The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 406: Reading is Something no one should be Neglecting

Chapter 406: Reading is Something no one should be Neglecting

Fang Yu let out some grunts as she resisted the pressure that was threatening to flatten her on the floor.

Actually, Fang Yu has some abilities that can let her leave, but she stopped herself from using these abilities.

First of all, her companions Genie and Andromeda were caught by the pressure. As their partner, Fang Yu has to find a way to save them, and Fang Yu leaving to escape is not one of these ways.

Second, using these abilities will heavily drain Fang Yu’s energy, which is not good, as Fang Yu wanted to use as little of her energy as possible in each of her fight.

She is reserving this energy, as Fang Yu instinctively felt that she needs as much energy that she can for later.

So Fang Yu had no choice but to use her body to endure the pressure alone. It was a good thing her body was still able to keep her up now. As for how long this could last, even Fang Yu was not sure.

It was only her pride and her determination that is keeping her up now.

The white humanoid, upon seeing this, just shook his head as he continued talking.

“No matter what you do now Fang Yu, you will not be able to escape my ‘Control! My control is absolute, and I think that not even you can resist it! You can try to use your abilities to escape my range, but once you do so, I will kill that spacefarer and that traitorous Djinn! So just stay her and enjoy my treatment!”

After hearing these words, Fang Yu realized that she has to finish this fight as early as possible, as she knew it will be Genie and Andromeda who will be the first one to be affected by the white humanoid.

She has to win, and she had to do it around this time!

The white humanoid then raised its other foot as its attempted to take its 8th Step.

“Oh s**t, I am not sure if I can handle the pressure after his 8th step!” Fang Yu thought grimly as she accelerated her thinking processes to the limits.

“What the hell is up with his ability?” Fang Yu thought as she recalled what happened earlier.

“This white humanoid, every time he takes a step, the downward pressure of my environment increases, and from the looks of it, this pressure will continue to increase as long as the humanoid increases his steps!”

But that fact did not give Fang Yu any help, as it just led to more questions.

First, how was the white humanoid able to affect the pressure with his footsteps alone? That was something that is a riddle to itself already.

“This is surely related to Solomon’s Nature Power...” Fang Yu’s mood soured just by thinking about Solomon.

If Fang Yu was facing a normal practitioner, she does not have to worry that much about that opponent’s abilities as all practitioners follow one pattern, and that pattern is either the Immortal Cultivation or the Godly Ascension.

No matter what type of practitioner Fang Yu faced, she was sure that their attacks will still follow the rules and principles of cultivation.

The Djinns on the other hand, does not have that kind of pattern as their power, the Nature Power, is just as unpredictable as the Nature itself!

This type of uniqueness was the reason it was sometimes harder to face a Djinn compared to a practitioner.

And now, Fang Yu was being tormented by this fact.

Not only Solomon wields Nature Power, the abilities that he just used right now were all highly unpredictable!

A horse that moves extremely fast and stomps its opponents to death?

A white chariot that turned into a humanoid and proceeded to manipulate the pressure by taking some steps?

Just these 2 abilities made Fang Yu extremely confused on Solomon’s real power!

These attacks also made Fang Yu realize something, which made her loathe Solomon more.

“So those traps earlier were not just traps to kill me, but they were also there to mislead me!”

Fang Yu was now sure that the main reason Solomon installed all those traps against Fang Yu in the Median Layer was to misguide her knowledge about Solomon’s Nature Power.

It is highly possible that these traps have been created not by Solomon, but by some of his subordinates a long time ago!

Solomon just told Fang Yu earlier that he made the traps so that Fang Yu will think that Solomon used his Nature Power to create the traps when in reality, these traps were made by other people!

This led Fang Yu to a false conclusion that she will discover Solomon’s Nature Power by interacting with the traps.

This means that all the data her AI gathered from those traps were useless. These traps did not indicate any of Solomon’s Nature Power, only Fang Yu was the one who made herself think the traps contain traces of his power.

This false information lulled Fang Yu into a false sense of security, as she thought she just have to observe Solomon for a little more to know his real power.

And now Solomon took advantage of this as he attacked Fang Yu with his real Nature Power which Fang Yu was obviously unprepared for!

“Boom!” The humanoid made its 8th step, and the pressure multiplied exponentially.

“Kgrh....” The joints of Fang Yu’s four limbs bent forward, as the fulcrum in these joints were overwhelmed by the sudden increased in pressure.

Fang Yu’s body was trembling, as it was quite obvious to anyone that just a poke of their finger will be enough to make Fang Yu collapse from her precarious pose.

“Control.... What does this humanoid mean by control?” Fang Yu gritted her teeth as she remembered what the humanoid said earlier.

“The white humanoid said that I was right with saying that the skeletal horses were associated with ‘Speed’. Then the white humanoid said that he, on the other hand was associated with Control... There must be a connection between the two....”

For the horse earlier, their physique was what allowed them to achieve insane speeds.

But as for that white humanoid, what does he have that granted him his so-called ‘Control’?

“Is it related to his legs?” Fang Yu thought, remembering what happens each time the white humanoid takes a step.

“No, I think it is more than that...” Fang Yu thought as she looked at both Andromeda and Genie who lay face-first on the floor.

Because of the powerful pressure, both of them were almost embedded in the ground, as if Andromeda and Genie were both thumbtacks and the powerful pressure was a huge thumb pushing both of them down.

That analogy looks grim, as Fang Yu was about to be the next ‘thumbtack’!

“What does this humanoid refer to when he said he is associated with Control?”

Since Fang Yu could not identify how his power activates, she decided to think about the very nature of the humanoid’s ‘Control’.

Fang Yu was lucky that she can think extremely quick now, allowing her to recall the books she read before that can be cross-referenced with what the white humanoid did.

“Okay... Good thing I read this book that Old Man gave me. This book showed some unique types of abilities in the Universe, and it seems like the answer to my dilemma is here.”

Fang Yu then let out a sigh as she managed to saw something in this book that was almost comparable to the ‘Control’ that the white humanoid was talking about.

According to what she scoured in her mind, in extremely rare occasions, some practitioners obtain the power to manipulate an object independently in a region of space around him/her.

This kind of ability is called you guess it, ‘Control’.

It was called this way because as long as a certain object was inside this practitioner’s region of space, it will be susceptible to some sort of control by the practitioner.

This kind of control however was limited to only one set of effect, and this effect gets stronger the nearer the object to the practitioner was, and it will get weaker once the object gets father from the practitioner.

That means that practitioner that gains this ability cannot just manipulate the object within his/her region of space. Only one kind of effect will work.

Only effects like being pushed away, rolled non-stop, or twisted from its centroid by 180 degrees and other single-effect things like that will happen.

In the white humanoid’s case, it seems like his ‘Control’ is the ability to make anything within a certain region of space around him to be pushed down!

That was the reason for the current sensation that Fang Yu was feeling now.

As for the footsteps leading to an increase in pressure, Fang Yu also managed to realize what actually happened.

The footsteps itself did not do anything to change the pressure. They are unrelated to the ‘Control’ itself.

Each footsteps however, brought the white humanoid closer and closer to Fang Yu.

Just like what Fang Yu remembered earlier, the effects of ‘Control’ will get stronger the nearer the target object to the practitioner is.

The white humanoid is directly exploiting this characteristic, as he slowly approached the helpless Fang Yu!

“Ok, now that I know what his power is, I think it is time for me to make my move.” Fang Yu thought as she knew that whatever happens now, she will never give up.

Good thing for her that the book mentioned a way to fight against someone with the ‘Control’ ability.

First and foremost, a practitioner with the ‘Control’ ability can only make his ability work through the power of mind and will only.

No types of qi, mana, law, dao or other supplements can affect or interact with the ‘Control’ ability.

It will only work though the practitioner’s will and mental strength.

As long as the practitioner wills it, he can keep the ‘Control’ ability running, and it will only make him mentally fatigued.

But this kind of activation requirement opens up one serious weakness to the practitioners with ‘Control’ ability.

That weakness is that if the practitioner’s will, dedication, or mind was affected, then the effects of his/her ‘Control’ ability will disappear.

This means that if the practitioner suddenly experiences a great pain, he will be distracted which will terminate the effects of his ‘Control’ ability.

Other things will work too, as long as it will be able to affect the practitioner’s will and mind greatly.

In the white humanoid’s case, Fang Yu just have to disturb the white humanoid ‘s mind in a way that his ‘Control’ will be affected.

But with the way Fang Yu is right now, doing anything is actually extremely hard!

“S**t! How can I hope to mentally rattle this white humanoid, when all I can do right now is to assume a doggy pose?”

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