842 A Good Deed

Yao ran was furious. She threw the car door open and stomped out into the road. Then, she looked back at Yao Tang and started cursing.

“It’s no wonder why your own parents never liked you! You will always be beneath me! Let’s see for how long you can continue being so arrogant. Don’t make the mistake of coming to me for help, because I will only pay back this insult tenfold!”

She impulsively picked up a pebble that had caught her eye, and made to throw it at Yao Tang.

Yao Tang watched Yao Ran bend over, not the least bit unfazed by the impending attack. She even smiled at the other girl. “How about this, then? I’m sure you want Qin Man to come and pick you up right? Why don’t I give her a call and catch her up with what you’ve done?”

With that, Yao Tang took out her phone and started to search for Qin Man’s contact number.

Yao Ran immediately shut her mouth and tossed the pebble to the side.

She had barely escaped from her mother’s clutches just now, and with Yao Tang’s help, too. If Qin Man discovered where she was, the woman would definitely come bearing down to retrieve her.

She would no doubt drag Yao Ran back to the hospital and devise some plot to resume her treatment.

No, Yao Ran could never go back there!

“Bye,” Yao Tang waved her fingers and shut the door in Yao Ran’s face.

Before the latter could even respond, the van was already speeding into the distance.

It left a cloud of dust in its wake, which engulfed Yao Ran’s miserable figure.

She was in the less frequented stretch of the highway, but fortunately, there were cars still passing by. It wasn’t too far from the city center, either, so she wasn’t entirely helpless.


At last, Yao Tang and her friends arrived at the private restaurant.

Once they were all out of the van, Ma Chao turned to everyone with a smile. “I still have matters to take care of at the company, so I’m afraid I won’t be joining you for dinner. I do hope that you enjoy your stay here. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.”

He bowed politely to the teenagers before nodding respectfully at Cheng Yan.

Pleased, Cheng Yan smiled and patted the man’s shoulder. “Go and contact Qin Hao. We can proceed to the next step of your proposal.”

Ma Chao’s eyes lit up in surprise.

Sure enough, these people meant a great deal to Young Master Cheng, especially the girl called Yao Tang. He just didn’t know the extent of their special relationship.

In any case, Ma Chao did not dare to make any conjectures.

At the end of the day, this was Young Master Cheng’s private matter. He should be thankful just to have scored the deal and leave any unrelated business aside.

“I understand, President Cheng. Please enjoy your meal. I shall take my leave now.”

Ma Chao left with a grin on his face and a spring in his step. He had especially advised the restaurant owner to prepare some desserts for the girls before meeting up with his assistant, who had come to pick him up.

On their drive home, Ma Chao spotted a familiar figure at the side of the road.

He immediately recognized the girl.

She was the one Yao Tang had thrown out of the van halfway to the restaurant.

Thinking quickly, Ma Chao asked his driver to stop the car.

“Miss, do you need a ride?” the driver asked, just as Ma Chao had instructed.

Yao Ran was relieved, thinking that luck was on her side. Finally, someone was willing to let her hitch a ride.

She had been waving at the passing cars all this time, but the drivers ignored her and carried on their way.

Now that a kind Samaritan was offering her help, she jumped into the car without a moment’s hesitation.

She settled into the seat and heaved a deep sigh before telling the driver where she was going.

Yao Ran noticed a second too late that a man was sitting next to her in the back seat. He looked somewhat familiar, but his had covered most of his face.

She quickly dismissed her hunch and just ignored the man.

After a while, Yao Ran drifted off to sleep. By the time she woke up, the scenery outside was blanketed by a thick fog.

“We have arrived, Miss,” the driver said kindly.

“Thank you,” Yao Ran said before hopping out of the car.

When she looked around, however, she realized that she was in the middle of a deserted area surrounded by dense patches of wood. No other person was in sight.

Where the hell was she?

Terrified and confused, Yao Ran whirled around to get back in the car.

But before she could even reach for the door handle, the engine revved, and the car sped away, leaving her alone in this desolate place.

Inside the car, Ma Chao removed his hat to reveal a smirk.

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