The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1009: Lots of Weirdos

Chapter 1009: Lots of Weirdos

Lots of Weirdos . . .

The first challenge lay in the need for a potent force capable of tilting the mountains. This was a task that Xuan Bing herself could easily accomplish, requiring no significant effort on her part. Even Han Bingxue could achieve it with sufficient determination. Yet, this was only the initial step.

The genuine test came next. Both mountains had to tilt simultaneously, a task that was not particularly demanding for Xuan Bing. It simply required a bit more exertion. However, the greatest challenge was in ensuring the two mountains leaned on each other flawlessly. While it was considerably more difficult, Xuan Bing could still manage it.

The crux of the matter lay in preventing either mountain from collapsing during or after the process, preserving the ravine for countless years. This was the true challenge. Xuan Bing mulled over the matter and arrived at a tentative theory. For this plan to succeed, the mountains needed to be inherently robust. Additionally, when initiating the mountains' descent, the timing and precision had to be perfect to avert their collapse. This precision was the key to maintaining the existence of the ravine for countless years.

In principle, it seemed plausible, but executing it was another matter entirely. It necessitated overwhelming power, remarkable swiftness, and absolute precision. Xuan Bing concluded that she was incapable of such a feat, even after her release from divine punishment. The task required a level of power beyond her reach, as well as the unique combination of rapidity and accuracy.

In her estimation, not even Wu Fa, celebrated as the world's mightiest cultivator, could achieve it. Both she and Wu Fa ranked among the most powerful individuals in the world. Wu Fa surpassed her in foundational cultivation, but Xuan Bing excelled in other aspects. Moreover, after removing the divine punishment, her strength might even exceed Wu Fa's. She had been among the best before her transformation, and her current state was likely even more formidable than Wu Fa's.

In conclusion, Xuan Bing believed Cha Eun Xiao's theory was possible in theory, but it was beyond the capability of anyone in the Qing-Yun Realm.

"This is the Mountain of All Medicines, renowned for its abundance of spirit beasts and medicinal herbs," Han Bingxue commented with a sigh. It triggered a realization in Xuan Bing—this mountain was impervious to destruction.

She thought to herself, [This mountain harbors a mysterious power that renders it impervious to harm. Even a mere stone on the mountain can't be dislodged without expending an extraordinary amount of strength.]

The most peculiar aspect was that when the stone was removed from the mountain, it appeared to weigh the same as any other stone.

Gazing at the ravine, they scrutinized the rocks that seemed to lean against each other. They sought traces that would corroborate the mountains' previous state before forming the ravine. As they continued their examination, they realized that Cha Eun Xiao's description accurately matched the events of ancient times, which filled them with awe.

Han Bingxue was dumbfounded, Xuan Bing was astonished, and she acknowledged that she had much to learn in the future. Surprisingly, Cha Eun Xiao remained the calmest among them. Not that he believed he could accomplish such an extraordinary feat. Even during his time as Xiao Monarch, he lacked the ability, and he was at most slightly superior to Han Bingxue. In a fight against Xuan Bing, he couldn't withstand more than two moves.

Their differing levels of cultivation contributed to their disparate perspectives. Xuan Bing and Han Bingxue were among the most powerful figures in their realm, while Cha Eun Xiao had experienced the strengths of cultivators in the Human Realm Upon Heavens and understood the capabilities of the most formidable figures in Qing-Yun Realm's history. His extensive experience rendered him more knowledgeable than Xuan Bing and Han Bingxue.

He was convinced that even the ancient masters of the Qing-Yun Realm could not have achieved this feat. Instead, it suggested the involvement of a powerful individual from the Human Realm Upon Heavens.

As the trio gazed upward at the ravine's apex, a voice suddenly rang out with an explosive, mocking tone. "Haha! Look at these three fools..."

Simultaneously, an awkward feeling washed over all three of them.

Their collective gaze remained fixed on the rocks at the apex of the ravine, their postures identical, and their motionlessness prolonged. In their hearts, they harbored the nagging awareness that they appeared no different from three bemused fools.

Yet, appearances could be deceiving. The truth was that their shared fixation concealed an issue of immense significance, one that directly impacted their very lives.

"The three individuals there... Hahahaha... They are dumbfounded by the rocks..."

A mocking voice interjected, piercing the silence.

Cha Eun Xiao, Xuan Bing, and Han Bingxue swiveled their heads in the direction of the voice. On the mountainside adjacent to the ravine, three men occupied a narrow pathway, their expressions tinged with excitement as they regarded the trio as though they were witnessing an exotic spectacle. They approached, walking toward the group with obvious mirth.

Cha Eun Xiao comprehended the source of their excitement. After all, encountering three individuals who appeared as foolish as they did was a decidedly unusual occurrence in this locale.

However, understanding their amusement did not translate into forgiveness.

The three newcomers were young, donned shorts, and exuded a vigorous, carefree air. They likely hailed from prominent clans, each of them carrying a large basket on their back, similar to Song Xuan. They had ventured onto the mountain in search of medicinal herbs to procure resources for their respective clans.

As the trio observed Cha Eun Xiao, Han Bingxue, and Xuan Bing all shift their gazes simultaneously and direct their attention towards them, the newcomers erupted into even heartier laughter. Once again, the trio found themselves the subject of mocking scrutiny, akin to three foolish spectators.

Life held a paradoxical blend of misery and joy, with extreme pleasure often culminating in sorrow.

As the three young men drew nearer, Xuan Bing's patience wore thin. Whenever Xuan Bing revisited this particular experience in her dreams, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger, regardless of the delight she might have initially experienced. The experience was replete with encounters with a motley assortment of individuals, more eccentric than any she had encountered in her lifetime. During her time alongside Cha Eun Xiao in this place, she encountered an array of peculiar individuals.

Some sneered at her, others toyed with her, labeling her a concubine or casting aspersions on her appearance. Some went so far as to brand her a wild woman.

Xuan Bing came to realize that the world was teeming with oddities, and injustice was rife. Some people perpetually bullied others, while others remained perpetually subservient to their bullies. Without sufficient power, one was compelled to endure the tribulations of life or meet a swift demise.

In other words, those without power lacked the privilege of living with dignity. They could only exchange their lives for a modicum of respect, and even that transaction yielded but a fleeting moment of dignity.

The world, in all its complexities, was often profoundly unfair.

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