The Empress's Gigolo

Chapter 634 - Night Attack

Chapter 634: Night Attack

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Inside a bar at a street corner, there were bottles of alcohol, beverages, food, and pizza. It looked no different from an ordinary bar except for its tightly shut door.

There were dozens of people in the bar who were either standing or sitting. Among them, there were Chinese people as well as fair-haired and blue-eyed foreigners. There were people serving glasses of wine as well as people playing handheld game consoles. There were also people fiddling with daggers while looking calm and relaxed. There were practically no signs of them throwing a party.

One of the western-looking men lowered the volume of the speakers, clapped a few times to attract everyone’s attention, and began speaking.

“Everyone, as a result of our investigation during this period of time, the thing that we are looking for is in that room.”

“Steve, have you seen those people in the courtyard? They are actually using cars as weightlifting equipment! They can snap a big tree with one punch! My god—are they really humans? I’m beginning to suspect if the superheroes from the movies have come to reality!” another man exclaimed exaggeratedly.

All of the surrounding people ignored him since this wasn’t the first time he had said this.

“Andy, that’s the reason we are here. Our superior’s order is to obtain the thing we want no matter what it takes,” Steve replied.

“Indeed, strength isn’t everything. Skill and agility are still essential. There’s a saying in China that all martial arts in the world are second to speed! I really like this saying. Guns are the fastest!” A bronze-skinned lady took the dagger in her hands and stuck it on the table.

“This isn’t a good assignment. Those people aren’t only strong—you can tell from the way they move. Also, there are more than ten of them. The most important thing is that we aren’t in some small country. This is China, one of the more dangerous countries in the world. I hate carrying out assignments in this country,” a bald man added.

“This is our assignment. Please remember who we are,” Steve raised his voice and reminded everyone.

“They do indeed look a little odd, which is exactly why we came here. According to the information from the CIA, the owner of this house has a laboratory under his name. On the surface, it conducts pharmaceutical research, but in reality, they perform biochemical research on human bodies and have produced fairly good results. China has obtained this thing and is already creating biochemical soldiers. It’s obvious that we can’t take it away from the hands of China, so this man is the best way for us to break through. Our mission is to obtain information from the owner of this house and capture him if possible,” Steve explained as he took some photographs and blueprints from a file before throwing them on the table.

The picture on top depicted a sturdy-looking man in his twenties while the second picture depicted a cold-looking woman in red.

“This man is our target, codenamed ‘Mole.’ The lady is his girlfriend, and we are unsure about her identity. It has been a long time since they left the house, and we believe that there’s a basement in there. It’s highly possible that our target and the things we are after are in that basement! This is the layout of the house. The basement may very likely be in either this or that location… Another thing to note is that food is delivered to them daily. It’s sufficient to feed 200 people. As such, we have reason to believe that there’s another laboratory underground where there are many other people or even additional research materials!” Steve pointed at two spots on the blueprint.

“Any other questions?” Steve looked at everyone and answered a few of their questions.

After, seeing that there were no further questions, he added, “Now, let me make the arrangements. This is point 1, where there are surveillance personnel on watch during the day. They are very likely to be China’s secret agents. They will leave at 10 PM in the evening. However, you must also be mindful of this location. If we get discovered, Kobe and Robin will settle the situation. This is point 2, which is the target’s main door. The entire courtyard has no surveillance installations or guard dogs. As such, we can infiltrate directly. These two locations are points 3 and 4. Groups 1 and 2 will infiltrate these locations, respectively. According to our observations, most of those men will start drinking after 8 PM every evening and finish by 10 PM. By this time, they will not be as alert anymore. We will move in at 12 midnight, which is after the shift change of the secret agents. We will first deal with those two people before we attack.”

“This is their electrical power system. Negan, you will be in charge of cutting off the electricity before Sarah jams the signal reception. After cutting off the electricity, group 1 will advance from the front while group 2 breaks in from the back. Group 3 will prevent anyone from escaping. Before we evacuate, we must settle all of this in five minutes and obtain all the information we need in an hour. This is each group’s route of advancement—everyone take a look. This assignment is very important. We must succeed, and there is no room for failure! Also, this is the route of retreat, which everyone needs to keep in mind. After we succeed, a speed boat will come pick us up and we will reach the high seas in four hours. If everything goes smoothly, we will disappear from everyone’s sight before they can even react,” Steve said as he gave out various orders.

Everyone at the table held up a piece of paper that contained the villa’s blueprint as well as their individual tasks.

“Steve, where are the weapons? Are they here yet?”

“They have arrived.”

“The codename of this operation is ‘Mole Hunt!’”

“Boss, their tendencies don’t look quite right. It’s possible that they are taking action soon. Shall we take action?” From a restaurant not too far away, a man spoke into a walkie-talkie.

“No, there’s no need to. We can take this opportunity to see how they respond to firearms,” a middle-aged man quickly replied from the other end of the walkie-talkie.

At night, the fully equipped people split up into their teams and made their way up Sheshan from the trail.

Soon after, a voice sounded from the walkie-talkie, “Thunder God, there’s nobody at point 1.”

Immediately after hearing this, Steve replied, “Check the surroundings. Dash straight to point 3 if there are no problems.”

Very quickly, a group of people smoothly arrived at points 3 and 4.

Suddenly, the lights within the villa were switched off, and it became pitch black.

Steve looked at his watch and confirmed that it was almost time. When he put on an infrared night vision device, everything in the darkness immediately became clear.

“Thunder God, Thunder God, this is President. My task is complete,” Negan’s voice came through the earpiece.

“Perfect timing!” Steve thought to himself as he looked at the time on his watch. He hoped that everything would go smoothly. Once this operation ended, he would be able to return to the headquarters.

“Group 1, at the main door!”

“Group 2, at the back door!”

When Group 1 broke down the front door, they smelled a very strong odor of alcohol. They rushed in and saw people lying in disorder on the sofa and the floor. Without hesitation, they immediately raised their rifles.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

However, the moment that their rifles flashed and spat fire, those burly men that were lying down suddenly leaped up so deftly that it completely didn’t match their physiques.

“Enemy attack! Kill!” Xiong Zhan shouted violently. His eyes shone brightly like copper bells as he leaped more than eight meters at lightning speed. His fist whizzed through the air and smashed against the head of one of the enemies, causing it to immediately explode like a smashed watermelon.

At the same time, his feet kicked straight toward another man’s chest, which ended up with this man plastered to the wall. His entire chest was dented inward as if a car had crashed into him.

While he was settling these two men, the other winged cavalry warriors took care of the other two men who rushed in.

This all happened within a very short period of time. The winged cavalry jumped up from the floor and killed all the intruders almost as soon as the first gunshot was fired.

All four members of group 1 were smashed into four pieces of bloody tofu without even making a noise.

The four men from group 2 had just entered the house from a rear window and were greeted by more than ten bewildered and bearish men who were tipsy, yet murderous-looking.

“Group 1, what’s the situation? Group 1? Group 1, reply!”

“Group 2? Group 2? What exactly happened?” Steve was still outside the house radioing the two groups. Through his earpiece just now, he had heard gunshots from the rifles that were fitted with silencers and banging noises. Complete silence followed.

At this moment, around six men walked out from the main door that had been knocked down. They lifted their heads, looked around, and leaped away at astounding speeds. One of them went straight for Steve while the others went in various directions where they detected people.

These burly men were like superheroes from the movies. They could jump more than several meters in one leap and almost landed on top of Steve’s head. Such a scene made him stare in disbelief.

“No, this can’t be…”

Steve rolled around violently on the ground while simultaneously firing an entire magazine of bullets. However, that burly man simply crossed his arms and protected the vital parts of his body.

As bloody flower petals spurted out from his body, one of his feet stomped on Steve’s chest.

“Damn it! It’s pretty painful!”

Xiong Ying killed Steve with one stomp. He looked at the blood gushing out of the gunshot wounds on his arms and cursed in anger.

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