"I am sorry for eavesdropping, I didn't want to interrupt your conversation," Jason added.

"Are you here to defend your friend too?" When Jason nodded his head, Kiara frowned, "He can send his friend but can't come on his own." ​ ​

"Well, apart from the fact that you asked him to stay away from you, Linhou is like this. Whenever we have a fight, he never comes and talks to me because he is afraid that might trigger me and things would get more awkward and weird," he sighed. "He is a mess, okay? And if this continues, I am afraid boss might kick him out.."

Widening her eyes in shock, Kiara snapped, "What?"

"Yeah—" Shrugging his shoulders, he scoffed, "What makes you think he will keep us if we don't perform our duties well?"

Thinking for a while, she ran out of the room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed Jason smiled, "Well, that went well."

"She has been going through a lot too—I hope they sort things out fast," Elizabeth sighed.

"I am sure they will."

"So will boss really kick you guys out just like that?" she asked.

"Of course not," he chuckled. "He might scold us but that's it. Boss doesn't show it but he treasures us a lot and we also never take that for granted because he has given us a new life."


Ning's office.

"You should seriously stop working and stay at home."

"Oh come on, what is up with people?" Meili frowned. "I am pregnant, not paralyzed. I can work and do things on my own. Would you believe it if I tell you that Guiren tries to accompany me even when I have to pee?"

Ning chuckled and nodded her head, "I will believe that."

"It's kinda irritating me now. You know he didn't even want me to go to work, I had to literally fight for it."

"Did you tell him about our special maternity leave plan?" she asked.

Helplessly shaking her head, Meili sighed, "Of course I did and he freaked out saying that it wasn't enough. He said he won't let me step out of the house after the twenty fourth week starts."

"He is just being cautious and caring, isn't that a good thing?"

"Get pregnant and then I'll see if you tell me the same thing," she scoffed.

"Well, you can take a break if you want to and—"

Cutting her off, Meili widened her eyes in shock. "You told me this but I beg you not to say it in front of Guiren. Do not put such things in his head."

"You sure?"

"Of course Ning, I have worked for as long as I can remember and just because I am having a baby, doesn't mean I have to sit at home like a log. I need to work for my inner peace."

Ning nodded her head in agreement. "Even I wouldn't stop working if I have a baby in the future."

"See exactly, that is how it is supposed to be. Can you please ask Yichan to talk to Guiren?"

"Trust me Mei, Yi is the last person you would want to talk to Guiren over this," she chuckled.

Helplessly shaking her head, Meili sighed in dejection, "God save me then." Pausing for a while, she asked, "By the way, is she still bothering him?"


"Angella." When Ning frowned, she added, "Rocky's sister Angella, you know the one who is crazy about your husband."

"I know who Angella is but what do you mean by bothering him?"

"Oh, so you don't know—" Shrugging her shoulders, Meili remarked, "Maybe Yichan didn't tell you because he didn't want to stress you out."

"Angella is bothering Yi?" When Meili nodded her head, she asked, "How?"

"From what Guiren told me, she created a ruckus in his office the other day and demanded to meet him. When she refused to leave, the guards dragged her out."

"When did this happen?"

"Maybe a few days ago."



Yichan and Ning's place.

"I can't promise, okay? But I will talk to her."

"Dude, you gotta help me out. Meili doesn't wanna stay home and rest, she wants to work till the maternity leave thing starts. I just don;t feel it's safe," Guiren remarked.

"Of course it's not but you know how tight Ning and Meili are, I am sure she has already told Ning everything and they probably have a plan now."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Guiren asked, "Should I come there and talk to her personally? I am sure if Ning will ask her not to come to work, she won't."

"Listen, I just got home from work and I don't even know if she is home yet," Yichan sighed.

Scrunching his brows, Guiren asked, "Why? I thought you both come home together everyday."

"Yes we do but today she did not receive my call. When I went to her office, she had already left."

"Woah, what did you do?"

"Nothing, what makes you think that I did something?" Yichan frowned. "Anyway, I'll hang up now."

After hanging up the call, Yichan quickly entered the house only to find out that Ning hadn't arrived yet.

Slumping on the couch, he was about to call her again when she arrived.

Smiling at her, he got up. "Hey babe, I had gone to your office but—" He stopped midway when Ning just walked past him.

"Babe?" he called her out when the latter kept walking towards the bedroom.

Raising his brows, he quickly grabbed his coat and rushed towards her. "What did you do Yichan?" he muttered to himself.


Inside their bedroom.

Still ignoring Yichan's presence, Ning kept doing her thing while he stood there being clueless. He had no idea why he was getting ignored all of a sudden.

Approaching her, he asked, "Honey, what was that?"


"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Oh did I? I am sorry, I did not see you," she remarked before taking out a dress from the closet.


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