Chapter 480: The Ultimate Actor

“So, you really are something...” Illusion Fang Yu muttered as her face adopted an extremely surprised expression. “I never expected that you, a native of this planet, can actually wield all 6 Heirlooms at the same time.”

“He must be cheating!” Bai Huangdi suddenly shouted out, as his face showed that he could not believe what he just saw. “That guy must have done something underhanded!”

“And can you tell to us the cheating that General Draco did?” Veronica suddenly interjected, as she looked extremely unhappy with the words that Bai Huangdi said.

“Accusing is one thing, but accusing someone without any evidence is just straight up malicious.”

“Tsk.” Unsurprisingly, Bai Huangdi was unable to show anything to prove his claim. Thus, he could only glower silently as his eyes were solely trained on Fang Lin, who was currently immersed in an ethereal state.


“Hehehe, just as planned!” Wang Hao thought joyfully to himself as he looked at Fang Lin, who has the ownership of all the Heirlooms.

Since all the other people in the room were thinking that Fang Lin was just a native, they were hesitant on cutting Fang Lin down.

But if they were to know that Fang Lin was actually Wang Hao’s living follower, they will surely gnash their teeth in extreme anger.

“Too bad for all of you, you will not know about mine and Fang Lin’s deception.” Wang Hao thought smugly to himself as he watched the peaceful-looking Fang Lin.

“Now Fang Lin, show me the path to victory.”


Right now, Fang Lin was feeling extremely ‘high’.

All the boons provided by the Heirlooms brought different sensations inside Fang Lin, which just mixed together inside him, which just brought more exquisite sensations.

The Golden Gourd gave Fang Lin the feeling of extreme control over life, while the Ebony Gourd gave Fang Lin the feeling of ending life quickly.

As for the Dragon Emperor Armor, Fang Lin felt that his physical power increasing exponentially with the armor on him!

As for the Azure Dragon Spear, Fang Lin felt that any of his strikes with this spear can pierce through anything!

Fang Lin also felt extremely lively, as he felt that the Immortal Heart inside him was pumping him with monstrous amounts of life force and vitality. In fact, the amount that it was releasing actually beat out the amount of the life force in Fang Lin’s body!

And just like what Jieshu said before, the Celestial Brain really had improved Fang Lin’s mental and spiritual prowess!

Right now, Fang Lin’s divine sense was so powerful that it can cover the whole Evil Axis Continent.

Not only that, but Fang Lin also felt that with his current state of mind, he can allow some of his Nascent Souls to undergo Soul Reformations!

More specifically, his Creation-Destruction Nascent Soul and Life-Death Nascent Soul!

The essence of the Golden and Ebony Gourds represent a circle of creation and destruction, while the killing power of the Azure Dragon Spear and the life-force in the Immortal Heart fits the criteria of the Life-Death Nascent Soul!

“Ha!” With his mind and soul bolstered by the Celestial Brain, Fang Lin was able to control the fluctuations of power coming out from his body.

With this, nobody noticed Fang Lin’s breakthrough with his Nascent Souls.


Under Fang Lin’s strict control and the powerful aura released by the treasures, he started to absorb the essences inside his Heirlooms, which started to upgrade two of his Nascent Souls.

His Creation-Destruction Nascent Soul, which has already finished the first soul reformation, swelled in size once more as it absorbed the properties of the Golden and Ebony Gourd.

As for his Life-Death Nascent Soul, it started to greedily feed on the life force from the Immortal Heart and the killing intent contained in the Azure Dragon Spear.

The whole process went by fast, only lasting for around a minute.

“Huu...” Fang Lin let out a satisfied sigh as he looked inside his soulscape.

To his delight, he saw that his Creation-Destruction Nascent Soul had actually reached 3 Soul Reformations, while his Life-Death Nascent Soul has reached 2 Soul Reformations!

“I really hit the jackpot here!” Fang Lin thought to himself as he tried to not look pleased.

With his mental state currently bolstered, Fang Lin was able to envision the dangers that will come to him once his farce as a native was exposed.

So Fang Lin decided that no matter what happens after this day’s events, his disguise must not be unraveled.

“Shua.” After standing still for 5 more minutes, Fang Lin opened his eyes, only to see the others staring at him with a mixture of wonder, anger and wariness.

“So... how does mister Miracle Guy feel?” Illusion Fang Yu said as she playfully poked Fang Lin’s breastplate.

“Hey, stop touching him that way!” Veronica unhappily complained as she shoved Illusion Fang Yu’s arm away from Fang Lin.

Bai Huangdi, who was not happy with the rewards that Fang Lin got, only got angrier as he saw the two beautiful women fussing all over him.

“Ok, ok, I think you should stop doing those things in here.” Wang Hao said as he looked at Fang Lin with an expression of excitement.

Upon seeing this look, Fang Lin already realized what Wang Hao wanted to happen next.

“Excuse me everyone, but I feel that I am in the verge of discovering something important here.” Fang Lin said as he tried to look as courteous as possible. “As such, the only thing I can do right now is to reach this discovery.”

Fang Lin then assumed a cross-legged sitting position in front of everyone as he closed his eyes, as if he was meditating on something important.

“Yeah that’s it, just delay it..” Wang Hao thought to himself as he watched what Fang Lin was doing.

Wang Hao knew that both Huo Huangdi and Jieshu will pepper Fang Lin with questions, and that is not actually good for Fang Lin right now.

As such, Fang Lin has no choice but to use the excuse of ‘seeing an important thing’ in order for him to avoid being questioned right now.

And this strategy seemed to be working, as Huo Huangdi and Jieshu allowed Fang Lin to do his excuse.

Heck, they even looked pleased with what happened with Fang Lin.

“It seems like giving the Heirlooms to this native is a good choice then.” Huo Huangdi muttered, as if he seemed to be not worried with Fang Lin holding all the Heirlooms with him.

How could Huo Huangdi be worried?

Even if this native has all the Heirlooms, there is still no way for the native to win against Bai Huangdi, let alone against all the Yama Princes and their living followers!

Even if Fang Yu and Veronica seems to like this native, Huo Huangdi was still sure that these two ladies will still choose to win the final trial over the native’s life.

“Hehehe, General Draco, go and discover the important secret of this place for us.” Huo Huangdi sinisterly thought as a smile appeared on his lips.

“However, if you try to withhold the secrets that you will discover, then you should expect no mercy from us!”


Genie, who was busy restraining the white mist from spreading out, let out a sigh of relief as she felt the power fluctuations of the 6 Heirlooms combining.

“This generation of Yama Princes and living followers are really a handful...” Genie thought with a smile.

Her expression however, suddenly turned cloudy as she remembered her own living follower.

“Hmph, that martial-arts freak! He still wanted to follow martial arts even now that I am the Yama Successor!” Genie muttered angrily as she could only pout at the memory of her living follower.

“Hmph, good thing that my follower is still alive... If he ever died from his martial arts exploits, then I will personally drag his soul here to make him stay beside me!”

“Oh now that I remember it...” Genie suddenly furrowed her eyebrows as she remembered what her living follower told to her years ago.

“That guy told me that he will be off in an adventure to obtain his Martial Aura... Hmph, he better show me that Martial Aura of his when he visits me back! Wait, when will he visit me again?”

While Genie was having a blast with these thoughts, the pesky voice talking to her earlier started to snicker as it said,

“Oh... It seems like Genie, the Yama Successor, is thinking about the man that she loves...”

“What? No-no-no! It’s not like that!” Genie stutteringly replied as her face started to show lack of composure. “I am just thinking about an irritating person!”

“Well whatever, it’s still obvious that you like that person...” The voice said as Genie could only let out a frustrated sigh.

“Why am I even chatting to you anyway?” The only thing that I should do here is to restrain you, until they finish the Final Trial!” Genie said as her body began to pulse with more power.

“Hehehe, let’s see if those youngsters can finish the Final Trial within 3 days.” The voice said as it continued on snickering. “I will personally applaud them if that really happens.”



“Wow, Fang Lin, that is an impressive act that you are showing us right now.” Wang Hao muttered to himself as he watched Fang Lin, who was now in his 6th hour on his meditative state.

“I just wanted to you to act like you have to meditate to see the mysteries of the Heirlooms, but you took it up the notch!”

Right now, Wang Hao could see that Fang Lin’s body was trembling, as if he was experiencing an extremely painful sensation.

Blood could also be seen pouring out of Fang Lin’s eyes, nose, and ears, as if he was going through some incredibly dangerous experience.

“Well the shaking is already enough. Do you really have to show some blood to make your acting more convincing?” Wang Hao thought to himself as he realized that Fang Lin was really doing his best to delay the time.

But that feeling of Wang Hao disappeared as hours passed by with Fang Lin’s body still trembling and his facial orifices still bleeding.

“What the hell, one day has already passed by, and Fang Lin still wanted to act like this?” By this point, Wang Hao was already thinking that Fang Lin seemed to have taken Wang Hao’s plea to delay time way too seriously.

“I am pleased that you are acting this drastically for me, but really, you do not need to make yourself bleed that much...” Wang Hao then let out a sigh as he realized that he must do something to make Fang Lin stop his acting right now.

But before he could make some action, Wang Hao suddenly paused as he realized something.

“Wait... what if Fang Lin is not acting right now? What if Fang Lin really had seen something in his meditation, and right now, he is doing his best to obtain it!”

Wang Hao’s gaze to Fang Lin then changed to a worried one, as he realized that Fang Lin could be experiencing some extreme dangers right now!

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