The Card Apprentice

Chapter 429: Mysterious Person

Chapter 429: Mysterious Person

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Exiting the shop, Chen Mu was very satisfied with his harvest for the day. Finding out the proper method of using [Child] and creating [Explosive Projectile] was already far beyond his imagination. [Explosive Projectile] was not suitable for card artisans that prioritize perception control. But for someone like Sang Hanshui, who was heavy on power and weak on control, this card can bring out his potential. Moreover, it was only a four star card, compared to a five star card, it’s requirements were much lower.

After walking a few minutes, making sure that no one was noticing him, Chen Mu walked into a random building, and found the washroom. When he reappeared, he was wearing the white mask with black lines he wore at the Tai-shus’. No one took notice as wearing a mask outside these days were common.

Exiting the building, Chen Mu decided to go back.

Hmm? Chen Mu turned around and looked, the walkway was still the same, there was no one suspicious. At that moment, he felt someone observing himself from the dark. Was it an illusion? With a thought in his heart, he jumped up without hesitation.

It was not easy stalking someone in the air since everything is visible up high. And using the energy waves of a jet stream card will make one more easily detected.

Once he was on the air, Chen Mu travelled at top speed.

There was somebody!

He caught a black spot at the edge of his eyes. No matter how he changed his direction, the black spot followed him tightly behind him. What’s more alarming was that he could not feel even a bit of energy fluctuation. He deduced from this that this guy is even better than the stalker back at the Tai-shus’. Did they send a stronger card artisan after himself?

He has maximized [Big Mud Fish]’s speed, but the stalker was still following him with ease. Chen Mu shook his head silently. While it’s true that [Big Mud Fish] was the the fastest card, he was just testing the stalker’s speed. Once that is determined, he has a way to deal with the opponent.

Chen Mu was not really an experienced fighter per se, but he stopped panicking at the smallest things. Sure, [Big Mud Fish] was disadvantageous when it comes to speed. But it’s maneuverability tops every other card. Well, Chen Mu can’t be completely sure if it’s the very best, but at least he hasn’t seen better ones yet.

With a perception, Chen Mu’s figure dove, rushing to the ground.

He was fast to begin with, the downward rush was even more shocking.


The construction site beneath expanded in his eyes dramatically, but he kept his cool. He could even make out the panicked faces in the crowd. Some card artisans flying low saw him coming and moved aside.

Low altitude flight speed limit was strictly regulated in every city. Speeding in low altitude could easily cause traffic accidents. Since it was close to ground, any accidents would be dangerous. Other than that, since the low altitude flight area was not wide, speeding would cause local airflow instability, compromising flyer safety.

“Damnit, is this guy outta his mind?” a card artisan cursed as he dodged away.

Before he could finish, he suddenly felt dizzy. A figure flew past him. The high speed airflow almost made him lose his balance. When he regained his balance, the figure was long gone.

“Bah! I wish you get fined!” he waved his fists, but before he could finish, another stream went past him in a swoop!

He was dizzy again, his body almost lost its balance once again when it was caught in a strong air flow.

The scenery before Chen Mu changed constantly. He did not slow down at low altitude. It was difficult flying so fast in a narrow and crowded area, dodging the oncoming traffic and irregularly shaped buildings time to time.

The masked Chen Mu was expression. This flight required his full attention. A single mistake would cost him his life. The concrete jungle was his best place to escape. He still did not know who was following him, but that person was undoubtedly skilled!

Chen Mu dove between buildings like a slippery mud fish. The card artisans guards did not dare to stop him. They were a bunch of old foxes. They could tell from a glance who can they mess with and who they can’t.

Five minutes passed. Chen Mu’s heart kept sanking little by little. He tried his best to get away from the mysterious card artisan for five whole minutes. Worse, he has lost track of his own coordinates. Or else, he could bring the stalker to the Tai-shus’. With Wei-ah, they could solve anything.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, but was quickly blowed dry by the oncoming air. Chen Mu’s back was drenched in sweat. He could not see the stalker, but he could feel their presence. Chen Mu knew that the stalker was right behind! The skill they displayed was exceptional, sending a chill up Chen Mu’s spine. Unless the stalker was a specialized flyer, their strength must be at least twice of Chen Mu’s!

He was now convinced that the Tai-shu family did not send this stalker. If the Tai-shus had a capable person like this, they would never have hidden them. Could it be someone from the store? No, they stalker appeared after he changed his mask.

Was he recognized by his mask? This thought was stuck in his head. He did not feel followed before the mask change.

Their distance remained the same from the beginning. Chen Mu gritted his teeth and drove his perception to the max while trying to figure out who his stalker was.

With their capabilities, they could not have been a nameless figure. And they knew his mask? Who would? Little Bu Mo secretly bought his mask before he entered Dongrui. If the opponent recognized his mask, it would have to be after he entered Dongrui. The first person they saw then was Tai-shu Ying.

It didn’t seem like the Tai-shus could support an artisan of this calibre.

Then who would it be?

Suddenly, Chen Mu remembered the mysterious expert that followed him to from Zargan all the way to Dongrui!

Could it be them?

The mysterious expert was extremely stealthy, and untraceable. Even Wei-ah could not accurately determine their location. The feeling of being watched was with them all the way from Zargan to Dongrui City, and only disappeared after they entered Dongrui.

Could it be that they have never left? This thought emerged in his mind, and Chen Mu’s sweat started dripping harder. Now that he thought of it, even when the stalker left then, they could have saw his mask.

Forcefully calming himself, Chen Mu continued to fly steadily. If his guess was right, the core problem was two. Who were they? What’s their aim?

Unexpectedly facing a card artisan much stronger than himself that did not seem friendly would make anyone panic. The opponent’s strength was like a heavy mountain that hung over his heart, threatening crush him into powder at any moment! When he faced stronger card artisans before, he could at least escape. But this time he couldn’t even do that!


Without Wei-ah, he needed to face this himself. This fear was crushing. However, he wasn’t crushed yet. He continued to work his brain with all his strength. Under the terrifying pressure, his mind has never been calmer. Even speed of the buildings going pass him slowed down.

A revelation came to him.

The opponent strong, so strong that he could not run away from him. This means that it would be easy for them to kill him. But, they did not do so! This means they did not have bad intentions!

He still had no idea what the stalker wanted, but this was enough!

He suddenly stopped mid air, turned around, and quietly waited for the opponent to appear. He was still nervous, but put on a brave front! Although what he did seemed logical to him, it still took courage to execute this plan.


A figure appeared before him in thin air. Although he was mentally prepared, Chen Mu still could not help jumping in shock. What terrifying speed and skill! He had no chance at all!

The stalker had a tall, muscular build. Suspended in air, he was wearing a brown mask, revealing his eyes deep as seas.

“Why’d you stop runnin’, sonny?” it was an old voice with a shred of mockery. The two deep eyes stared at Chen Mu, not revealing a tint of emotion.

Chen Mu guessed the person was at least 50 years old from his voice. Then only did he notice the white hair on top of his head.

“I can’t escape, so I stopped,” Chen Mu confessed.

“Hoho, not bad, you’re a smart kid,” the voice laughed a little, yet the eyes remained static.

“What’s your order, senior? Kindly enlighten me!” Chen Mu bowed and asked directly yet respectably. He was not some unruly rich kid. He knew when to be humble and didn’t mind at all.

The old man was taken aback by Chen Mu’s frankness. After a moment of keeping mum, he asked a completely unrelated question, “What’s your resentment toward the Federation Comprehensive Academy?”

“The Federation Comprehensive Academy?” Chen Mu was lost. He was not acting, however. He was truly stupefied when he was asked about this out of the blue. He was not on good terms with the Academy, but it wasn’t a resentment per se.

A mysterious card? Impossible! They could not have known the mysterious card in his hands. But, why would he hate the Federation Comprehensive Academy? Thinking carefully, he was almost captured in Pomelo. What else? He didn’t like Tang Hanpei’s method, and was cautious of him. What else? Maybe he hated their condescending methods, forcefully taking away others’ stuff and pressuring others from his guts?!

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