Chapter 477 The Trial

"You shall face waves of creatures. With each wave you defeat, your score will be higher. The strength of the waves will also grow until it reaches the final stage. If you can survive, then you will have passed the trial." The voice that welcomed them into the Bronze Mausoleum announced.

"The trial begins now!"


The whole world around them suddenly shook as dozens of blue portals appeared all over the terrain. The portals trembled for a moment before various beings started walking out of them. They were races of all kinds, but one thing that they all had in common was that they had a light smattering of neon blue scales scattered inconsistently around their bodies.

Mica's eyes instantly narrowed and he leaned forward.

"Be careful. Those are Dragonkin." He warned Elena.

"Dragonkin?" Elena was confused.

"They are creatures that have been bestowed the blood of Dragons to boost their strength and tie them to the Dragon who bestowed them the blood. You can take as a more literal servant of a Dragon that cannot betray its master, as it is literally bound by blood to its Master." The Dragon explained.

"Oh... So these enemies are going to be strong?" Realization dawned on Elena.

"Yes, but since this is a wave kind of trial, I doubt they will be too strong." Mica nodded his head. He turned to look at the dozens of creatures that had stepped out of the portals before they closed. The aura they gave off was weak, roughly around D rank.

"Alright, let's get to it." Elena nodded her head and jumped forward, a pair of dagger appearing in her hands as her body was swallowed up by shadows.

A quick and decisive battle shortly ensued before all the monsters were wiped out. With the strength of just D ranks, even if they numbered in the thousands, they had no chance against two powerful A rank beings.

"Well done, passing the first wave! The next wave will begin in five minutes!"

Once again, the voice that seem to preside over the trial grounds rang out.

Elena let out a sigh as she waved her dagger. "Being able to take care of such a large number of monsters was unthinkable for me a couple of years ago."

Mica simply listened to her without speaking. He was born quite strong, stronger than a normal human, at least. Even when he was just born, fighting a horde of weak enemies would not have been too much of a problem if he was careful.

The five minute break elapsed quickly and the blue portals reappeared once more. More monsters with even stronger auras marched out of the portals before they closed up. Immediately, the next wave began.

Elena's body weaved through the Peak D rank enemies, her daggers sliding into their weak spots and ending their lives with a single slash or stab. Each movement was lethal.

Mica's approach was much more direct, instead choosing to fly up and expand his body, before breathing down waves of golden flames on the monsters down below him.

In no time, the wave was cleared.

"Well done on passing the second wave! I'm sure that was easy for you! The difficulty will rise sharply from now on! Be careful! The next wave will start in five minutes!"

The five minutes break flew by and the process repeated itself. What came out next was a horde of Peak C rank creatures. After that, Mid B rank monsters flooded out. After a bit of effort, they were able to clear out the monsters.

"The next wave should be Peak B rank. I don't think five minutes is enough for us to recover enough to fight them." Elena let out a deep breath and sat down on a rock as she watched the bodies of the monsters dissipate into particles of light.

"We can handle it as long as we're careful. We can build up distance while I bombard them." Mica suggested.

"I think that makes sense. I can keep gathering energy until they get close enough for me to fight." Elena agreed with Mica's strategy as that was the best approach to handling a hoard of B rank creatures right now.

When the five minute break time was over, the portals opened once again. A wave of conflicting but powerful auras rolled out of the portals like waves buffeting the minds of the two challengers.

"This is gonna be hard." Elena sucked in a breath. She had only just broken through to A rank and while the gap between A rank and Peak B rank was decent, that did not mean she would be invincible in the face of a horde of powerful Peak B ranks that were out for blood.

"Don't worry. You have me." Mica seemed to sense her thoughts and turned his long neck, grinning back at her to reassure her.

"You're right. I have you." Elena patted his back as the monsters began to swarm out of the portals.

Mica's powerful wings flapped as he grew to his full size, a hulking fifty meters in length. His earth shaking Dragon roar sent the opponents down below into a daze and his chest region swelled before he spewed a wave of golden Dragon Fire down on the enemies below them.

Over a hundred Dragonkin that stood at Peak B rank were instantly burnt to ashes. A few of them managed to survive but their conditions were so bad that they would sooner succumb to their wounds before they got back to their feet. That was how powerful Dragon Fire was, and it was even more so when one took in the fact that Mica was a unique and special Dragon.

"COME ON! IS THIS WHAT THE TRIAL HAS?!" Mica's voice boomed as a flurry of spells were rapidly conjured behind him. Giant fireballs as wide as ten meters formed above his head before raining down on the ground and engulfing the monsters.

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