The Black Necromancer

Chapter 480 Elena’s Shocking Transformation

Chapter 480 Elena's Shocking Transformation

The blades of Elena's daggers gleamed with a dark light as they sliced into the sturdy scales that protected the spike covered Dragonkin. In fact, at this point, Elena did not even know if these foe were Dragonkin or something more closely related to Dragons.


She stepped back quickly as the spike covered one breathed out a curtain of flames. Her body twisted nimbly and she stuck close like a shadow, using the body of the enemy to act as a cover, also limiting the other monsters' attacks.

"Underestimating us, are you?" Elena was surprised as she heard a foreign voice right in her head. She immediately locked onto the source as the mage among the three. "Big mistake."

In the next moment, Elena felt her mind shake as it received a heavy mental blow. She had not been able to cut off the connection fast enough and the enemy had been able to land its blow. The sudden shock made her movements come to a stop, creating a fatal flaw that was immediately exploited by the spike covered enemy right beside her.

A wide grin covered its face as it wound its arms around her and squeezed. The golden shield that had protected her immediately showed signs of strain but held up well nonetheless. However, the light emanated from Mica's scale that he had used to buff her up earlier dimmed. Its power was not unlimited, and with Mica fighting a battle of his own, he could not spare the attention to restore it to its peak state.

"Ugh!" Elena grunted as her eyes spun. The physical strength of the Dragonkin was astounding. She tried to escape, stabbing into the back and sides of the creature but its grip remained strong. She could see the other two preparing attacks.

The one with the spear charged forward, its spear tip glowing brightly, and stabbed into Elena's back. A mouthful of blood escaped her lips in the next moment.

"Ha!" The mage among them exhaled as it hurled a giant fireball at her while the spike covered one threw her weakened body at the fireball.


A giant mushroom of bright red fire and smoke rose up to the sky where Mica fought against the guardian of the trial.

"No! Elena!" Mica's heart shook when he saw this.

"Focus!" The guardian took advantage of his short moment of distraction to launch a successive strong of attacks at Mica, but they did not succeed in causing too much damage.

Mica gritted his teeth as his mind entered a strange place. His eyes glowed golden as every ounce of hidden power in his body was drawn out.


A sky shaking roar ripped out of his throat as his body was engulfed by golden light, forcing the guardian away. When the light dimmed, a Dragon whose body was made entirely of golden light stared down at the guardian of the trial.

"Oh, now I've done it." The guardian stared up at Mica's body with a surprised expression. But then a grin slowly spread over his face. "Come! It's been forever since I last fought at my best!"

With those words, he charged at Mica, not intending to hold anything back.



Down below, the three Dragonkin that had been fighting Elena slowly descended to confirm Elena's death..

"I see something moving." The one holding the spear said. Its name was White.

Yes, the four opponents of the Final Trial were all sentient beings that retained their own wills. They had been the loyal and faithful servants that had been left behind to guard this ancient Inheritance.

The one with spikes all over its body was known as Pangu, while the mage's name was Beiger.

Within the flames, a shadow slowly rose to its feet, its movements slow and shaky. This shadow was Elena, but something was wrong.

Elena's body was covered in red fur that seemed to not be affected by the flames burning all around her. Streaks of black ran across the fur in a strange pattern. Her blue eyes glowed with a red color, changed just like her body.

Elena was the child of a Werewolf and a Beastkin. She had been born as a Beastkin as a result, but that did not mean she had lost the traits that came with her father. After all, even her brother was a Werewolf. It was just that her Werewolf genes had been suppressed.

But now, in this moment of desperation, her dormant power exploded and her body transformed. Her dormant genes feasted on the energy provided by Mica's scale, which had already run dry at this point, boosting themselves and giving her even more potent power. Right now, there was no Werewolf like Elena. She was an entirely unique being in the world, much like how Richard was also unique.

"I will... kill you!" Elena's voice was rough and had a growling undertone as she sprinted out of the flames, revealing her full body to everyone.

Her red fur looked as if they had been carved from crystals as they glistened under the glare of the red flames.

"Watch out!" The mage warned as he quickly moved back but the spear wielding Dragonkin was too close. There was no way for him to dodge the attack that Elena immediately launched. He was taken aback as her black-stained claws easily phased through his spear that he held up as if they had been made of shadows, before striking him, digging deep into his scales and carving out grooves.

"Argh!" White grunted but did not lose his cognition. He fought off the debilitating effects of the shadows that had taken root within his flesh and tried to fend Elena off, but she seemed to have turned into his shadow, easily evading his movements and landing hits of her own.

Seeing his comrade in danger, Pangu shot forward. He was a built tank and would be able to defend against Elena's attacks much better than White.


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