The Black Necromancer

Chapter 449 Lifting The Veil

Time passed.

The light reached a point where all Leon could see was simply white. And then it all stopped. The rich Divine Energy that permeated the atmosphere remained, enriching Leon's body.

"Is this...?" He realized why there was such a difference.

The reason why the atmosphere felt so rich in energy compared to before was the restriction had been lifted. The restriction had not only suppressed the mortal realm greatly, but also had some effects on the Celestial Realm. That was the only way such a powerful thing like the System could come into existence.

On his feet, Leon looked around, seeing the tired but happy faces of the various Gods around him. They all looked as if they had missed the current feeling that they were experiencing. In fact, who wouldn't have missed it? It was only out of the necessity to suppress any repetitions of what happened with Michael that they had put this System in place. Now, they were free of it.

Michael walked over to Leon with a calm smile on his face. "Well done. Now that the limit has been lifted, we can expect a few breakthroughs to happen before it is too late. Even the Gods can grow a bit more while removing their reliance on the faith of mortals." He said.

And indeed, it was just as he said. In the coming times, a few Minor Gods broke through to the Major God realm, increasing the overall combat status of Datar's Gods.

Leon also grew in that time, completely assimilating with the Divine Spark that he had taken from Atrox. He also kept on the hunt for Divine Fragments and completed the construction of his Divine Kingdom.

Right now, Leon let his mind descend to the mortal realm in order to observe the news he had gotten for himself.

Nedra and some of his elite summons were about to break through!

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Whoosh!

Leon personally descended to the mortal realm instead of using an Incarnation. His presence was heavy and the space around him was charged with an oppressive and majestic aura.

"Lord Father!" As soon as Leon appeared, the two Obsidian Skeletons that were waiting within his Temple immediately fell to their knees.

'Lord Father?' Leon was astounded by the absurd title the Obsidian Skeletons used to refer to him.

"Raegan, Daren. What is the meaning of that? Since when did I say you should call me 'Lord Father'?" Leon asked them with a puzzled mind.

As the first born, Raegan took the lead and spoke up. "I am the one who convinced Daren. It is only appropriate that we call you that, as not only are you our father, but you have also ascended to Godhood. The mere title of 'Majesty' or 'Excellency' was not satisfactory to us." Raegan explained passionately, the flames in his skull flaring with excitement.

"I see..." Leon rubbed his bony chin. "That is fine, then. Continue as you have." He said and stood up from his throne. His black robes that were decorated with gold and purple embroidery flapped as he strode out of the main hall of the Temple. Raegan and Daren followed him quietly, but their souls were excited as they got to witness the full glory of their master.

As Leon walked through the halls that led out of the temple, he came across a number of people that wore a special uniform. The uniform was predominantly black with purple markings on the chest and shoulders. The fewer the markings, the lower the ranks of the people, while the higher the ranks, the more markings they bore. These people were Leon's worshippers that emerged after he ascended to Godhood.

Leon's ascension was not a matter that was kept hidden. In fact, it was quite the opposite. His ascension was highly publicized in order to increase the appeal of the empire that he had been building.

Naturally, now that Leon had become a God, the matters of the empire were not something that bogged him down. He had raised competent subordinates to handle all of those affairs. That said, it served as an appropriate base for him to gather faith from the mortals.

As Leon walked, all the people in the halls immediately dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. They had nearly fanatic expressions on their faces as they watched the one who commanded their beliefs walk by. Even Leon was taken aback by it.

He ignored them and walked out of the Temple. There, a small entourage of White Millipede soldiers were waiting. They were kitted out in fine white armor and held sharp pole weapons.

"Your Excellency!" Their greeting rang out like a war cry.

Leon waved his hand to silence them and asked, "Where is Nedra?" He could not contact her because of her delicate state of mind at the moment. Unlike his own ascension which was basically aided by a Divine Spark, they were going through the natural process which required them to be undisturbed for a long period of time.

"Lady Nedra and the others are in the castle. They are at different areas but we can lead you there." The leader among them said respectfully.

In the past few months, Fort White had undergone an extensive makeover. Most of it was converted into a castle and the normal citizens were moved out to the surrounding areas. The castle was incredibly large and was befitting of an emperor.

Leon looked up at the tall spires that rose up from multiple points of the castle that seemed to have been built out of marble. In each of those spires, large bells were hung, surrounded by multiple guards that looked out for anything suspicious.

Surrounded by the White Millipede guards and followed by Raegan and Darren, he arrived at the castle. The usual routine of guards and others bowing happened multiple times too.

Leon looked around with much curiosity. The empire that he had left behind was managed by Raegan, who was its Emperor, and Darren, who served as Raegan's right hand. Together, they had been able to handle a lot of loose ends that Leon had left unchecked before he ascended.

One of such loose ends was the matter of the Phantom Millipedes that had been attacking Fort White during the Demon War.

The Phantom Millipedes had actually turned out to be spawns of the vengeful soul of the Millipede Queen that Leon and Nedra had killed years ago when Leon had first spawned in the Desolate Lands.

The one to handle the situation was none other than Darren. The powerful Obsidian Skeleton was like a scholar that was hungry for knowledge and new methods. When he got the opportunity, he had devised a means to capture the phantom queen and pry out all her secrets, thus how the identity of the Phantom Millipedes had been found out.

"This way."

Leon was led through the winding halls of the castle and soon he arrived before a pristine white door. It was designed with carvings of a warrior holding onto a shield and sword.

"Lady Nedra rests here."

Leon pushed open the door with care and a powerful pressure suddenly burst forth from behind the door, oppressing all the mortals on the other end. To Leon, it was like a stiff breeze.

As he stepped inside, he was able to feel the intense energy that permeated through the room. In the center, Nedra sat in a cross legged posture on the floor, covered in large white robes. Her long white hair flowed down her back and was left to splay over the floor. Her eyelids twitched every few moments.

At a glance, Leon was able to tell how far she had gone and how close she was to her breakthrough and he knew that she still needed a bit more time.

For a mortal to breakthrough their mortal coils and become a God, they first needed to transform the mana in their body or core to Divine Energy. This was an arduous process that 90% of people found difficult to overcome. The remaining ten percent were incredibly lucky, talented or hardworking.

After doing that, they would need to comprehend the Law that most closely aligned with them. By comprehending that Law, they would use it as a springboard and at the same time, tie the foundation of their Divinity to that Law, which would in turn empower them and serve as the nexus of whatever Domain they embodied.

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