The Black Necromancer

Chapter 109 A Greater Strength

Leon turned to look at the battle that was starting to deescalate after killing Marcus. The dead man lay slumped beside his feet, but he did not care. In fact, he felt little for killing another human with his own hands at the moment. Before, he had always felt a little bit of attachment because he was once human, but the farther he took his evolution, the more disconnected from humans he became.

The last of the humans were barely putting up any resistance, and with the help of the B rank millipedes, they were quickly put down, ripped apart by the loyal summons.

Nodding his head, Leon turned to look at the battle between Nero and Umaga. The battle still raged on with burning intensity as both sides put in their all. Nero's endurance was insane, as was Umaga's. The dimensional beast's regeneration was insane! His front, right leg and tail had been sliced off by Nero at least once, but he had quickly regrown it, displaying the horrifying capabilities of a B rank being.

But alas, only himself could not carry the entire battle. His underlings were dying off quickly, and only about three hundred were still alive.

He gave on discreet glance around the cavern. The situation was getting worse by the moment.


A desperate shriek left Umaga's maw as he summoned his kin, beckoning them to gather around him. The remaining underlings quickly gathered, and he used one final attack to push Nero back a few meters.

A magic formation on his back glowed, and with a flash of golden light, they were all gone. He had quickly activated a magic formation that had transported them all to the dimension they had originated from.

Leon stopped mid-step when he saw that. "Huh..." He had not expected that Umaga would suddenly teleport out of the dungeon. He had been looking forward to gaining another B rank summon, but it seemed he could not get everything he wanted. In fact, the gains he had already gotten so far were pretty great!

Not only did he gain control over an entire dungeon and its entire resources, he also advanced to B rank, and gained a strong following of B rank summons! Not to mention the thousands of C rank summons below them.

"Ugh... Did I run through the luck I have in this life in one go?" For a moment, Leon's thoughts went in a direction he had wondered about a few times before he snapped himself out of it.

His mana was still at its peak, as he had not needed to bring back any of his summons after they perished. The millipedes were all stored within him, while the spiders that died were also diverted to his Spirit Storage. Those that were still alive would remain in the dungeon until his skill level rose.

The thought of storing his summons suddenly reminded Leon that he had not seen his status yet after his Race Advancement, and he hurriedly brought it up.


Name: Leon Cromwell

Race: Royal Obsidian Skeleton

Level: 1

Health Points: 15000

Mana(Core): 8000(+8000)

<Strength: 200> (+40)

<Agility: 170>

<Durability: 230>

<Intelligence: 250> (+25)

<Dexterity: 180> (+36)


<Apprentice Weapon Mastery level 35>, <Spell Weaver level 59>, <Spirit Summoning level 82>, <Spirit Storage Level 82>, <Apprentice Fire Magic level 50>, <Beginner Weapon Enhancement level 60>, <Beginner Curse Eyes level 65>, <Adaptable Body level 15>, <Apprentice Water Magic level 9>, <Apprentice Wind Magic level 10>, <Apprentice Earth Magic level 8>, <Apprentice Dark Magic level 5>, <Apprentice Gravity Magic level 10>


<Slayer of Ghosts>

<God's Disciple (Michael's Blessing)>

Title Perks:

<Slayer of Ghosts>: You have stood tall against adversities, both living, dead, and those in between! This title is your reward!

+10% Intelligence.

<God's Disciple (Michael's Blessing)>: You can now carry out the will of your God!

+20% Dexterity, +20% Strength.


Leon's jaw went slack at the staggering changes that he took note of in his status page. Just how much stronger did he become after his Race Advancement? He had to remember that his growth was not linear in this aspect. His strength had multiplied many times over after his race advancement!

Thinking back to the might Kaladin was able to unleash with one single attack, he suddenly wondered how powerful he had gotten.

"Oh, boy..." He let out a murmur of words as he contemplated on how to get a feel of his strength. Then, a sudden thought hit him. His skill levels were so low... For a B rank being, how could he still be flaunting Apprentice grade skills? He should already be wielding Advanced grade skills by now at the very least!

"I should focus more on raising my skill levels for the next while. But only after I test out my strength. We should head out of the dungeon now." He decided, turning to look around. "But first, let me raise my new summons." A dark grin spread over Leon's face as he turned to Marcus' cold body. He walked over and raised his palm over the lifeless body.

"Come forth from beyond." He ordered, his eyes flashing with mana.

The usual spectacle occurred, a whirlwind of mana that dug into Marcus' skin, breaking it down to reform his new, undead body. Before long, a well built man wielding a large great sword was presented before Leon. The new Marcus immediately dropped down onto a knee, and bowed his head.

"My lord." He spoke with respect, and his dark eyes were clear of the hate and anger he had when he fought against Leon's summons.

"Welcome to my ranks. What is your name?" Leon asked. He had never known Marcus' name before killing him.

"I was known as Marcus." Marcus replied solemnly.

"Then you shall do as Marcus while you serve under me. I expect great things from you." Leon said, placing a firm hand on Marcus' shoulder.

With that, he turned around and looked across the massive cavern, ready to raise the souls of the dead to serve him.

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