I want to see you live to regret your decision!”

With that, Wang Pengwhirled around and stomped out of the restaurant.

Sun Hao barely reacted at all. The smile remained on his face, though it did take on a triumphant edge. “I won’t be seeing you off, Captain Wang!” he called after the other man. “Stay safe out there!”

He waited for the door to slam before turning his attention back to Yao Tang.

His smile grew even wider. He extended his hand for another handshake. “Well, Miss Yao Tang, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to our club!”

This time, however, Yao Tangdidn’t take his hand. Her eyebrow raised sardonically. “I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood something. As I said, I have no intention of joining any club.”

Sun Hao blinked at her in bewilderment. “Miss Yao, are you somehow dissatisfied with my offer? Do you have any other requests? My club would be happy to negotiate with you if necessary. We like to keep our transactions based on mutual respect to all the parties involved.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I really have no such plans.”

Sun Hao was at a loss. He had been stalking this girl for a week. He initially thought that he had grown to understand her over that short amount of time, but it appeared that he was mistaken.

He had been too fixated on his rivalry with Wang Pengto really look atYao Tangand take her seriously.

But now, he had all the time in the world to do just that. He studied her carefully, and it only took him a moment to realize something strange about her.

Though it wasn’t obvious, this girl was actually shrouded in mystery. She might appear like an ordinary high school student, but there seemed to be a veil that separated her from the rest of the world, hiding her true colors.


He couldn’t even begin to guess what Yao Tangmight be thinking, much less know what it was that she wanted. He understood nothing at all.

All that Sun Haoknew for certain was thatYao Tangmet him with great resistance.

Despite getting offers from two renowned organizations in the city, she had remained unmoved, uncaring even.

No normal eighteen-year-old would have acted this way.

In his experience, ambitious youngsters would usually be excited to see prestigious clubs fighting over them.

Instead, Yao Tangregarded them with cold indifference that bordered on disdain.

Sun Hao had encountered this kind of reaction a few times in his life, but those people were rich and powerful, and were in a solid position to scoff at such offers.

But none of these qualities applied to Yao Tang.

With that thought in mind, Sun Hao decided it was best not to insist any further. He mustered a smile and said, “All right, Miss Yao. I will respect your wishes just as I promised. But if it’s okay with you, we could exchange contact details, and you can look for me if you change your mind in the future.”

“No, thank you.”

Sun Hao steeled himself and brushed off her rejection. He handed her his business card again.

“Please take it, Miss Yao. You can contact me any time—if you get any ideas, if you need any help, just let me know.”

Thankfully, Yao Tangdidn’t refuse his business card.

Sun Hao sighed in relief, then nodded and left the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Wang Penghad just got inside his car. He took a deep breath and began punching his steering wheel a few times to vent out his frustration. He didn’t stop until his knuckles were red and bruised.

He had never been so furious in his whole life!

Xu Xuan andYao Tangwere birds of the same feather, after all. Both of them were greedy opportunists who had no respect for the sport.

Perhaps they were better off without such hypocritical players representing City Ain tennis tournaments.

He was still fuming when his phone suddenly rang. Whoever was calling sure was unfortunate to have caught him at a bad time.

Wang Peng took grabbed his phone, fully intending to unleash a barrage of curses at his unsuspecting victim when he saw the name flashing on the screen.

He froze for a second before scrambling to answer the call. “Miss Yan,” he said reverently.

A female voice came over the line. “Tell me, how did it go with the task that I gave you? You didn’t mess up, did you?”

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