The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 462: This Night Will be a Long One

Chapter 462: This Night Will be a Long One

Wang Hao found it hard to believe that she was right in front of him, after all, she was not supposed to be here.

But to Wang Hao’s surprise, there was another person behind the newcomer, and she was also supposed to be not here.

The two females that Wang Hao was looking at were Jieshu and Genie!

Wang Hao knew that Jieshu was not supposed to be here as she was his enemy, and she should be tending her Demonic Kingdom instead of visiting Wang Hao.

As for Genie, she should not even be present at the Final Trial at all!

Wang Hao gave both of them a doubtful look as he seemed to reach a conclusion.

“Oh I get it, I must be dreaming right now. Maybe I just have to jump off this palace, and I will wake up.”

“Hey don’t do that!” Genie shouted as she grabbed Wang Hao, as if she was preventing him from moving. “Both of us are real, you can even pinch us to prove it!”

“Shouldn’t it be Wang Hao who have to pinch himself?” Jieshu muttered in the background, but her voice was ignored by Wang Hao, who proceeded to pinch Genie on her cheeks.

“Hmm... this elastic sensation... it is real... so I am not dreaming...” Wang Hao shook his head in resignation as he stopped pinching Genie’s cheeks.

Wang Hao then looked at Jieshu as he said,

“Come on Jieshu, remove your mask so that I can pinch your cheeks too.”

“No way.” Jieshu abruptly replied, which managed to deflate Wang Hao’s enthusiasm.

“Fine...” Wang Hao said as he sat back on his throne.

As for Jieshu and Genie, both of them sat on the nearby chairs which were conveniently facing in Wang Hao’s direction.


Wang Hao and his two visitors then stared at each other, as if they were waiting for someone to speak up.

It was Wang Hao who broke the awkward silence as he asked the two,

“Why are you here Jieshu? And Genie, why are you even in the Final Trial? You are not even a participant!”

After hearing Wang Hao’s question, Genie swiveled on her chair as Jieshu decided to answer first.

“I need your help with something.” Jieshu quietly replied. “But to show my sincerity and my honesty on asking for your help, I decided to come here by myself. That way, you will believe that I am honest with me asking for your help.”

As for Genie, what she answered was,

“Well, there is an emergency happening right now, so I have to appear here in the Final Trial. But do not worry Wang Hao, I will not be involved in the Final Trial itself.”

“So your goal is to just fix the emergency, and then you are off to go?” Wang Hao said as he gave a measured look to Genie. “That is what you are saying?”

“Yes!” Genie replied with affirmation. “I will not interfere with what the Yama Princes or the Living Followers will do at the Final Trial. Because if I did, I will be punished heavily...”

“Good for you then.” Wang Hao said as he decided to just ignore Genie.

Since Genie would not be really that helpful to Wang Hao, then then why should he focus on her? There is still Jieshu, who looked like she was about to say something more.

“So, what is the help that you want with me?” Wang Hao asked to Jieshu, who for some reason, was staring at Wang Hao’s throne intently.

“I... need your alliance against Huo Huangdi.” Jieshu replied as she tore off her gaze from Wang Hao’s throne.

“Wow, so we are at that stage already!” Wang Hao exclaimed excitedly as he stood up from his throne.

“Tell me Jieshu,” Wang Hao said as he started to roam around the room. “Why do you want to ally with me against Bai Huangdi? You could just have chosen to ally with him against me...”

“Its because I want to defeat you all by myself...” Jieshu replied coldly. “If I ally with you, then we can eliminate Bai Huangdi easily. Once that happens, it will be only us two that will fight each other. It will be only at that instance that I can defeat you by myself.”

“... That was deep.” That was all that Wang Hao could say as he averted his gaze away from Jieshu.

Wang Hao was not sure why, but his heart twinged after hearing the words that Jieshu uttered.

This and the other things that Wang Hao felt before prompted him to ask her,

“Jieshu, have we already met before our meeting in the Underworld? Maybe its just me, but you seem to be someone that I have met in the past...”

“So you don’t remember...” Jieshu’s voice suddenly turned chilly, as if Wang Hao’s question flipped a switch inside her.

“So we really met!” Wang Hao then opened his mouth to explain about his memory situation to Jieshu. But before he could do so, Jieshu looked at him as she said,

“I do not care if you forgot me because of your amnesia... Even if you do not remember me, I only have to beat you, and that will be enough for me already...”

“Um, should I leave now?” Genie muttered as she began to tiptoe away from Wang Hao and Jieshu. “This is really awkward...”

“Genie, you should stay...” Wang Hao said as he made Genie sit back on her chair.

Wang Hao then took a deep breath as he said,

“Jieshu, whatever happened with us in the past, I know that there is no way for me to remember that now. But I will remember them in the future, and I promise that once I remember them, I will do everything that I can to make it up with you.”


With the way that Jieshu talked to him, Wang Hao was already sure that he and Jieshu were close in the past

Because of that, Wang Hao had no problems on promising to make up with Jieshu once his memories come back.

“So you agree on being in an alliance with me?” Jieshu asked as she saw Wang Hao’s face.

“Well, having you as an ally for the moment will be good for me I guess.” Wang Hao said as he scratched his head. “But you must remember that once we beat Huo Huangdi, we will be enemies again.”

“That is what I intend to do at the end.” Jieshu said as she stood up from her seat.

She then stretched her dainty hands to Wang Hao as she said,

“Then let us seal our agreement with a handshake first. Oaths will come after this.”





Once Illusion Fang Yu was inside her room, she let out a loose smile, realizing that her plans are on the right track now.

Of course Illusion Fang Yu’s thoughts were not her thoughts, as these thoughts were of Fang Lin, who was currently with Veronica.

Since Illusion Fang Yu has to keep acting as the Hero, there is no way for her to be dispelled right now.

While the crickets were chirping outside, Illusion Fang Yu was fixing her bed as she was about to have her first sleep in the Final Trial.

But before Illusion Fang Yu could close her eyes, she suddenly heard knocking sounds at her door.

Fang Yu resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she knew that she does not need to use any divine sense to know who the person knocking on her door was.

And just like what Illusion Fang Yu expected, when she opened the door, it was the foolishly grinning Bai Huangdi that was in front of her.

“What do you want?” Illusion Fang Yu asked coldly without any hints of warmness in her voice. “You know that I am sleeping right now, and yet you dare to disturb me?”

“Oh... this will be just quick...” Bai Huangdi said as disappointment flashed across his features.

He slowly rubbed his hands as he said,

“I just want to you know, talk to you regarding the weird team-up between that General Draco and Veronica.”

“Oh, so you are suspicious about General Draco huh.” Illusion Fang Yu replied with amusement in her features. “Are you really that jealous of him just because my attention is on him? What a petty way for you to dirty his name.”

“I am not doing such thing here!” Bai Huangdi’s reply came too quick, as if he was being extremely defensive right now.

“The oaths that we made for our three-way alliance are only including us three heroes. As for anyone else, they can still do things to harm us.”

“Oh, so you are thinking that Veronica will use General Draco to attack us, since he is not included in our Oaths?” Illusion Fang Yu then tilted her head as if she was ruminating about this.

She then gave Bai Huangdi a slight smile as she said,

“Yeah, that can happen, but you know that General Draco is just a weakling compared to us. How can he even do something that will affect me or even you?”

“I do not know!” Bai Huangdi replied with exasperation. “But just look at that Veronica! I am sure she has her own ways to make someone like that General Draco have the chance to bother us!”

“Even if you are right, I still think you are being paranoid.” Illusion Fang Yu replied as she began to close the door of her room.

“For me, there is no way that General Draco will attack me. I think you are the only one that should be worried Bai Huangdi.”

“What do you mean by that!” Bai Huangdi’s question went unanswered as Illusion Fang Yu closed the door unceremoniously, much to Bai Huangdi’s displeasure.

“General Draco...” Bai Huangdi started clench his fists as he uttered Fang Lin’s alias with anger. “You one slippery b**ch!”

Out of all the Heroes present, it was Bai Huangdi who became wary of General Draco.

After all, Bai Huangdi just made an oath earlier that he will not harm General Draco in any way until the day that he left the planet.

At first, this oath seems to be just fine, as General Draco was Bai Huangdi’s subordinate.

But now that General Draco became Veronica’s subordinate, things have taken the turn for the worse.

Veronica might take advantage of the unique situation between Bai Huangdi and General Draco to create circumstances that will be extremely unfavorable for Bai Huangdi!

“S**t, I should find a way to beat that stupid wench!” Bai Huangdi muttered angrily as he started to fly back towards his house.

Bai Huangdi let out a sigh as he realized all the time that he will consume for the plans and back-up plans that he had to prepare.

“This night will be a long one...”

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