Calypso had no idea what was going on. However, he knew that he was thoroughly enjoying his position as Aurelia mounted herself on top of him. Granted, she was swaying side to side and was clearly on the verge of unconsciousness, but still.

She was on top of him, and he could feel her overflowing passion threatening to burst from within her.

[This can be our chance,] Axel advised. [Then again, last time was also our chance, and yet you didn't take it.]

[I didn't because I knew she was after something,] Calypso reasoned even as his mate began undoing his pants. [This time's no different. No. I refuse to complete our Bond like this.]

His wolf sighed at his decision. After all, they both knew that Aurelia was all but offering herself to him during their last encounter. He didn't take her then because he knew he would overshoot his shot, but that didn't mean he didn't want to. Heck, he wanted to do it even now as her head hovered dangerously close to his exposed manhood. 

"F-Fascinating…" she slurred out, her attention focused solely on his stiff member as she eyed it with as much focus as her drunken self could muster. "S-Such a larger than average specimen…"

He couldn't help but blush at her words. Even while drunk, she couldn't help but look at the world in her own scientific and formal sort of way. 

"And you can do a lot with it too," he cheekily replied. "If you-"



Calypso's eyes widened as his hand went to the place where Aurelia just drunkenly slapped him. She didn't even look at him while she did it, her eyes still glued solely onto his member as she studied him.

"C-Corpses don't talk," she grumbled out. "Y-You're no corpse though…"

'Oh, dear… This must be the most drunken I've seen her yet…'

"Lia, I'm not a corpse-"

"What did I just say?"

Calypso promptly shut his mouth as his mate's drunken glare somehow still made his hairs stand on their ends. It also didn't help that her hand was already on his shaft, her fingers making his manhood throb painfully as he yearned for her to move.

"I-I'm busy here," she drunkenly slurred, her head swaying against the wind as she turned her gaze back to his cock. "I'm fascinated by your cock, Calypso."

[She's… She's actually incoherent,] he worriedly whispered.

[I-I agree,] Axel remarked in astonishment. [You're right. Completing the Bond now would be an insult to both of you.]

Still, that didn't mean that he couldn't take pleasure in what she was doing. And sure enough, the moment Aurelia began moving her hand to stroke his shaft, it took Calypso his all just to stop him from groaning too loudly.

"L-Lia…" he whispered out in pleasure.

"A-Amazing," she whispered, her breaths hitting his shaft in a way that only made his pleasure all the more apparent. "Stimulation is making you even larger…"

'Of course, it does, Lia!' he inwardly shouted. 'Any man would get harder at such an action!'

But as much as he wanted to speak, the way his mate moved on top of him made him want to simply watch her do her thing. Her slow and steady strokes were both sloppy and measured, her drunken mind still somehow defaulting to her old ways despite her clear lack of coherence.

"Ah, natural lubrication," she gasped out, her tone almost sounding amazed as she managed to draw out some of his pre-cum. "C-Clear and consistent, as is expected of my mate…"

Calypso groaned through his teeth as he watched Aurelia do the unexpected. Running a finger through the opening of his cock, she gathered a drop of his pre-cum and put it in her mouth. Even while swaying in place and drunk out of her mind, the image of her doing such an action almost made him cum right then and there.

"S-Salty," she frowned, more out of thought than out of disappointment. "Nevertheless, the experiment must continue."


His breaths came out harder and more erratic as he felt her fingers begin to move in earnest. Her hand began sliding up and down his shaft, his pre-cum lubricating her movements as she stared transfixed at his throbbing cock. Then, he felt her other hand fondled his balls, her fingers moving delicately as if handling a precious jewel.

"Large gonads as well," she drunkenly observed. "S-Surely they're full of fertile seed for a lucky womb to accept…"

Just the thought of her words coming true alone almost made Calypso explode in pleasure. The image of her Lia swelling with child, his seed growing big and strong within her made his entire body twitch with pleasure.


And sure enough, the dam of pleasure within him exploded as he felt a deluge of his warm seed shoot out from his throbbing member. 

"O-Oh my…"

Calypso groaned as he shot spurt after spurt into the air, some of them landing on his mate's face and hair as she watched him explode for her. And just like that, he almost felt like exploding again as the image of Aurelia covered in his seed etched itself into his mind.

"T-Thick and fragrant…" she absently blinked, her focus clearly leaving her as she blankly swayed on top of him. "I-It's… the perfect… benchmark…"


Calypso was still panting when his mate collapsed on top of him, her semen-covered self staining everything she was touching as she lost consciousness. 


Still recovering from his climax, Calypso did his best to sit up on their bed. While his cock was still rock hard, now wasn't the time to indulge himself as he began taking care of his unconscious mate. He knew that she'd be horrified by what she just did should she remember any of this. However, she was clearly the type of drunk that didn't remember a thing about what they did while they were under the influence.

[I can use this,] he weakly chuckled.

[And risk facing her wrath again? I don't think so,] Axel scoffed. [No, you should just focus on helping her. She'll appreciate that more than you supposedly taking advantage of her while she's like this.]

Shrugging, he went ahead and did just that. Cleaning her up, he could only hope that she'd actually stop drinking despite the clear advantage it gave him whenever she did so. While her reactions were cute, the fact that her words started lacking sense to them just rubbed him the wrong way after all of the verbal sparring they'd done.

"This is just worrying," he humorlessly chuckled. "You can always say no every once in a while, Lia…"

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