Chapter 470: Collision Coalition

While Fang Lin and the other heroes were trying to deal with Wang Hao’s surprise attack, Genie was in her own sticky situation.

She was trying to not wince as a voice made up of 4,000,000 voices are now talking to her.

“Yama Successor, that was the second time that you attacked me, and just like what you can see, I am still here!” The irritating voice said as it continued on jeering at Genie.

“There is no way for you to kill us, for we are many, and we are special...” The quantity of the mist then suddenly increased, covering much more area compared to before.

The intensity of the voice’s laughter began to increase as the area covered by the white mist began to increase. “Yama Successor brat, even if that old man is here, he has no way to stop us from coming, much less if it was you!”

All the white mist that came out of the rift suddenly transformed to form magical beasts of varying shapes and sizes.

Genie, who saw what happened, could only let out a sigh as she saw 1,000+ of these new creatures running away from her and the space rift.

Genie raised her hands as her eyes began to glow grey.

Genie is still the Yama Successor, so letting something like these lowly creatures escaping her grasp is just unacceptable!

The objects that are within 10 kilometers of Genie all froze in their spot, as a grey domain sprouted out from Genie’s location.

All the objects inside this grey domain could not move an inch, as if this domain was preventing them from moving around.

Genie, who was at the center of this domain, wiped her sweaty face as she murmured,

“If I kill these mist beasts, there is a possibility of them doubling in number. So instead of just killing these mist beasts, trapping them in place would be the better choice...”

And trapping them is what Genie did. She used her insights to create a zone around her that will restrict the movement on anything that she does not want to move.

This resulted in every mist beast around Genie to be unable to move from their spot.

As for when they can move again, it will only depend on when Genie removes the grey domain.

“With my current state, stopping these beasts for 3 days is the best that I can do....” Genie thought haplessly as she began to seat in a meditative pose.

“Even I am also not sure on what the Dreamworld plans on doing in the Final Trial with these weird invasive force that it just sent...” Genie thought as she gazed at the space rift and the mist beasts with incredulity.

“So I just wish that this Final Trial will get finished within 3 days, or many will get screwed...” Genie thought with a wry smile as she closed her eyes once more.

“All of you Princes, do not let your Big Sister down...”


Because of the sheer size of the Black Elephant, the descent of its monstrous foot was quite slow.

It was so slow that the soldiers were able to move themselves away from the area of impact.

The only one who stayed in the dangerous part were Bai Huangdi, the Great General, Illusion Fang Yu, Veronica, and Fang Lin, who stubbornly told Veronica that he will stay.

Veronica, who found herself unable to refute against Fang Lin, let out a sigh as she decided to let him stay.

“Ok everyone...” Bai Huangdi said as he gazed at the incoming foot. “Any ideas on how we should stop this?”

“Well you could use your physical strength to prevent that foot from landing on the ground...” Illusion Fang Yu said while she gazed at the Dragon Emperor Armor worn by Bai Huangdi. “Only someone with physical strength like you can carry a foot that large!”

“Hehe, what a great joke, Fang Yu.” Bai Huangdi humorlessly said as he glared at Fang Yu.

He tilted his head while looking at Illusion Fang Yu’s direction as he said,

“Why don’t you be the one to stop that elephant? After all, your Golden Gourd can summon a guardian beast that can possibly fight against that elephant!”

“Well yeah, I can summon a Golden Guardian Beast from my Golden Gourd....” Illusion Fang Yu hesitantly said as her eyes roved all around her. “But I think using my summon here would not really be that appropriate...”

“And what do you mean by that, huh?” Veronica interjected, giving Illusion Fang Yu an unamused look. “Maybe you are just using that as an excuse to hide your summon...”

Once Veronica said these words, everyone nearby Illusion Fang Yu started to give her accusatory looks.

Illusion Fang Yu, who saw these looks, could only sigh as she was only left with one thing to do.

“Fine! You’ve asked for this!” Illusion Fang Yu then let out an exasperated shout as she said,

“Come to me, oh my golden summon. Come, Golden Maiden!”

A bright flash of gold then covered the whole area, forcing Bai Huangdi and the others nearby to squint their eyes.

Once the flash was gone, Veronica and the others adjusted their eyes as they looked at the woman that appeared beside Illusion Fang Yu.

“Well, how can I say this....” Fang Lin, who was behind Veronica all this time, let out an awkward laugh as he said,

“Your Golden Maiden looks extremely... old?”

“That is the problem that I am telling you all about!” Illusion Fang Yu indignantly said as Old Meng flitted around Illusion Fang Yu. “So now, do you think my Golden Maiden can stop that big-ass elephant?”

“Well, there is only one way to know.” Bai Huangdi said as he looked at Old Meng with wariness. “Just make that old golden maiden of yours to try stopping that foot now. Surely, your Golden Maiden has some special abilities that can stop that foot, right?”

“Yeah do it!” Veronica said, lighting up the issue more.

Upon seeing that she had been outnumbered now, Illusion Fang Yu was left with no choice but to give an apologetic look to Old Meng.

Old Meng seemed to be not angry at Illusion Fang Yu as she shot into the air, right towards the foot of the black elephant.

Everyone who saw the current happenings started to pray, wishing that the sickly-looking Old Meng will have a miracle with her that will overturn their odds.

It took Old Meng 10 seconds to hit the descending foot.

Everyone then waited with tense breaths, wanting to see what happens next.


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