Chapter 438: Risks

“Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t.” The Goldner River King muttered sullenly as he realized the possible trouble that they are in.

He then glanced at Fang Yu fearfully, as if he was starting to get suspicious of her.

Even the other officials started to back away from Fang Yu slowly, with fear and suspicion apparent on their expressions.

Fang Yu does not need a high level of intelligence to realize what is happening now.

“Wait... are you afraid that I will also kill you all after I get the Heirloom of this Kingdom?” Fang Yu asked as she looked at the tense crowd in front of her. “Do you think I will really do that?”

“How can we be sure that you will not do that?” The Golden River King quickly replied as he dragged the Princess his children away from Fang Yu. “If that Hero in the Fallen Heart Kingdom can do it, then it is highly likely that you will do it too!” ”

.......” Fang Yu knew that in this planet, making an oath with the soul will not work, as these people have no cultivation at all. They would not understand the essence of making an oath with the soul because of their current conditions.

However, Princess Christina seemed to think that their suspicions were wrong as she said,

“But Miss Hero is very kind! I think she will not do something like that!”

“Oh, maybe you are just speaking up for her because you like her, right?” The Crown Prince venomously said as he stared at the Princess with hostility.

He started to grin as he attacked the poor princess with words.

“I saw how happy you are when you left the room of the Hero earlier... tell me, did she seduce you?”

“No!” Tears started to form at the princess’ eyes as she buried her face. “Miss Hero did not seduce me!”

“Then why do you seem to be attached to her huh?” The Crown Prince said as she glanced at Fang Yu. “The Hero even said to me earlier that she likes you! If that does not mean that there is something going on, then I do not know what else to say.”

“......” The Princess’ lack of reply managed to just increase the frown on the Golden River King’s face.

However it looks like he will not make an issue out of it.

He gave an angry glare at the Crown Prince, which forced the Crown Prince to shut his mouth.

He then looked at Fang Yu as he slowly said,

“I do not care if you managed to ensnare the heart of my daughter, it is up to her to decide who she likes. However, what I cannot tolerate is my family and my kingdom being put in danger. So I am not sure if I would still want to give the Heirloom to you.”

“Oh, so that is your pitch now huh.” By this point, Fang Yu realized that she has no way to make them lose suspicion of her.

In that case, she has no choice but to do that.

Fang Yu gave an apologetic look at Princess Christina. She then took a deep breath to clear her mind up.

Once she felt that she was prepared, she glared at the Golden River King as she said,

“Think about what you are doing now, Golden River King.” Fang Yu made sure that there are no hints of familiarity in her voice as she talked to the Golden River King. “Now that the Hero of the Fallen Heart Kingdom had their hands on the Immortal Heart, I am sure he/she had become stronger than before.”

These words narrowed the eyes of the Golden River King. Fang Yu saw this as a chance to continue talking.

“I am sure that this Hero will be going here only for one thing, and that is to obtain the Heirloom in this Kingdom. You know what will happen when that Hero arrives, right? She will also kill you all, just like what she did to the one in the Fallen Heart Kingdom!”

“Kgh....” The Golden River King gritted his teeth as she knew that what Fang Yu said was right.

The Hero who massacred the Royalty of the Fallen Heart Kingdom must have come here to obtain the Golden Gourd, which is the Heirloom of the Golden River Kingdom.

Fang Yu let out a smile which is not a smile as she said,

“So, what will you do? Will you still not give me the Heirloom, or will you give it to me?”

“.....” After a few seconds of deliberation, the Golden River King let out a tired sigh as he realized what he should do now.

“Okay, Hero, I will give the Golden Gourd to you.”

“But Father!” The Crown Prince immediately complained as he saw what was happening. He glanced at Fang Yu warily as he said,

“Why would you give her the Golden Gourd? Won’t that put us in danger?”

“........ Listen my son.” The Golden River King looked at the Crown Prince calmly as he clasped his shoulders. His voice then turned soothing as he said,

“If we do not give to the Hero the Golden Gourd, the Hero who massacred the Fallen Heart Kingdom will come here, kill us, and get the Golden Gourd! That is a 100% chance of death!”

The Golden River King then glanced at Fang Yu who gave them both a cheeky smile. He sighed as he turned back to his son as he said,

“But if we give the Golden Gourd to the Hero, not only we can prevent the Heirloom from being obtained by the Massacre Hero, our Hero might even protect us! Not only that, but once the Golden Gourd was passed to our Hero, the Massacre Hero will most likely chase after her, not us.”

“Even if there is a chance that our Hero might kill us, I think that is better than not giving her the Heirloom, which will spell a 100% certain death for us.” The Golden River King concluded as he looked at one of the officials, who immediately rushed out of the hall.

“But what if she kills us after we gave her the Golden Gourd?” The Crown Prince whispered fearfully as he saw the leaving official. “Are you willing to risk our lives for that.”

“My son, being a King is not just becoming a good ruler. A good King must also sometimes take risks.” The Golden River King said as he ruffled the Crown Prince’s hair. “And now, I am ready to take such risk for our lives.”

“Father....” By this point, the Crown Prince knew that there is no way for him to stop his father. He could see it, he could see the sheer determination and desperation in his father’s eyes.

But before he could say anything more, the Crown Prince suddenly lost his consciousness as he received a backhand chop on his neck.

This attack was the courtesy of the Golden River King, who immediately caught his unconscious son.

Two more thudding sounds could be heard as even Prince Christina and the little kid also got knocked out.

Fang Yu, who saw this, already realized the Golden River King’s intention. She gave him a complicated look as she said,

“Do you really trust that I will take care of these 3? Are you not afraid that I will also kill them?”

“Just like what I told you, I am taking a risk here.” The Golden River King said as he looked at the door of the hall.

Fang Yu knew that what the Golden River King said was right.

Even if Fang Yu obtained the Golden Gourd, the Massacre Hero will still most likely try to kill all the Royalty of the Golden River Kingdom.

And even if Fang Yu tried to fight this Massacre Hero, she was sure that the shockwaves of their fight will still kill everyone near them.

Fang Yu knew that even if the cultivation bases of the other two Heroes were restricted down to the same as hers, their insights and techniques will obviously still be powerful.

Fang Yu was sure she can take care of herself, but she was also sure that she cannot stop the Massacre Hero from killing others.

So, no matter what Fang Yu did, everyone inside the hall will surely die tonight!

As such, the only thing that Fang Yu could do right now was to leave Golden River Kingdom with the Golden Gourd.

And from the looks of it, the Crown Prince, the Princess and the little Kid will be forced to join Fang Yu on her departure.

“You want me to leave the Kingdom with these 3 with me?” Fang Yu let out a sigh as he carried the three of them effortlessly.

“That is right, Hero...” The Golden River King replied as he let out a loose smile. He gave his three children a longing look as he said,

“I cannot let these 3 children of mine stay here. They will be only killed if they stay here. But if they join you, their chances of survival will increase...”

“Wait, so are all of you planning to sacrifice yourselves here?” Fang Yu’s eyes widened as she looked at everyone in the hall. “You are willing to get yourselves killed?”

“Well, what else can we do?” The Golden River King replied hollowly. “Once the Massacre Hero arrives here, he/she will try to kill all of us, even if you fight with him/her. Since we are about to die anyway, then we might as well die fighting!”

“... I understand.” Fang Yu could only shut her mouth as she knew that there is no way for her to stop the Golden River King from sacrificing himself.

In Fang Yu’s opinion, what the Golden River King was about to do was the most optimal option.

By letting Fang Yu leave with the Golden Gourd, the Crown Prince, the little Prince and the Princess, they can assure that the Golden Gourd will no be obtained by the Massacre Hero and that the heirs to the Golden River Kingdom will not be killed by her.

As for the Golden River King, he and the other officials will stay behind, most probably to slow the Massacre Hero down.

“King, here is the Golden Gourd!” The official who left the hall earlier came back, and he was holding with his hands a small gourd that was entirely golden in color.

It looked so beautiful that Fang Yu immediately liked seeing it.

“Here, Hero.” The Golden River King took the Golden Gourd from the official, and he tossed it to Fang Yu, who swiftly caught it. “Now, go and leave!”

“Wait, how about the explanation about the powers of this thing?” Fang Yu said as she shook the Golden Gourd. “Are you not going to give me even just one?”

“No can do!” The King angrily replied as he and the other officials shooed Fang Yu away.

“That Massacre Hero will arrive any moment now. We cannot afford you and my children to stay here for long. So leave now! As for the explanation, my children will just explain it to you later...”

“Ok then...” Fang Yu looked at all of the officials that was in the hall. She gave them an impassive stare as she said,

“Take care everyone. Do not worry, I will also take care of these 3.” After saying these words, Fang Yu jumped out of the window, out into the night.

The Golden River King let out a visible sigh of relief as Fang Yu left. He then narrowed his eyes as he looked at the officials around him.

He and the other officials were then surrounded by a golden glow as the Golden River King declared,

“Its time for us old fogeys to fight!”

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