Chapter 549: Joined Hands

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

“My cousin grew up in the countryside,” Yao Ran continued. “She didn’t have a good life until we took her in. Grandma naturally feels sorry for her.”

Yan Wei crossed her arms over her chest and harrumphed. “All right, tell me what you want me to do.”

Yao Ran pretended to look puzzled. “What are you talking about,Weiwei? I don’t want you to do anything on my behalf!”

The other girl scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Yao Ran,” she said slowly. “I’m not an idiot. Stop lying to me.”

From the moment Yao Ranhad started telling her about this so-called engagement,Yan Weicould already tell what she wanted.

She wasn’t stupid, and she certainly couldn’t be bothered to play charades with Yao Ran.

For her part, Yao Randidn’t seem upset by being called out at all. Since it had come to this, she might as well be direct. “You don’t wantYao Tangto become the future Mrs. Yang, do you?”

“Of course, I don’t, but it’s not like you’ve already bagged the title, either.”

A devious little smile played on Yan Wei’s lips.

The Zhang Group was developing pretty fast. Soon, her plans would be put into action, and Yao Tangwould becomeZhang Shou’s paramour.

There was no way she would become the young madam of the Yang family.

Seeing that Yan Weididn’t seem convinced,Yao Ranlowered her voice and said, “I’m begging you. Help me. Never mindYao Tang, I don’t think you’d wantYang Nian’s future wife to come from any other family, right?

“If I marry him, we can join hands, and solidify the relationship between the Yang family and the Yan family.”

Yan Wei sneered, still not takingYao Ran’s words seriously.

Friendship could be fragile sometimes. Too fragile, even.

It was only when the parties’ interests were aligned that one could rest easy in a relationship.

Even if she helped Yao Ranbecome the young madam of the Yang family, the girl would still be powerless to make any significant decision forYang Nian, much less extend a helping hand toYan Wei.

And given Yao Ran’s character,Yan Weiknew that she couldn’t be trusted to keep her promises.

However, Yao Ranwas right about one thing.Yan Weididn’t want the Yang family to enter into a marriage with other powerful clans. On the other hand, theYao familywas nothing more than an upstart, for lack of a better word, with no power nor influence to speak of.

If the Yang family chose them over the rest, they would eventually lose the support of the other families.

Yan Wei finally nodded. “Fine. I’ll help you this time.”

Despite their differences, Yao Ranfelt oddly touched. She didn’t have time to bask in the feeling, though.

Before she knew it, Yan Wei had splashed her wine all over Yao Ran’s face.

The red liquid dripped down her hair and stained most of her white dress.

Yao Ran grimaced and glared atYan Wei.

But the latter only covered her mouth and laughed softly. “I’m really sorry. My hand slipped just now.”

Then she turned around and called their host over. “Yang Nian, where is your guest room? Hurry and take Yao Ranto change out of her messy dress.”

The hall fell silent as all eyes darted toward Yao Ran.

Yang Nian strode over, visibly distressed. “What happened? We have an empty room upstairs. Let me take you there.”

Yan Wei looked apologetic, though those who knew her well would be able to detect hints of schadenfreude in her eyes. “It’s all my fault. I’m really sorry.”

The purpose of this debacle finally dawned on Yao Ran.

She ducked her head and tried her best to look pitiful.

“It’s all right,” she said meekly. “I’ll go and see if I can change into something else. Don’t worry about it.”

Then she looked at Yang Nian. “I apologize, too,Young Master Yang. I’m afraid I will have to trouble you.”

“Nonsense, it’s my job as your host. Follow me.”

“I’m not coming with you,” Yan Weisaid. “I need to go prepare a new set of clothes forRanran. I’ll send it up once it arrives.”

After saying that, she shot Yao Rana meaningful look, and a silent message passed between them.

‘The rest is up to you.’

Yao Ran smiled in understanding. “All right, then. I’ll see you later.”

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