The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 587 The Safest Thing To Do

Gilas did his best not to let out a sigh of relief as he heard that the King and Queen had returned to the castle. It had been a hectic affair having to run the kingdom between himself and Clara, and he was sure that his mate would also be happy to hear that they could finally stop doing some of the things they'd been doing out of responsibility.

As such, there they both stood in the throne room in front of the newly-arrived royals, his head bowed down alongside Clara's as they addressed their liege.

"My King. My Queen. Welcome back," he greeted.

"We've done much during your absence," Clara added.

"Gilas. Clara," Darius greeted back with an approving hum. "Raise your heads."

At that, both of them raised their heads only to be greeted by the two smiling royals. Gilas couldn't help but notice the warm look that the Queen was giving Clara, with the latter returning the look with a knowing smile on her face. Well, whatever happened between Clara and the Queen, he was glad that the two of them seemed to be getting along.

"I've heard that you two were deep in clerical work while we were away," Queen Xenia remarked. "I apologize for the suffering we've clearly caused because of that."

"None at all, my Queen," Gilas quickly replied. "We simply did what we had to do."

"I agree," Clara nodded in agreement. "It was what anyone loyal to the kingdom would've done in our stead."

"Nevertheless, you two have gone far and above your station," Darius remarked. "If there is anything you two might want, then I'll see that it be done. Within reason, of course."

Gilas's eyes widened at Darius's offer. What the king just said was tantamount to him giving them his favor, and they didn't even do that much to deserve it.

"Da-My King, this is too much," Clara quickly retorted. "We merely did what we had to do."

"Ah, but that's also commendable, is it not?" Xenia remarked. "It's just normal to reward loyal subjects, right?"

Gilas let out a soft smile. Truly, it was amazing that he was serving good people.

"It is as you say," Gilas finally relented with a shrug.

"I'm glad you finally saw it that way," Xenia beamed. "It's just natural, you know?"

"I agree," Darius chuckled. "In fact, it's the least we can do."

A round of soft laughter filled the throne room as the four of them shared a moment to celebrate. While it wasn't a big occasion for the royal couple to arrive back home, it was still something to be happy about.

"Oh, congratulations on the pregnancy by the way," Gilas quickly stated.

"Likewise," Clara quickly added, sharing in the happiness of the news. "It's good news to see that your mutual love has... bore fruit...."

Xenia blushed, and Gilas could see that Clara was blushing as well. Judging by what he's feeling through their Bond, his mate was feeling... things about it all.

[Best not pry if you value your life,] Ham advised.

Gilas readily agreed. He wasn't ready to tackle those feelings she had just yet. Well, he was ready to try and help her through it, but doing so now wouldn't be safe for his health.

"G-Gilas, didn't you have something pressing to tell the King?"

But before he could ponder on when exactly he could help his mate process her feelings, Clara had reminded him of something that he had been meaning to talk about with the king ever since he learned of it.

"Oh right," Gilas cleared his throat before turning to the king. "One of the guards told me that Pinra's requesting to talk to me."

"Oh?" Darius raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Did the guard say anything as to why that would be the case?"

"None that I haven't asked him about since I've learned of the news," Gilas replied. "Apparently, Pinra's mental state hasn't been in the best shape since we left her there."

"That's a given," Xenia scoffed. "I made sure that she knew what her actions had caused. All the way up to how Nasser died, I'm sure that she thinks it's all her fault."

Gilas blinked at the cold tone his Queen just used as opposed to her jovial tone from earlier. It would seem that Xenia still hasn't forgiven his cousin for all that she had done.

"Still, for her to request an audience could mean that she had enough time to think about her life," Darius pondered with a hint of skepticism. "Do you want to do so, Gilas? To visit her?"

"I would like to, but I'm also waiting for your thoughts on the matter," he truthfully replied. "It's the reason why I waited for your return to even do such a thing."

Darius hummed as he nodded. "A wise choice. This way, we'll at least be informed of such an action. After all, Pinra is still a risk even if she's bound and chained in the dungeons. It'd be best for you to not go visit her alone."

"Which is why I offered to accompany him even before this conversation happened," Clara promptly added. "I'm sure I'll be more than enough to handle Pinra should she try to escape."

"See to it that you do then," Darius gave Clara an approving nod before then turning back to Gilas. "See just what exactly Pinra has in wanting to speak to you, Gilas. If things are truly as they seem, then we might just have a new potentially strong ally to rely on."

"I for one think that this might just be a trick," Xenia scoffed. "But we should still give Pinra the benefit of the doubt, I suppose."

With that, Gilas and Clara bid farewell to the royal couple and left the throne room. With his king's permission now secured, Gilas quickly made a beeline to the dungeons to go and meet Pinra.

"Don't believe a word she says," Clara warned beside him as they descended the dungeons.

"I know," Gilas nodded. "I won't take everything at face value, especially with her."

It was the safest thing to do, after all. But still, her mother's words about his cousin's potential redemption remained in his head...

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