The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 655 Her Other Self

Calypso couldn't help but feel smug even as Aurelia kept on glaring at her at every waking moment that they were together. Unlike last night, she was keeping a healthy distance away from him, making sure that their hands would not even touch despite their close proximity to one another. Not that she blamed him for it. He was starting to see just how exactly Aurelia saw the world around her, and he was honestly both astonished and resigned with the conclusion that was slowly forming in his head.

[Her pride is her all,] he inwardly thought as he silently stared at his mate sitting right in front of him in their carriage. [She refuses to let go of her sense of self, even if it's to her own detriment.]

[There are women like that, unfortunately,] Axel hummed in understanding. [And while most of the women that you met that are like that immediately fell to your charms, Aurelia is both too smart and stubborn to admit that she wants you.]

He could only inwardly sigh at his wolf's words. The only reason her current actions hadn't sent him into a panic was because he could feel her emotions, and right now, what he was feeling within her was a passion that never existed before he pleasured her last night.

[Really, would it kill our mate to just let go of her pride and admit that she likes you?] Axel scoffed. 

[Lia isn't like that,] he chuckled. [She treats our relationship like a battle of wits. She won't admit to anything unless I thoroughly beat her and get past her defenses.]

And he was making excellent progress too. Last night was the furthest he had gone with her, with his mate all but presenting herself to him like she had already lost. Only, he could still feel her emotions even through the haze of pleasure that she was experiencing. Even during the throes of passion and ecstasy, Aurelia's mind was still a hive of thoughts and activity. The constant fluctuations in her emotions last night told him that she was thinking up of idea after idea despite her body's eager reactions. He knew that she had an ulterior motive despite presenting herself to him. 

He knew she'd get what she wanted if he completed their Mate Bond right then and there… which was honestly both impressive and worrying since he had no idea what she'd get for even doing that.

[Seriously, wouldn't us completing the Bond mean that I've won in our game?] he frowned even as his gaze kept itself locked onto his scowling mate. [If what I'm reading about her is right, then us completing the Bond would be all but admitting defeat for her.]

[Honestly, I have no idea myself,] Axel sighed. [It might have something to do with the faint presence within her. It might be the beginnings of an inner wolf, and she might be drawing ideas from it.]

Calypso could only shrug in agreement. True enough, there was a faint presence within his mate ever since he marked her. He wasn't sure what it was, but he could only assume that she was still keeping it a secret from him.


His eyes widened as he heard her voice for the first time that day. "Yes?"

"It has recently come to my attention that I now have an inner wolf residing in my mind," Aurelia casually spoke, her tone as low as she could possibly make it. "As you have experience on the subject, I'd like to request some assistance on how to handle such matters."

Calypso didn't even know he was gaping until his mate raised an eyebrow at him. Swallowing his surprise, he put on his best smile as he eagerly asked, "What do you need of me then?"

"For one, I'd like some assistance in gaining access to my wolf form," she coldly replied. "Next, I'd like any knowledge or advice you might have on caring for one's inner wolf."

"Easy," he smugly nodded. "We'll get to that as soon as we arrive then."

"Excellent," she nonchalantly nodded. "And lastly, I'd like some suggestions on a good name for my wolf."

He almost felt his mouth drop at her words. Naming an inner wolf was a big deal, and for her to even ask him about this meant that she trusted him enough with such a matter.

[So you truly have made excellent progress,] Axel chuckled. [Even though she's constantly giving you the cold shoulder, she still thinks your opinion matters.]

Calypso wanted so badly to celebrate, but he knew he shouldn't count his eggs before they hatched. When it came to his Lia, he had to constantly be on his toes. His methods of wooing her were working, but even the slightest mistake could give her the advantage again. And knowing her, she'd run away with whatever inch he'd give her if she could.

Schooling his features, Calypso asked, "I assume that it's a she then?"

Immediately, he inwardly clicked his tongue as she only gave him a knowing look, one that told him that what he asked was stupid and pointless.

'In hindsight, that was a stupid question,' he inwardly winced.

Still, he managed to recover as he cleared his throat. He could still salvage this. 

"What are you looking for in a name for her?" he carefully asked.

"I just want something that fits," she casually waved her hand at him. "My other self agrees on this as well."

'Her other self, huh…' he thought. 

Clearly, she thought of her wolf as an extension of herself. And judging by her tone, her inner wolf agreed with her. 

After a bit of thought, he suggested, "How about Aura then?"

"After my own name?" Aurelia raised an eyebrow at his suggestion. 

"If she's your other self, then it fits," he casually replied, gauging her reactions as he made sure to show a calculated look. "Short and easy to say as well."

"Aura…" Aurelia hummed. "My- Aura approves. Thank you, Calypso."

Through their incomplete Bond, Calypso felt his mate's approval of his idea. Despite her turning her head back to the window, he could tell that she was impressed and that the growing passion within her pulsed ever so slightly at his words. 

[I can safely say that you've made yourself closer to her yet again,] Axel nodded in approval.

[It's slow going, but it's working,] he chuckled.

It was slower than he expected, but Aurelia wasn't any other woman. If his usual methods didn't work, then he'll just adjust and suit them to his needs. After all, his mate was just that special, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

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