Chapter 627: Remember to Bring Tissues

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

The man pulled his blanket tighter around his shoulders, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Wu Haiwas feeling confident that he would be able to persuadeYao Tangto withdraw from the competition.

Just as he thought she would finally bow out, Yao Tangcocked her head to the side and addressed him in a mocking tone.

“Remember to bring enough tissues tomorrow.”

Wu Hai was at a loss. When he remained silent, a boy next to him leaned over and whispered, “Captain, what she means is that we’ll be needing tissues to weep over tomorrow’s results.”

And just like that, Wu Hai’s face twisted into an ugly expression. Even so, he was reluctant to let loose onPresident Tan’s apprentice.

Yao Tang watched his emotions play on his face, feeling good about herself.

This almost made up for her having to take part in the assessment when she didn’t have to.

“Miss Yao, let me remind you that your orchestra still doesn’t have enough people. If you insist on participating in the assessment, you will only make a laughingstock of yourselves.”

Wu Hai looked hesitant as he added, “If you’re determined to take part in the competition, you’re more than welcome to join theShanna Orchestra. I’m even willing to give you the position of Captain.”

His team members all turned to him in disbelief.

They had worked just as hard as their rivals, so how could he offer his valuable position so easily? None of them expected this of their leader.

“No,” Yao Tangsaid with a smile. “I have no plans to join a group of people with low morals.”

Wu Hai dropped his magnanimous facade after hearing that. He was livid, and it showed.

“Have it your way, then,” he said coldly. “I’m looking forward to your orchestra’s performance, Miss Yao.”

Since she seemed to have made up her mind, there was no point in trying to coax her either way.

In any case, there was no way that their involvement in the four musicians’ matters could be traced.

Even President Tancould do nothing about it. He certainly couldn’t disqualify them based on personal issues, especially when their skills were indisputable.

The most that he could do was to give them a hard time later, after they had been admitted to the Music Association.

By then, it would be worth it.

They would have gotten what they wanted, after all.

With one last condescending look at Yao Tang,Wu Haimade to leave.

But he was derailed once again when a bunch of people rushed past him. Wu Hairecognized one of them at a glance.

It was the famous piano soloist from the Yunmei Orchestra, Xiao Jing!

A collective gasp came from the members of the Shanna Orchestra, and their faces all lit up.

Who would have imagined that they would run into Xiao Jinghere, of all places?

Wu Hai walked over, his eyes brimming with excitement and awe.

“Hello, Senior Xia Jing!” he greeted in earnest. “I am an avid fan of the Yunmei Orchestra,and I have always admired your work. I never imagined I would run into you here. How lucky!”

All this time, Xiao Jing’s eyes had been focused onYao Tang.

At the time of his arrival, he had seen her talking to these people, so he naturally thought that they were on good terms.

He returned Wu Hai’s greeting warmly. “Hello, I’m glad to meet you. Please do well at the assessment tomorrow. There’s a bright future waiting for you.”

These were merely casual words of encouragement, but to a fan, they meant a great deal.

Wu Hai was over the moon. He had just received the support of the legendaryXiao Jing!

According to the grapevine, the members of the Yunmei Orchestrawere rascals with vile tempers, and they barely got along with each other.

But Xiao Jingwas very amiable, not at all like the rumors said.

Those stories had probably been made up by jealous contemporaries who couldn’t beat the Yunmei Orchestraby skill.

Not wanting this blessed encounter to end, Wu Haigathered his courage and said, “I don’t know what brought you here, SeniorXiao Jing, but perhaps this is fated. We are participating in theMusic Association’s assessment tomorrow. If you have time, can you give us some pointers? We would love to have your input!”

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