That morning, the gathering of all the Kingdoms in the makeshift stage inside the forest finally started. 

"Looks like they've prepared for this very well…"

Bella couldn't help but let her jaw drop as she stared at the grand preparations made inside Haven Forest. 

The preparations for the Global Summit was all handled by the Mount Sorel Guild, and it was clear that they used magic to make the makeshift stage in a way that it would look like they were currently inside an arena, allowing every delegate of each kingdom to be properly accommodated. They all had their assigned seats per kingdom, and there were also designated throne seats all arranged in a circle that she assumed were all assigned to the rulers of each kingdom.

With the resounding boom of a trumpet, the signal that the program and the gathering of the kingdoms were about to start was finally given. The announcer, who was also a member of the Mount Sorel Guild, stepped up to the center as he began the announcements. 

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. From all the different kingdoms that have gathered here today, we all have one goal in mind: to uphold peace and unity among the lands," the announcer proclaimed. "We, the Mount Sorel Guild, welcome you all to Haven Forest. We strongly request from all of you your warm cooperation."

There was a pause before the announcer then proceeded with the introduction for each participating kingdom in no particular order. However, it would seem that it was still based on who arrived first. Their respective rulers were introduced as they stood up and sat on their designated thrones.

"His piercing eyes reflect his strong-willed nature, and his muscular physique attests to his prowess as a warrior and as a leader," the announcer declared as he began yet another introduction. "Let's have a round of welcome applause for the impetuous and fiercely determined Werewolf King of the Kingdom of Cordon, Darius Grant!"

'Seriously?' Bella scoffed in her head as she rolled her eyes ats the Cordonians delegates cheering for their King.

[This is so much fun,] Poona cheered along with a giggle. [How do you think Amon will be introduced?]

"Don't we have the best and strongest introduction so far?" Jayra proudly whispered to her. "I helped out in forming that introduction too! I suggested to add that muscular physique!"

"I'm more curious about how Amon will be introduced, to be honest," Bella answered with a pout. 

Seemingly ignored, Jayra curled her mouth at her and scoffed, "Look at you only thinking about that bastard… Hmph!"

Bella chuckled at her sister-in-law's antics. Shrugging, she simply hugged Jayra by the arm as if hoping that would work as an apology.

"His commanding presence exudes an aura of supremacy despite his silence. He carries himself with an air nobility and authority that would demand respect from those around him," the announcer proclaimed as he went ahead with the next king. "A round of applause for our enigmatic and reclusive Vampire King of the Kingdom of Valcrez, Nikolai Ichor!"

As predicted, the Valcrezian delegates present cheered their king on. In the sidelines, however, Bella was growing impatient as she waited for the other kingdoms to be introduced.

"Ah, when will this end?" she snorted with a sigh. 

"Shhh… Watch your words," Jayra shushed her as she hit her with her elbow. "Why are you being so impatient when everyone's enjoying this refreshing introductions anyway? If I'm correct, we were the last to arrive with Helion's entourage, so King Amon's introduction would probably be for last."

Bella shrugged, giving Jayra a nonverbal reply. What could she say? She was just too excited about how they would introduce Amon. She was so ready to hear whatever it was that was prepared for him that she was already imagining how she would cheer for him! 

As if reading what was going on inside her head, Jayra's eyes widened as she reminded her, "Don't you dare make a scene not fit for a lady!!!"

Bella gave Jayra a cheeky smirk. Ah, her sister-in-law really knew her well. Chuckling, she only gave her a wink and a mischievous smile, to which Jayra responded by dropping her shoulders in defeat. 

"Fine, do what you want," Jayra groaned in joking resignation before she gave her a smile. "It's been a while since I saw you truly in high spirits like this anyway, Bella. And I'm happy. I will always support you."

Bella beamed as lovingly hugged Jayra. "Thank you so much, Sis. I won't hold back, so please bear with your stubborn sister-in-law for just a bit more," she gratefully said. "For now, just turn a blind eye to everything I might do. I promise you that I won't endanger and put myself at risk… too much, at least."

"The very whisper of his name is enough for anyone to feel a shiver down their spine as he reigns his kingdom with an iron fist," the announcer passionately proclaimed yet again, introducing yet another ruler into the event. "Ruthless against his enemies, none would dare offend the dangerous, indifferent, and merciless Dragon King of the Kingdom of Ebodia, Ezekiel Ward!" 

Bella gulped at what she just heard. Her eyes narrowed, she whispered in Jayra's ear, "Why does King Ezekiel's introduction sound like a threat?"

Jayra only shrugged as she replied, "Because King Ezekiel changed much after everything that had happened. Even his sisters or parents can no longer decipher what's going on inside his head or whatever he's planning." She then took on a wistful smile as she added, "But one thing's for sure, he will do everything in his power to protect his people and his subjects."

"Fair enough," Bella murmured as she came to terms with what she got as an answer. "Also, I heard you talking to Brother before. He's proposing unity of kingdoms under one empire, right?" 

Jayra simply nodded, making Bella continue as she frowned. "One empire… So that means being ruled by just one emperor?"

"Let's just wait and see how this Global Summit will end," Jayra answered with a low tone.

Bella yet again could only shrug at what she got for an answer. Letting the introductions roll by, a particular royal caught her attention when it was their turn to be introduced.

"Wait… Why does the Queen Regent of Zion have her face covered?" Bella snorted as she stared at the graceful woman being introduced by the announcer.

"I'm not sure as well. Maybe it's their custom," Jayra postulated. "Her brother is still too young to be king, so I heard she took over until her brother comes of age."

"Must be a pain in the ass for someone single like her to rule a fallen kingdom and get it back on its feet," Bella remarked as she cheered for the Kingdom of Zion's delegates. "Still, I admire this Queen Regent Katelina Grimaldi. Women in power are the best!" 

"And now, last but not the least! A ruler that gave new hope to his citizens... He may have the demon's blood in his veins, but he didn't let that define who he is," the announcer began. 

"A humble and dedicated ruler who's determined to build back up what had been destroyed. An honest ruler who's willing to cooperate and compromise for peace to reign all over the lands. Please give a round of applause to the mighty king of the Kingdom of Helion, Amon Black!"

"We love you Amon! You're doing great!" 

Just like how she pictured herself, Bella cheered with the rest of the Helion delegates, not minding how all eyes were on her since she was currently sitting with Cordon's delegates. She was quite far from the Helion's delegates, but she didn't let that stop her from giving them her support.

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