Aurelia felt her brows twitch as she heard a random man take a pass at her. Turning around, she saw what was clearly a group of drunken idiots giving her a good eye.

"You look like you could use some company," idiot number one slurred to her, his breath reeking of alcohol as he approached her. "Me and my friends are readily available..."

"T-That's right..." idiot number two goofily grinned. "Let us show you a good time."

Blinking in disbelief, it took Aurelia three seconds before she pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Seriously... not even a few steps away from the main street and this was what greeted her?

"Come on, girly," the third idiot giggled. "Just a few hours are all we need..."

"Look, you three are clearly way above your current capabilities," Aurelia began, her eyes already keenly taking note of the way they moved. "Either you all leave me to my devices, or I make your lives painful for trying to flirt with me."

"R-Really now? I think you need a bit of disciplining," idiot one slurred out, his face getting annoyingly close to her. "Why don't you-"


Aurelia raised an eyebrow as a familiar voice pierced through the alcohol-scented air. Turning to the entrance of the alleyway, she was faintly surprised to see that Calypso had managed to find her.

[That was fast,] she casually commented.

[He probably felt your growing anger through the Bond,] her wolf supplied.

Regardless, she took a step back as the three idiots all turned their attention to Calypso. As for her mate himself, he managed to give him a reassuring smirk even as he visibly prepared himself for a fight. He looked like a proper rescuer just then, and she hated how much she was affected by such a sight.

"You three are annoying my mate with your presence," Calypso smugly scoffed, cracking his knuckles as he slowly positioned himself between Aurelia and the drunken group. "I highly suggest that you all leave before you hurt yourselves."

"Hah! You're only one person," idiot number three cackled.

"We'll wipe the floor with you," idiot two laughed.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you then," Calypso darkly chuckled.

Aurelia crossed her arms as she leaned by the nearest wall. Sure enough, a fight ensued, and she was more than happy to let Calypso take the brunt of the damage. It was rather a boring affair too, what with her mate purposefully taking a few hits clearly just to try and get a reaction out of her. Not that it worked, of course...

Well, maybe she felt a bit of worry every time she saw him eat a punch, but knowing that he was holding himself back made it easier for her to ignore his fake cries of pain.

[Seriously, doesn't he know I've seen him fight better than this?] Aurelia scoffed.

[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I agree,] her wolf scoffed with her. [This is just a waste of time.]

Thankfully, Calypso seemed to have picked up on her feelings as he quickly changed his tactics. His fighting skills just seemingly returned to him all of a sudden as he destroyed the drunken idiots in five seconds flat, an action that actually impressed her enough that she felt her cheeks flush again.

'Damn my appreciation for efficiency,' she inwardly grumbled.

"So, that takes care of that," Calypso smirked as he casually dusted off his hands. "Are you alright, Lia?"

"I'll live," she shrugged, doing her best to hide the blush on her face. "I could've taken them if you didn't show up though."

"Oh I know," he smugly chuckled. "But I still took a few hits for you... as was expected of me."

"My hero," she sarcastically replied. Although, her tone sounded more sincere than she would've liked.

"Only for you, Lia," Calypso smoothly replied. "Anyways, shall we then?"

Aurelia stared as he stretched out his hand to her. Looking at his palm, she let out a sigh as she grabbed onto him and let him lead her out of the alley.

The next few moments after that had been a blur of random festivities. All the while, Aurelia found herself smiling more and more despite herself, her walls of ice thawing just ever so slightly as Calypso made sure that she enjoyed herself.

In the end, she found herself standing beside him as a live band played music for the lantern lighting event. A few couples were dancing out in the open space, and she just knew that Calypso would have it in him to ask her to join him for it.

"May I have this dance?"

Aurelia let out a resigned sigh as she stared at Calypso's eager smile. Sure enough, she was right. But unlike what she expected herself to respond, she nodded as she flashed him a faint smile.

Wordlessly, she took his hand and let him pull her into the open space in the town square. The music seemed to come from around them as she found herself falling in step with Calypso, their feet moving as one as they swayed to the jovial beat of the festival.

"I didn't think you knew how to dance," Aurelia coldly scoffed even as her face turned redder by the second.

"I took a few lessons," Calypso smirked at her, his eyes twinkling against the light of the torches around them "It helps with infiltrating high profile events."

Aurelia let off another scoff as she let her mate direct their movements. As the song played itself out, the more its rhythm seemed to slow as they all fell into a waltz. And with all of the paper lanterns floating above them, she couldn't help but gulp as she did her best to not let the atmosphere affect her.

"Thank you for coming with me, Lia," Calypso sincerely stated, her eyes directed up to the paper lanterns above. "I mean it when I say this has been one of the best nights I've ever had in my life."

She bit her lip as she tried to find the right words to say to him. Try as she might, however, she couldn't find it in herself to give him a cold remark. He was too sincere, and it wouldn't do for her to spit on it so casually.

"I had fun too," she weakly admitted. "Thank you for taking me here."

Her eyes following his, she sighed at the paper lanterns dotting the night sky. Once more, it would seem that she must admit defeat. As narrowly as Calypso got his victory this time, it was deserved.

Besides, he did succeed against her attackers earlier. It wouldn't do for her to fail her hero at the last possible second.

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