Chapter 614: An Ancient Organization?

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

Grandma Xu was shaking as she watched her comrades get beaten up. They were speaking amiably enough just a while ago. She didn’t expect Yao Tang to attack so suddenly.

Even Yao Randidn’t escape their wrath.

Unfortunately for her, Grandma Xuhad long forgotten aboutXu XuantakingYao Ran’s place.

Qin Jing was just as surprised at this development, though it didn’t last long. The moment she heardYao Ranscream, she didn’t hesitate to go over and land a few punches herself.

If it hadn’t been for Yao Tang’s combat skills and the host of bodyguards tailing her,Qin Jingmight be the one getting assaulted right then.

There was no way she was going to show Yao Ranany mercy.

When they were done, Yao Tang’s people stretched their sore muscles and cooled themselves off whileUncle Tianand his men wailed in pain.

“Yao Tang!” Yao Rancried out, her eyes flashing with hatred. “Don’t think that you can get away with this! I can call the police right now and have you arrested!”

Yao Tang glanced at her and said, “Go ahead and try if you want.”

Yao Ran promptly shut her mouth.

Yao Tang appeared unfazed even at the mention of authorities.

When Yao Ransaid nothing more,Yao Tangtook out her phone and offered it to the other girl. “Here, use this. Or do you want me to call the police for you?”

How arrogant!

Her insolence really knew no bounds!

Uncle Tian’s emotions were in turmoil. He couldn’t stop thinking about that online shop, as well as the necklace around Yao Ran’s neck.

But at the same time, he had to admit that he couldn’t think straight and make a proper decision in his current state.

He quickly begged Yao Tangnot to call the police.

They couldn’t afford to bring the authorities into this.

If he and his men were exposed to the public, their enemies would be alerted to their whereabouts and would definitely hunt them down.

Luckily enough, Yao Tangwas just bluffing.

“Since you guys are still in hiding, you’d better start getting smarter. If you continue acting so recklessly, the people you’re hiding from will be upon you before you know it.”

Despite the meaning behind her words, Yao Tangspoke casually like none of it was of concern to her.

Uncle Tian flushed with indignation. “I don’t need to hear this from a traitor like you!”

As soon as he said this, he received another kick from Nie Yun.

“Speak that way to our Miss again, and we will skin you alive.”

Uncle Tian felt humiliated to his core.

Nevertheless, none of his men were dead.

He was torn between being grateful that they were left alive and being furious at being beaten nearly half to death.

It didn’t matter, however, because Yao Tangand her people cleared out the area and left shortly after.

As they left, Yao Tangreceived countless notifications for her Taobao store.

Numerous purchases had been made within the city, all of them buying three bracelets for ten yuan.

Yao Tang’s lips twitched. She wasn’t quite sure what to think of this.

“Yao Tang, what were they talking about back there?” Qin Jingfinally had the chance to ask. “What was all that talk about a Lord and a clan?”

She had never heard of such a thing before, and no one seemed keen on explaining the details to her or Yao Ran.

“Must be an ancient organization of some sort,” Yao Tanganswered nonchalantly as she looked out the car window.

An ancient organization?

Did such a thing even exist?

Or was Yao Tangsimply trying to brush her off?

In that case, she’d better think of a more plausible excuse!

Seeing that Yao Tanghad no plans of elaborating further,Qin Jingtook out her phone. She might as well look upSky Clanon the Internet herself.

But to her confusion, she couldn’t find anything, no matter how hard she searched.

It was almost as if the matter of the Sky Clanwas nothing more than a fabrication of highly imaginative minds. There was no record of it anywhere at all.

Still, Qin Jingwas convinced thatYao Tangwasn’t as clueless as she appeared.

“Sister Tang, do you believe what those people said? Or was that man lying to us?”

“Who knows?” Yao Tangsaid as she leaned back against the seat. “Maybe he was lying.”

She was being ambiguous again!

It annoyed Qin Jing.

She considered Yao Tangher best friend, but it seemed like the sentiment wasn’t mutual.

Otherwise, Yao Tangwouldn’t keep this a secret fromQin Jing.

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