Chapter 402: Nihility

“Now, there is no way for you to run.” Fang Yu heard a deep voice sounding out from the cave, managing to jolt the spaceship with countless shockwaves.

Fang Yu then heard a slithering sound which prompted her to look outside.

There, she saw the black arm that dragged them to this place slinking back towards the dark cave.

The way the black arm moved made Fang Yu realize that this arm really came from Solomon himself.

“Hmph, that was a nice... ride you gave us.” Fang Yu said scornfully. She then stood up as fighting intent appeared on her eyes. She waved her hands, bringing the slumbering Tang Li inside her storage.

As for Andromeda and Genie, both of them stood behind Fang Yu, taking their own positions.

Andromeda was slightly trembling, as she felt scared now that she was in front of the infamous Solomon. But she gritted her teeth as she did not allow herself to retreat.

A part of the legacy that Andromeda was looking for was with Solomon, so Andromeda had no choice but to face him if she wants to obtain it!

Genie on the other hand was only silent as she gave Solomon a complicated look. She was not sure how to feel right now, but Genie knew that she will feel relief and maybe some happiness once Solomon dies.

“Now that you have brought us here, what will you do huh?” Fang Yu said as her body started tensing imperceptibly. “Don’t tell me you just brought us here for a chat? Because I will be extremely happy if that was the truth.”

Solomon’s reply came quickly, and it made Fang Yu shake her head.

“Chat? Who do you take me for? An evil villain who will tell about his plans? I do not have time for that, given my current condition. So instead of my mouth, I think you three should just settle with my body!”

The whole cave then trembled, followed by a massive hand crashing down towards Fang Yu and co.!

“Here it comes!” Fang Yu, Andromeda, and Genie thought to themselves as they saw the massive hand bearing down on them. “Since you want to fight, then we will give you a fight!”

But contrary to their words, the first thing that Fang Yu and her companions did was to frantically dodge Solomon’s attacks.

“Boom boom boom!”

Booming sounds echoed all around them as Solomon’s hand continued on attacking them.

“What the hell? I thought he is weakened! Even that simple slap of his could kill us!” Fang Yu complained as she gave Genie and aggrieved look. “How the hell is that weak?”

“Ugh... I actually have not seen Solomon fight after his injuries.” Genie admitted as she let out a yelp when she was slightly blown away by the shockwaves.

Genie slightly grimaced as she continued her explanation. “Whenever Solomon wanted something to be eliminated, it’s the Djinns under his commandments that do his bidding. Couple that with his heavy injuries, and Solomon should be extremely weak now!”

“Are you telling me that somehow, Solomon found a way to make himself stronger today?” Fang Yu exclaimed as she made another miraculous dodge. “If that was the truth, they we really are in a slimy situation!”

“I think that is the most likely scenario here.” Genie said as she let out a sigh. “What Solomon did today must have boosted his strength to higher levels. But I am sure that Solomon will face a massive backlash later. So he must have been saving this strength boost for something where he really needs it.”

“Are you telling me that killing us warrants Solomon to use that risky strength boost?” Fang Yu exclaimed angrily as she, Genie and Andromeda jumped back. “If that was the truth, then maybe Solomon will gain something by killing us.”

“Tsk, now that you have just realized that our enemy just boosted his strength, have you also realized the way to beat him?” Andromeda angrily said as they felt the frequency of Solomon’s attacks are decreasing. “You know that Solomon will not just use attacks like this forever. Sooner or later he will use his Nature Power, and if we do not find any way to beat him around that time, then we will be finished!”

“We know!” Both Genie and Fang Yu replied, as hints of frustration appeared on their faces.

Now that they are facing Solomon, they should have been prepared for things like this. There is no time for them to be scared! They must be proactive, or Solomon will kill them!

“Think, think, think!” Fang Yu growled as she spun her mind quickly. “What is Solomon’s Nature Power?”

Because of her late entry under Solomon’s tutelage, Genie had not idea on what Solomon’s Nature Power was.

Even the memories that Fang Yu obtained from her devouring Andromalius’ head and Phenex’s headless body earlier did not give her any info, as she only absorbed pieces of their corpses earlier.

If she managed to devour Beleth’s body, then she might have already discovered Solomon’s Nature Power. It’s too bad that the entirety of Beleth’s body had been destroyed during their match earlier.

As for Fang Yu’s AI suit, all the observations and simulations that it did earlier was only able to assign these values on Solomon’s possible Nature Powers:

Creation- 75%


Karma- 50%

Evil- 60%

Curse- 50%

Knowledge- 50%

Even with all the observations that Fang Yu’s AI suit did at the traps that Solomon had used on Fang Yu earlier, it was still unable to exactly determine Solomon’s real Nature Power.

If Fang Yu manages to get a grasp of Solomon’s real Nature Power, then she will be able to possibly find Solomon’s weakness.

“Tsk, Andromeda! Let’s link the processing units of our AI suits!” Fang Yu said as she approached Andromeda. “By combining the processing power of our AI suits, they might be able to simulate Solomon’s Nature Power much easier than before!”

“Got it.” Fang Yu then felt a slight jolt in her suit as she felt that Andromeda used her administrative control to combine the processing power of their AI suits.

After doing this, Andromeda gave Fang Yu a withering look as she said,

“The simulation abilities of our AI suits may have increased with the combination that we did. But that does not mean anything if there is nothing to simulate at!”

“Are you saying to me that if Solomon does not use any of his abilities in front of us, our AI suits won’t be able to do anything?” Fang Yu replied as she gritted her teeth.

“That’s basically it.” Andromeda replied unabashedly. “So, we have no choice but to make Solomon attack us if we want to discover his real power.”

“F**k!” Fang Yu cussed as she gripped her fists tightly. Both Andromeda and Genie could see that Fang Yu was scared, but they both knew that for Fang Yu to defeat Solomon, she must discover his weakness first. Maybe she can even enslave Solomon if she finds the Item where Solomon stores his power.

“Argh! Let’s do this then!” Fang Yu shouted as she began to build power in her body.

Fang Yu knew that the only way that she can force Solomon to attack them was if she and her companions attack Solomon in a way that Solomon has no choice but to fight back.

Basically, they have to use extremely damaging attacks on Solomon that will force Solomon to attack them!

The more attacks that Solomon dishes out, the better it will be for the AI suits to determine his real power!

In this kind of scenario, what will dictate the end was the time it will take for Fang Yu to know Solomon’s Nature Power.

If Fang Yu takes too long to discover it, then it is highly likely that she and her companions will be killed by Solomon.

But if she deciphers his Nature Power as early as possible, they could achieve victory!

“I really do not like this...” Fang Yu muttered as she raised both of her palms. “But since we are already here, then we just have to go on with this!”

“Andromeda!” Fang Yu shouted as she casted Andromeda a sideways glance. “I will be the one who will dish out the attacks against Solomon. If Solomon attacks me, I will also do my best to defend myself against his attacks. But that will leave me vulnerable against any attacks unrelated to Solomon. So you and Genie... protect me from anything that I will be unable to defend myself with!”

“...” If Andromeda had any complains about what Fang Yu just told her to do, she did not say it as she only gave Fang Yu a quick nod.

Fang Yu of course noticed this, but she did not call Andromeda out. She knew that both Andromeda and Genie wanted to fight too, but Fang Yu was thinking that the commands she gave to Andromeda and Genie were the most optimal in this situation.

“If you have any complaints against me, just say that to me later! For now, let’s focus on surviving!” Fang Yu said as she felt the environment around her.

Technically speaking, since she is in Stage Zero Planet, then Fang Yu should not be able to use the entirety of her Third Stage Practitioner Base here.

But once Fang Yu was brought here at Solomon’s dwelling, she felt that even if she used her Third Stage Practitioner Base here, she will not be expelled by the Goddess Planet!

It was as if this place was specially designed so that Fang Yu can use her full power!

“Tsk, so Solomon really did not want me to escape huh.” Fang Yu muttered as she glared at the dark cave in front of her.

Fang Yu was not sure ‘HOW’ Solomon was able to allow Fang Yu to use her full power in his dwelling.

But Fang Yu knew ‘WHY’ Solomon did this.

If this place has the same restrictions as the Goddess Planet, then Fang Yu can just use her full power and she will be expelled from the planet, which will let her escape from Solomon.

By removing that restriction, Fang Yu won’t be able to just expel herself.

That just further proves that Solomon brought Fang Yu here without any intention of letting her get away.

“Hmph, are you really sure on allowing me to use my full power here?” Fang Yu thought to herself as she took a deep breath. “Since I know that you will not answer that, then I will just make you taste my power!”

At the surface of her Duality Godly Divine Beast Core, the symbols Θ(death), ☉(fire), and ?(destruction) flew out of her dantian and combined in front of her.

Combining these three symbols will create the Destructive DeathFlame Body, but this time, Fang Yu did not use her body as the medium.

Instead, she created an orb in front of her which was pulsing with the power of the three symbols.

The orb was gold, black, and grey in color. An aura of extreme death and decay could be felt from the tri-colored orb. Aside from that, the orb also felt extremely hot, as if being in contact with this orb will burn anything out of existence. There was also an aura of destruction emanated by the orb which just makes it feel more threatening.

Fang Yu licked her lips, clearly satisfied with her creation.

“Hah!” Following Fang Yu’s shout, the orb that she created increased in size dramatically, until it was large enough to blot the whole mouth of the dark cave.

“Consider this as my gift for you Solomon. Enjoy it, because this could be the last gift that you will receive!”

The surrounding space began to tremble and crack as Fang Yu sent the massive orb towards Solomon!

“Nihility Orb!”

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