The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 431: Striking before the Iron is Hot

Chapter 431: Striking before the Iron is Hot

“Can’t you be more tact with your words?” Wang Hao muttered angrily as he glared at his mischievous disciple.

Upon seeing that stare, Fang Yu averted her gaze as she tried to see what the 4 brats were doing.

She sighed in relief as she saw that they were not doing anything disruptive.

Suddenly, Fang Yu saw something weird happening to two people near her.

One was Wu Meng, and the other was Huo Huangdi.

Both of these Godly Divine Beasts were staring at each other with their mouths wide open.

Huo Huangdi’s mouth was flapping open like a fish out of the water as he pointed his index finger towards Wu Meng.

Wu Meng’s mouth was also wide open as all of her attention was just focused on Huo Huangdi.

On Wu Meng’s eyes, Fang Yu could see traces of horror, realization, and anger.

The others nearby caught on what was happening, so they cleared the space around Wu Meng and Huo Huangdi, leaving them two together, still staring at each other.

“Hey! What is the meaning of this!” Uranus, who was Huo Huangdi’s lover and partner, stayed behind as she gave a menacing glare to Huo Huangdi. “Who is this living woman and what is her relationship with you huh?”

“Uh um well...” Huo Huangdi floundered around in panic as he could feel the piercing gaze that Uranus was giving him. He found it hard to speak coherent words, which in turn just made Uranus angrier.

It was Wu Meng’s words that spared Huo Huangdi from a frightening fate.

“When he was still alive... Huo Huangdi was an envoy of the Beast God Planet, just like me.” Wu Meng said in a low voice, as if she was still reeling from the fact that Huo Huangdi was here.

“Yeah, that is the reason why we knew each other. Ha ha ha...” Huo Huangdi said as he scratched his head awkwardly. He tried to avoid more of Uranus’ glare as he gave a welcoming smile to Wu Meng.

However, Wu Meng seemed to not share the same sentiment as Huo Huangdi as she suddenly said,

“How come you are here? The last time I saw you, you were still alive and kicking! Then you suddenly disappeared one day and you never came back! The other envoys thought that you already abandoned the Beast God Planet!”

“Abandoned the Beast God Planet? More like it’s the Beast God Planet that abandoned me!” Huo Huangdi said as he let out a hollow laugh.

Both Uranus and Wu Meng backpedaled a little as they felt pure, murderous intent emanating from Huo Huangdi.

His carefree smile and nature disappeared as countless flames covered his body, making him look extremely infernal.

“I did everything for the Beast God Planet”! Huo Huangdi roared out as the temperature around him began to rise. “I never even tried to do anything that will defile the honor of our planet!”

“But then... But then!” The flames around Huo Huangdi exploded, creating a crater below him that was boiling like lava. “Some Envoys of the Beast God Planet plotted my death!”

“!!!!!” Wu Meng’s extremely shocked reaction elicited a chuckle from the murderous Huo Huangdi.

“I am not surprised that you know nothing about this. After all, only the Envoys that were born in the Beast God Planet knew about this plan. You, a bastard daughter of the Dreamworld, was an outsider that they could never full trust.”


Huo Huangdi ignored the extremely discomforted expression on Wu Meng’s face as he continued on talking.

“The ones that made the plan to kill me were Jiang Chen, Stella, Asnyan, and Merlin. You and Shou Nanren were kept out as you are technically outsiders for them.”

“No way...” Wu Meng stuttered as she found that matter extremely inconceivable. “That is not possible...”

“That bastard Merlin was the one who lured me out of the Beast God Planet!” Huo Huangdi bellowed angrily as he started to tell the story about his death.

“He told me he found out a way to create an entirely new Universe Flame, which will be one of its kind!”

“And since I love flames, I naturally followed him.”

“And do you know where he brought me?” Huo Huangdi’s face was full of indignation as he shouted,

“He f**king brought me to the Ice Tomb Galaxy! Of course I thought that that galaxy will be the place where he will show me the creation of the Universe Flame. As it turns out, that place will literally be my Tomb!”

Huo Huangdi rubbed his hair behind him as he let out a frustrated sigh. “Once I entered the Ice Tomb Galaxy, my power weakened as a result of the extreme coldness of that Galaxy. It was at that moment that Merlin started to attack me!”

“Not only that, but the figures of Jiang Chen, Stella, and Asnyan all appeared, and all of them 4 cooperated to slay me!”

“Because I am outnumbered and weakened, I was unable to fight back, and they were able to kill me...” The flames around Huo Huangdi started to seethe as he seemed to get his emotions on check.

Uranus took this as a chance to hug Huo Huangdi, patting his back to comfort him.

Uranus then glanced at Wu Meng angrily as if she was saying,

‘Get the f**k out of here, you are the one who made my Huangdi this sad!’

“Envoy Huangdi, I...” Wu Meng’s words were cut off when Huo Huangdi raised his arms to stop her from talking.

Huo Huangdi’s face looked extremely serene as he slowly said,

“I am not angry at you Wu Meng. You and Shou Nanren are not related to this. But as for those Envoy Bastards...” The eyes of Huo Huangdi turned into scorching flames as he declared,

“I swear that I will kill them all once I become the Yama Successor! In fact, that is the biggest reason I want to be the Yama Successor! It was all for my revenge!”

Huo Huangdi’s fiery gaze then swiveled towards Wang Hao and Jieshu as he muttered,

“That is why I will never let you two become the Yama Successor. I still need to make those bastards pay!”

“...” Uranus did not say anything as she continued on comforting Huo Huangdi. It was plainly obvious right now that she will support Huo Huangdi no matter what he does.

Wang Hao felt slightly teary seeing this scene as he knew that Uranus’ dedication was the definition of true love!

“But... why would they want you dead?” Wu Meng’s mental constitution allowed her to quickly recover from the shock that she received. “Is there anything you did that offended them?”

Huo Huangdi shook his head as he morosely said,

“I actually have no idea why they had me killed. But I know that once I managed to successfully fight my way back to the Beast God Planet, I can just ask them for the answer by myself!”

“Oh, in that case, why don’t you ask one of them now?” Wang Hao’s voice suddenly sounded out, breaking up the conversation between Huo Huangdi and Wu Meng. “If one of these envoys who killed you will be in front of you right now, then you can just ask him, right?”

Wu Meng’s eyes widened in realization as she gave Wang Hao a weird look. She then shook her head wryly as she let out an exhausted sigh.

Huo Huangdi on the other hand, felt confused and also excited. He stared at Wang Hao intently as he thought to himself,

“Don’t tell me....”

“Wang Mei, he is still alive right? Bring him out right now.” Wang Hao said these words to Wang Mei, who was busy smashing action figures with Tang Li.

Wang Mei let out a tsk as if she was extremely annoyed with her playtime being interrupted. She opened her mouth wide and suddenly, a person came flying out of her mouth.

She then continued on playing with Tang Li and this time, Wang Mei decided to pulverize Wang Hao’s action figure into tiny pieces.


Huo Huangdi’s eyes were wide once more as he stared at the person that Wang Mei spat out.

No, Huo Huangdi was not shocked with what Wang Mei did.

Actually, he is a little shocked, but that was overwritten by the identity of the person that Wang Mei spat out.

This person was still breathing, but his body was full of injuries that it looked like it will be extremely hard for him to move.

His wizard-like robes were stained with mud and blood, making someone wince just by looking at it.

His long white beard was unkempt and extremely dirty, making this person look like a lunatic beggar with a questionable sense of fashion.

This person is Merlin, the Akashic Winged Tiger, one of the Envoys of the Beast God Planet!

Huo Huangdi knew who this person exactly was.

In fact, Huo Huangdi can still remember that it was Merlin who landed the strike which ended his life!

Even now this image was haunting his mind, which just made Huo Huangdi more determined to kill Merlin!

But now that his main focus for revenge was right in front of him, Huo Huangdi was rendered extremely confused for a moment.

“What the hell? How come this guy had been held captive by your group?” Huo Huangdi yelled as he looked at Wang Hao warily.

“And now that I can clearly see it, you, Wu Meng, seems to be following Wang Hao too! What the hell really just happened? I am so confused right now!”

“Oh you want to know what happened? It was actually simple.” Wang Hao then rubbed his chin as he said,

“Someone used a ritual to summon Asnyan to my disciple’s home planet. Then Asnyan used her Summoner powers to bring Jiang Chen, Stella, Merlin, Shou Nanren, and Wu Meng to that planet too. Then through some set of weird events, Wu Meng betrayed them and allied with me. Shou Nanren, Jiang Chen, Stella and Asnyan then all died. As for Merlin, he was taken captive by us and he is in front of you now.”


Huo Huangdi gulped his chin as he processed what Wang Hao just told him.

Even if Wang Hao was lying about that story, there is one undeniable truth.

And that was that Merlin is currently in front of him like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered!

As Huo Huangdi was being besieged by excitement, he heard Wang Hao’s voice calling out to him.

“Hey, if you want, I can give you Merlin right now! Full body, no reduction package deal! But in exchange for that, you must withdraw from participating from the Final Trial. No withdrawal, no Merlin for you.”

Everyone who heard what Wang Hao said all stilled as they realized that something big was happening here!

The Final Trial was not yet starting, and yet one of its participants are already making his move! How bold of him!

Wang Hao’s voice then turned more and more silky as he goaded Huo Huangdi more.

“Come on, which is more important, the Yama Successor Position or your revenge? You already said it earlier, you want to become the Yama Successor for your revenge! But now that the one who killed you is in front of you, won’t killing him now will also count as your revenge? Besides, I already killed the other 3 envoys who also attacked you, so it will be only through Merlin that you can have your revenge!”

“I....” Huo Huangdi’s hesitant words were cut off by Wang Hao when he said these decisive words.

“What are you waiting for? The guy who killed you, the one who ended your possibly happy life, is now lying helplessly in front of you! You will not waste a chance like this, right? Right?”

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