The Empress's Gigolo

Chapter 676 - Passing a Resolution to Build the Railroad System

Chapter 676: Passing a Resolution to Build the Railroad System

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The vibrations that accompanied the chugging noise made Ren Baqian feel as if the train could break apart at any time.

This empty plot of land outside Lan City was fenced up and contained a circular track measuring 400 meters in diameter. A locomotive pulling two wooden rail cars was running on the track, continuously making loud noises all the time.

Ren Baqian, the empress, and the others were sitting in the second carriage at the back while the smoke from the steam engine followed the airstream and blew at them.

“It’s much faster than a cow carriage,” commented Zhuo Yan, the Minister of Justice, as he felt the wind generated by the moving train.

“It’s also much smoother,” everyone chorused.

With the standard of roads in this world, plus the wooden wheels and shock absorbers, very strong buttocks were needed when riding in the city, not to mention riding on those roads outside the city.

Outside of Lan City, it would be a disaster if the carriages were sped up just a little because it would cause the riders to vomit until it seemed like their organs were almost coming out.

Minister Yu Shang covered her nose and said, “It’s just that the smell is horrible.”

“There are always pros and cons.” Ren Baqian smiled. Then, he gave a presentation and said, “This type of train can travel 35 kilometers in an hour or 70 kilometers in a double hour. At most, it can travel 840 kilometers in a day. From Lan City to the Protectorate of the North or the Protectorate of the Northeast, it would only take two days. Furthermore, we are only talking about the current speed, the speed can be increased or even doubled in the future!”

“So fast? Doesn’t this thing need to rest?” someone asked in amazement.

“This isn’t a living thing and doesn’t need to rest like animals do. As long as there’s enough coal, it can maintain this speed,” Ren Baqian explained to the gathering.

He continued, “This type of train can also carry large amounts of goods. A rail car made of metal can carry a load equivalent to that of about 60 cow carriages. Dozens of rail cars can be pulled each trip, which is equivalent to the load of more than 4,000 cow carriages. Fewer people are needed, so there is no need to waste so much grain and grass. Not only can this type of train carry large amounts of goods, it can also be used to transport soldiers. Tens of thousands of soldiers can be sent to the Protectorate of the North and the Protectorate of the Northeast in two days while saving a lot of time and grain, especially during wartime. Whether it’s load capacity or speed, the carriages pulled by animals simply can’t compare. More importantly, it will be easier to govern the Yun Nation when soldiers can be easily deployed to respond to any trouble. Large amounts of goods from the Yun Nation can also be brought here.”

“Ssst!” Everyone sucked in their breaths.

These people didn’t have a clear concept of speed and load capacity, but when Ren Baqian phrased it in terms of over 4,000 cow carriages and only needing two days to reach the protectorates, they immediately had a relatively clear idea.

A cow carriage could only carry around 500 kilograms and traveled at a slow speed of slightly over 50 kilometers per day at the most.

In other words, a trip taken by a train in one day was equivalent to a trip taken by more than 4,000 cow carriages in ten days.

The cost of manpower, resources, and grain was an astronomical sum, not to mention the time saved. Even the aboriginals could understand the value of time.

With this analogy, the people present became excited, delighted, and acted as if they could take the train to the Yun Nation tomorrow.

“What Principal Ren has mentioned is very interesting, and I’m very impressed. However, you must know that this railroad track alone accounts for more than 100,000 kilograms of steel, which is enough to arm 10,000 soldiers. From the ground under my feet to the Yun Nation, the distance is thousands of kilometers. How much steel is required? Is it more than 50 million kilograms? You might not get that much iron even if you hollowed out Mount Damo. Plus, the time needed would be decades or centuries.” Tu Wan poured cold water on the idea.

There was no need to break their fingers calculating this—just hearing that the rails below their feet used more than 100,000 kilograms of iron was frightening enough. What was more frightening were the expenses needed to lay the railroad tracks from here to the Yun Nation. It was a figure that was beyond their comprehension.

They felt that this figure was astronomical and beyond reach.

Everyone looked dumbstruck at Tu Wan and then at Ren Baqian, not knowing what to say.

“Does that mean it can’t be built?” Someone sighed.

“No, no, no, my plan is to complete it within ten years—from Lan City to the Yun Nation and not to the northeast.” Ren Baqian waved his hand and continued, “Please listen to me. It’s actually not as difficult as it seems. Although Dayao lacks iron, it’s abundant in the Yun Nation. From what I know, there are seven known mountains with iron and most likely some more that haven’t been explored. Based on a distance of 2,000 kilometers, at 100 kilograms of iron per kilometer of railroad, the required amount is 200,000 kilograms of iron. Even the smallest mine can produce 500,000 kilograms of iron ore. Assuming 50% purity, it can produce 250,000 kilograms of iron, which is enough to build the railroad. A mine bigger than this has enough iron to build ten such railroads and a medium-sized iron mine has enough iron to build 100 of them. Therefore, none of you need to worry about the amount of steel consumed as the Yun Nation has enough reserves. As for mining the iron ore, it isn’t a problem since a prisoner of war only needs to dig five kilograms every day to produce more than 1,500 kilograms in a year. The mines in the Yun Nation aren’t like Mount Damo. Do all of you think that they can’t even produce five kilograms per day? 100,000 prisoners of war can produce all we need in two years.”

Ren Baqian put the other matters aside and showed them the calculations.

To him, mining iron ore was definitely not a problem.

The people in this world were physically stronger than those on Earth, and numerous Earth Wheel experts could be sent to resolve any problems that cropped up. If they couldn’t fix it, he could always send in the explosives. There were many more methods available and fewer difficulties involved compared to mining on Earth in the past.

“Furthermore, we can build a steel factory in the Protectorate of the Northeast. After smelting, we can start building the railroad from there and expand it into our country. Even if it fails, we can use the steel for other applications and will only need to expend some manpower and food. The wasted manpower will be from prisoners of war, but we can still get a lot of steel. If successful, however, it will be a once in a century achievement and will place the Yun Nation firmly under our control.”

Following these words, everyone started to ponder.

“Although I don’t really understand how much is needed, Ren Baqian’s reasoning is correct.” Qin Chuan scratched his head as he spoke. “The knowledge of Sir Ren surpasses my own, and I think his plan will work.”

If this railroad could really be built, then the military would be the beneficiary and their forces could easily be deployed. This thought made him feel excited, so he spoke up.

“I think Sir Ren is right. If this project is successful, the entire Yun Nation will be in the hands of Her Majesty. This price will be worth paying,” Shi Qing said slowly.

“I support this proposal.” Kou Zhehai nodded.

“I know Sir Ren’s knowledge and ability.” Tong Zhenye smiled and then changed his tone as he continued, “But is there really that much iron in the Yun Nation?”

“Definitely, it has been confirmed. Iron is one of the most common substances in nature, and as long as iron ore has formed, the quantity will not be too small. Furthermore, my projections are based on the most conservative estimates according to the prospecting standards in the Yun Nation, and most of these are surface mines. The reserves and ore quality may be higher than what I have mentioned. In particular, three of the mines are very close together. It’s highly likely that there is a huge deposit of iron underground. Plus, these three mines are located near the area where the frontline forces of Zi Tonglai are deployed. By continuing to push the frontlines forward, these three mines will fall into our hands as a matter of course,” Ren Baqian said.

Even Tu Wan had nothing to say after these words were spoken.

If the proposed railroad could really bring in the benefits projected by Ren Baqian, then its value would be tremendous and it would be worth the risk.

Regardless, their investment was minimal.

Whether it was the prisoners of war or the mines, these were all from the Yun Nation. The most significant problem of food supply could also be solved by planting high-yield crops like pumpkins and sweet potatoes that had been introduced by Ren Baqian.

What they wanted was to conquer the Yun Nation, and this was already part of their original plan.

These people had been coveting the wealth of the Yun Nation for a long time.

Even without a motive like this, no one would let go of this piece of “fat meat,” especially when it was already waiting on the cutting board.

Currently, Dayao had sent 60,000 soldiers to reinforce the Protectorate of the Northeast. Including the local soldiers there, the total number was 75,000, which was almost the size of the original Dayao army. They were all advancing toward the Yun Nation.

Additionally, the Yun Nation had already lost a quarter of its territory and was experiencing internal turmoil.

Everyone jumped off the train and stayed for 12 hours to watch the train continue running. As Ren Baqian said, the train didn’t slow down. Satisfied, they went back to the city to follow up with the things that they needed to do next.

The seizure of the iron mines and the construction of the railroad became one of the priorities.

The Black Bamboo Academy had to improve the design of the locomotive and ensure its quality. If the speed could be doubled as Ren Baqian had promised, then everyone would want to wake themselves up from their dreams to laugh.

They didn’t question when they would be asked to conquer the Yun Nation and immediately prepared for war.

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