The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 467 - The True Meaning of Knife-Using Methods

Chapter 467 The True Meaning of Knife-Using Methods

Li Mu sensed that Jiang Qing Luan was obviously not strong, but in such a situation, he still spoke in a frivolous tone full of provocation. Obviously, he was not afraid of him. Could it be that he had some other support?

This made Li Mu a little vigilant.

But no matter what he relied on, Li Mu would fight first.

“I really don’t like your tone when you spoke to me.” Li Mu no longer talked nonsense. He directly attacked Jiang Qingluan with his knife and said, “Perhaps you have support. Why not show it off?”

The blade was shining.

Jiang Qingluan did not move at all. A layer of curved ripples spread out in front of him, blocking the blade wave.

“I can even withstand the pressure from Fairy Emperor of Light, let alone you...”

Before his voice died away, his face changed and a huge shock surged over. He could not finish his words, but was forced to take four or five steps back, with a suffocating feeling and his face turning pale.

“You may have forgotten one thing.” Li Mu looked at him as if he was looking at a fool, and said with a smile, “The Fairy Emperor of Light you mentioned was defeated by me before. Though you can resist him, you may not necessarily be able to stop me.”

Li Mu waved his hand, and another bright knife light shot out.

Jiang Qingluan’s expression changed. He took out the snow-white beast teeth and held them in his palm.

As he muttered, a stream of pale white light, which was as sharp as a blade, flowed out from the beast teeth and formed a circle of white bone shield-like light. It twisted the space and light and covered Jiang Qingluan.


Li Mu’s knife light hit the circle of white light, which made Jiang Qingluan step back. He gasped, but failed to break it.

Jiang Qingluan calmed down and was about to say something.

Li Mu, however, did not say a word, but hacked dozens of times in succession.

The knife energy was as powerful as an avalanche, with beams of knife light swirling around.

From the momentum of the knife, one could sense the magic knife method that Li Mu learned when he fought against Zhangsun Changkong. He took Jiang Qingluan as his practice target, so whether he could kill him or not, he directly attacked, and kept hitting the circle of white light emitted by the white beast teeth.

At first, Jiang Qingluan sneered at Li Mu and mocked him, since the magical power of the white teeth was beyond Li Mu’s imagination, who could not break it at all.

But soon, his face changed.

Although the teeth shield protected him from being hurt, the power contained in each of Li Mu’s strikes was too strong. The enormous force made his limbs gradually go numb. Every time he crashed into him, he had an illusion that his heart was about to be shaken out of his chest.

All of a sudden, Jiang Qingluan felt dizzy.

“Oh no, if it goes on like this, I will be jolted to death.”

He didn’t expect that Li Mu could have such a means.

In fact, the main reason was that Li Mu possessed the martial arts power of Green Ox at this time, which was in a violent and abnormal state, and even the Fairy Emperor of Light was defeated. Hence, the anti-shock force was so horrible.

Moreover, Jiang Qingluan was just a Saint in this world. In the Stellar Region, he would not even be considered a worm. In comparison, he was too weak to completely unleash the strength of the white beast teeth. That was why he was in such a bad state.

The knife momentum was getting more and more powerful. Like a storm, it directly drowned the light shield.

A feeling that Li Mu had never felt before was circulating inside and outside his body.

With the infusion of the power of the Green Ox, Li Mu was currently at a level of power that he could not reach. Undoubtedly, this state was helpful for him to review his own Dao-using methods almost from a condescending point of view, and he unconsciously integrated the original Dao-using methods and the power of the magic knife into it.

Gradually, Li Mu waved the long knife in his hand as if he was free to do whatever he wanted.

He was making a breakthrough before the battle.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom!”

The sound of pearls was exploding in the ruins.

Jiang Qingluan was like a fly inside in a bottle that was constantly being shaken, while he was being tossed back and forth. He was dizzy, and blood had already come out of his mouth and nose.

Suddenly, Li Mu withdrew his knife and stopped.

The saber momentum all throughout the sky vanished in an instant.

Li Mu held the knife in his arms.

His figure was like a big tree that suddenly stopped shaking when the wind blew.

He changed his state all of a sudden.

Jiang Qingluan gasped with joy.

“Could it be that the power of the Green Ox in Li Mu’s body is finally running out?”

But at this time, Li Mu suddenly raised his hand and chopped down again.

This strike was not fast. Even an ordinary person could see it clearly. However, Jiang Qingluan was dazzled in an instant, feeling as though he was in a terrifying Refining Purgatory. He was so frightened that he cried out...

The true meaning of knife-using methods!

This was the true meaning at the Great Way level, which was enough to make the Star River cultivators fearful and envious.

A blade attack meant the sea of blood.



A crack appeared on the halo of the white beast teeth, as if it was a cracked eggshell.

“Oh no...” Jiang Qingluan was alarmed.

However, after Li Mu wielded the knife, he pulled it back and stopped again. He held the knife in his arms and stood still. His face was solemn and his look seemed to be absent-minded. Obviously, he was thinking about something.

Before Jiang Qingluan could react, Li Mu made a second strike.

Jiang Qingluan once again experienced the feeling of being in the Blood Sea hell after he had slashed out his sword.

Compared with the first strike’s blade intent, this picture became more and more realistic.

Jiang Qingluan could clearly sense that he was surrounded by blood and corpses. The vast sea of blood was filled with an indescribable killing intent that was incredibly real, as if a divine needle had pierced through his skin.

He clearly knew that this was the artistic image of Li Mu’s knife intent, but he still could not restrain his fear and had a kind of horror and suffocation as if he had fallen into hell.

The second strike was even more powerful.

“Crack, crack!”

Layers of crack lines appeared densely on the white beast teeth light-barrier. It was just like a spider web. The frightening blade intent penetrated through these crack lines and cut Jiang Qingluan’s skin open. He felt an incomparably intense pain.

As expected, Li Mu put away the knife again and stood still after this strike.

His eyes were empty and unfocused, as if he was absent-minded.

“God. He has stepped into the Great Way level and is comprehending the true meaning of knife-using methods. If he continues like this, I’ll be killed...” Jiang Qingluan was truly panicking.

At this time, Li Mu swung his third strike.

This strike was even slower.

The blade cut through the air, as if it had split a painting. The blade split the entire world into two parts, breaking through the spatial barrier, bringing Jiang Qingluan into a true hell. In the midst of the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood floated beautiful pale-red petals...

“The blade intent is becoming more and more realistic...”

Jiang Qingluan tried his best to restrain his fear.

The white beast’s teeth moved with a pale-white splendor to protect him.

He knew very well that without the beast teeth, he would be instantly crushed by the killing intent before the knife light really fell on him. Li Mu’s True Meaning had already reached an extremely terrifying level.

This sinful youth was truly a monster.


At the third cut, the final cracking sound was heard. The white aperture was completely shattered, and it cracked like eggshells.


Jiang Qingluan spat out a mouthful of blood on the white beast’s teeth, on which there was a strange rune flowing that wrapped him up. In an instant, he was sent to a place a hundred meters away, and got free from the deadly killing intent of Li Mu’s third strike.

“Li Mu, you forced me to do that.”

A malicious look appeared on his face and he shouted, “I didn’t want to use this trick at first, but... now it seems that I have to reveal my trump card in advance.”

Jiang Qingluan raised his white teeth and muttered.

A pale-white light flew out of the beast’s teeth and shot toward Li Mu.

Li Mu instinctively waved his knife to block it.

But it was strange that this white brilliance, though visible, could not be touched. It seemed empty, like light. Whether it was his knife intent, spiritual power, or natural qi, they could not resist it, and all of a sudden, it hit Li Mu’s neck.

Then, a strange feeling of being strangled arose in an instant.

Before Li Mu could react, he suddenly felt a very strange force flowing from the object under his throat and instantly filling his whole body. Then, the power of the Green Ox Martial Arts inside his body quickly dissipated, as if a bowl of water was poured into the desert and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

There were more strange things besides that.

Not only the power poured in by the Green Ox’s martial arts incarnation, but also the natural qi of the three elements of the Teal Emperor, the Fire Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor, which were cultivated by Li Mu, also disappeared in a flash like a clay ox entering the sea.

All the power of the natural qi in Li Mu’s body was gone.

He lowered his head in surprise.

He saw that an object was glowing with a faint yellow light, with an extremely strange and mysterious symbol in front of his chest. This was what had completely sealed all his power.

Li Mu frowned and subconsciously glanced at Wang Shiyu.

Wang Shiyu’s face turned pale instantly.

“How could this be?”

She found it hard to believe.

That was because this item was the amulet of peace that she personally tied to Li Mu’s neck before she entered the Tomb of the God of Sin. It was the one that her adoptive father, Lord Virtuous the Eighth, had obtained from the royal family of the Northern Song dynasty.

But why was this amulet activated by Jiang Qingluan’s white beast teeth?

“It really took me a lot of effort to let you wear this symbol. Initially, I wanted to wait for you to grow up and use this symbol at a more critical moment. After all, I have high hopes for you. I want to invest in you, and I don’t want to kill you. Today, I still don’t want to kill you.”

Jiang Qingluan was panting for breath. Using a spell to activate this had obviously consumed a lot of his energy.

However, that didn’t stop the fake smile from appearing on his face again.

“However, I didn’t expect that you could even break the ‘Bone Prison’, so I was forced to use this method.” He became calm again with ridicule and sarcasm on his face. He smiled and said, “Since you’re so talented, I have to respect your potential and activate the ‘meter-shaped charm’ to kill you in advance. Hehe, without the power of the Green Ox, you can’t mobilize the natural qi that you worked so hard to cultivate in two hours. Do you feel desperate? Do you feel awful when seeing a victory about to become a loss at the last moment?”

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