Chapter 404: Control

While the skeletal horses were looking at Fang Yu with the utmost caution, they suddenly saw Fang Yu relaxing her body, as if she found a solution to her current dilemma.

The horses were unsure on what Fang Yu was thinking, but they knew that the moment is coming.

“Twitch.” The horses saw the influx of power towards Fang Yu, alerting them that she was about to make her move.

“Boom!” The horses rushed forward, as their mighty legs propelled them towards Fang Yu.

The horses were gloating as their speed allowed them to reach Fang Yu before she could make her move.

“Woosh~” The horses did not waste time as they immediately used their front hooves to smash Fang Yu’s chest.

Because of their insane speeds, the horses usually are unable to control their attacks precisely.

It is harder for them to hit their intended target as their quick movements makes their aim usually off.

Because of that, the horses chose to stomp Fang Yu’s chest instead of her head, as they will surely not miss Fang Yu’s chest given its size compared to her head.

This time, the horses did not hold back as they used their full power to smash Fang Yu’s chest.

The horses trembled inwardly, as they imagined the satisfying crunching sensation that they will get after stomping Fang Yu’s chest.

Just imagining that right now already makes the horses giddy.

But the feedback they were waiting for did not come, as they once more felt their attacks hitting nothing.

“?????” The horses were confused because this time, they saw that Fang Yu was still in front of them

This just tells them that Fang Yu did not use any teleportation to dodge.

So why did their attacks feel like they hit nothing?

At that moment, the horses took a closer look, and they saw that their attack has passed right through Fang Yu!

It was as if the current Fang Yu’s body was impervious to attacks!

“!!!!!” Because of what Fang Yu did, the horses were put off-balance as their attacks did not hit anything.

This put the horses in an extremely precarious situation, as they do not have any leeway to dodge now!

“Now you are mine!” Fang Yu cackled at the off-balance horses.

Right at the moment that the horses’ attack went through Fang Yu, Fang Yu sent her right fist sailing towards the skeletal horses.

If it was the normal situation, Fang Yu will be blasted away by the horses’ stomp first before her right fist could reach them.

But because the horses’ attack went right through Fang Yu, Fang Yu was able to somehow ‘dodge’ their attack while her own right fist was now about to hit the horses!

“Hong!” Fang Yu’s body then glowed red as she donned her Red Martial Aura, raising her strength by 100 times.

The space around Fang Yu’s fist trembled as she clenched it tightly, concentrating most of her strength there.

To make the matters worse for the horses, Fang Yu’s fist was then covered by an earthen glow, which seemed to have increased the power of her fist more.

The eyes of the horses went wide with fear as Fang Yu’s fist collided with their skulls!

“Boom!” (F**st Blood!)

“Boom!” (D**ble Kill!)

“Boom!”(T**ple Kill!)

“Boom!” (U**ra Kill!)

“Boom!” (R**page!”

All five of the horses’ heads exploded as Fang Yu’s right fist hit all of them consecutively, killing them on the spot.

The bodies of the horses then collapsed as Fang Yu rolled on the floor, wheezing loudly.

“F**k, I almost died there!” Fang Yu cursed inwardly as she wiped off more blood that came out of her mouth.

What Fang Yu did earlier was a risky move, and if she had timed it wrong, it will be her who could have died.

Fang Yu knew that the horses will be the first one to lay its attack on her, regardless on what she did.

At first this seems like an extreme disadvantage, but Fang Yu knew that sometimes, one can turn weakness to strength, and she can also do the opposite, turning a strength to a weakness!

Fang Yu did the exact same thing here, as she used the horses’ own speed against them!

The first thing that Fang Yu did was to activate her Glaistig Ghost Form, which will grant her immunity to attacks.

With the power of the horses’ stomp, Fang Yu knew that her Glaistig Ghost Form will only last for one attack.

But that was already enough for Fang Yu.

At the instant that Fang Yu activated her Glaistig Ghost Form, the horses made their move as they approached Fang Yu quickly to kill her.

Too bad for them that at the moment that their stomp hit Fang Yu’s chest, her Glaistig Ghost Form fully activated, which made her body ghost-like, making the horses’ attack pass right through her.

What Fang Yu was aiming with this move was to turn the horses off-balanced.

According to the Principle of Inertia, anything that moves has to continue moving until an external force prevents them from doing so.

With the horses’ attacks going right through Fang Yu’s chest, there is nothing stopped the horses’ stomp, which meant that the horses will continue moving forward until their stomp hit something, whether it be the ground or another object.

Within this window of time, Fang Yu knew that the horses will be unable to dodge as their bodies were still affected by inertia! And the insane speed that the horses used to propel their stomp will make it even harder for them to resist the inertia!

Fang Yu took advantage of this time window as she sent her right fist earlier, timing it at the moment that the horses lost their balance.

Fang Yu then used her Red Martial Aura to raise the power of her fist by 100 times, and she also added the Mountain Bashing Boar Ability, which increased the bashing power of her fist dramatically!

The combination of these abilities allowed Fang Yu to create a thunderous counter punch that even the speedy horses were unable to dodge!

From the observations of her AI suit, Fang Yu realized that for the horses to reach such insane speeds, their legs must have been extremely strong to support their bursts of speed, and their heads must be streamlined and light to accommodate for any kinds of air resistance.

That was the reason for the powerful kicks possessed by the horses.

But that kind of physiology hinted to Fang Yu that the horses’ skulls must have been their weak spot.

Of course Fang Yu was not sure on how weak their skulls could be, but right now that is the only weakness that Fang Yu can exploit.

Fang Yu was extremely lucky that her powerful punch was able to destroy the five heads of the horses all at once!

“Ha, ha, ha....” Fang Yu let out some deep, shuddering breaths as she stared at the corpses of the horses below her.

Their bodies started disintegrating away as the white chariot they were dragging lay tumbled on the ground, with its wheel spinning erratically.

“Fang Yu!!!” Andromeda shouted as she approached the victorious Fang Yu. “You did it, you one-shotted those damn horses!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah...” Even if she managed to defeat her first adversary, Fang Yu was not feeling happy at all. She felt like there was something fishy in her current situation.

“Why are these horses dragging a white chariot with them?” Fang Yu mused as she stared at the white chariot suspiciously.

“From the looks of it, that white chariot is extremely heavy, and it would only serve to slow the horses down... It is counter-productive for them to carry this chariot in that case then!”

“Andromeda!” Fang Yu shouted as she raised her hands, indicating Andromeda to stop approaching her.

“Do not come near here first. I suspect that something is fishy with that white chariot. It just feels... really off...”

Upon hearing what Fang Yu said, Andromeda and Genie looked at the white chariot, whose wheels were still spinning.

“Are you sure about that Fang Yu?” Andromeda said as she looked at the chariot dubiously. “Maybe the chariot is just a design or an accessory. You know that chariots are associated with horses right? So maybe the horses were just dragging the chariot to show that they are speedy horses.”

“That explanation sounds both weird and convincing Andromeda.” Fang Yu muttered as she slowly backed away from the chariot.

“Even if what you said was true, I still do not trust that chariot. So, I will destroy that chariot with a long-ranged attack!”

But once Fang Yu was about to make her move, she suddenly saw the white chariot contorting its shape as its entire appearance entirely changed.

“I knew it!” Fang Yu muttered, realizing what just transpired.

“So by killing the horses, I triggered the appearance of Solomon’s 2nd attack? How neat.” Fang Yu said as the chariot finished changing its shape.

“Tsk!” Fang Yu was unable to land an attack on the chariot while it was transforming, as she was caught by surprise with what she saw.

In the end, Fang Yu saw a humanoid body as the new form of the transformed chariot.

This humanoid body was extremely white, just like the color of the white chariot before. Its body was thin and slender, making it look elegant but also weak. Its face was flat, as there are no nose, eyes or even mouth placed in it.

Fang Yu’s eyes narrowed upon seeing the figure in front of her, as she somehow felt that this white humanoid was even more dangerous than the skeletal horses earlier!

“Congratulations Fang Yu.” The white humanoid spoke even if it had no mouth to speak with. “You managed to beat Solomon’s first attack on you. Now, prepare to receive me, Solomon’s second attack...”

“Hmph, from the looks of it, Solomon is still affected by his injuries.” Fang Yu said as she looked at the white humanoid calculatingly.

“If Solomon really wanted me dead, then by the moment that I killed the horses earlier, you, the chariot, should have been able to transform at that time and kill me. But you transformed 3 seconds after the horses’ death. That just means that Solomon is struggling in using his abilities!”

The white humanoid tilted its head as it said in an amused tone.

“So what if Solomon is like that? Even if the frequency of each of Solomon’s attacks is slower now, that will still not allow help you survive!”


The ground cracked as the white humanoid took a step forward, bringing with it a powerful pressure that forced Fang Yu to hunch forward a little.

“The horses you defeated earlier are the weakest of Solomon’s current attacks, so do not be cocky as you face me!”

The white humanoid took another step forward and this time, Fang Yu felt the pressure around her increasing again.

The white humanoid took its 3rd, its 4th, and its 5th step, and each of these steps increased the pressure around Fang Yu, with each increase pushing her down to the floor.


By the time that the white humanoid took its 6th step, Fang Y was on all fours, as she used all of her limbs to stop her body from being pushed down on the floor.

Even Genie and Andromeda were affected, as both of them lay flat on the floor face-first, unable to even raise their body even by a centimeter.

“What a nice sight! You, Fang Yu, groveling like a dog in front of me!” The white humanoid cackled as it took its 7th step.

“Gah!” Fang Yu spat more blood as this time, even her internals were affected by the powerful pressure. She could only raise her head a little as she glared at the white humanoid.

The white humanoid just tilted its head upon seeing Fang Yu’s glare.

It tapped its long, slender fingers on his white protruding chin as it said,

“You are right with your idea that the horses earlier represent ‘Speed’. You really are clever Fang Yu. I did not expect you to discover such pattern with just the first attack!”

The white humanoid’s head then started twisting erratically, seemingly excited as it talked Fang Yu.

“Since you are about to die now, I think it’s just appropriate that I tell you what I represent.”

The head of the white humanoid continued of twisting as the white humanoid slowly said,

“I am the White Chariot, and I represent ‘Control’!”

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