Chapter 101: Danger

Danger . . .

"Who's there?" Wan Zheng-Hao and the middle-aged man squinted, their expressions skeptical as they regarded the old man, Guan Wan-Shan. They couldn't fathom why he seemed so agitated.

"Feng... Feng Zhi-Ling! The Supreme Dan Beads! Feng Zhi-Ling... He's here!" Guan Wan-Shan's words sent shockwaves of excitement through them.

"No way!"

They exclaimed simultaneously, "That rascal has finally shown up!"

In their haste, they bolted for the door, leaving Guan Wan-Shan in their wake. As they passed through the entrance, the middle-aged man casually slowed his pace, trying to appear nonchalant. In contrast, Wan Zheng-Hao descended the stairs with an undignified tumble.


Cha-Eun Xiao had always been patient.

He had deposited a substantial sum of money here and never once inquired about it. Most ordinary people would find it impossible to exercise such restraint.

In truth, Cha-Eun Xiao hadn't come to Ling-Bao Hall for the money. If he hadn't been in need of funds, he might not have returned to Ling-Bao Hall anytime soon, if at all. The money he had left behind didn't hold much significance to him.

However, despite not taking all his earnings from his previous visit, he still retained a significant amount. Only a few days had passed since then, so how had he found himself in need of funds once more?

The reason was the torrential rain from the previous night.

When Cha-Eun Xiao woke up and absorbed the initial surge of purple qi from the sky, he noticed that some moisture-laden qi had followed the purple qi into his dantian, coursing through his Jing and Mai channels. From there, the moisture had entered the Spaces.

Subsequently, a fog had materialized within the Water Space. This fog carried an exceptional humidity. As more moisture-laden qi flowed into the Water Space, the fog thickened, approaching the point of condensation.

Cha-Eun Xiao found this perplexing.

[Could it be that natural elements can also enhance my cultivation? Is the East-Rising Purple Qi truly this versatile? It seems unbelievable!] Cha-Eun Xiao pondered for some time and experimented by spending an extended period in the pool. However, he observed no increase in the moisture.

[Is it possible that the water in the pool cannot be transformed into moisture? It seems that only water from the sky, Rootless Water, can become the extraordinary water within the Space...] Cha-Eun Xiao speculated.

But relying on weather alone was hardly practical.

The night before had seen a torrential downpour, even though frequent rain was common. It would be nearly impossible for such a storm to persist continuously. Storms of that magnitude were exceedingly rare.

If such storms continued unabated, the world itself would soon be in turmoil.

Since he couldn't rely on the weather, Cha-Eun Xiao needed to explore human methods.

Finding a human solution proved challenging. He ultimately devised a practical approach.

If he accumulated a sufficient number of spiritual jades, he could use them to create a small Rain-Controlling Array. This would allow him to manipulate rainfall to suit his needs.

While this concept appeared feasible, obstacles remained. The main difficulty lay in obtaining spiritual jades, a precious resource scarce in the Land of Han-Yang.

For most ordinary people, glimpsing a single piece of spiritual jade in their lifetime was a remote possibility. Even if they encountered one, their ignorance might lead them to disregard its significance.

Spiritual jades were truly invaluable and beyond price!

Cha-Eun Xiao found it exceedingly difficult to locate spiritual jades in this world. Even if he managed to find some, his current funds were insufficient to purchase even a single piece. While a small Raining Circle might not require an excessive number of spiritual jades, it certainly needed more than just one or two.

To accumulate enough spiritual jades, he needed a substantial amount of money, which he currently lacked.

Cha-Eun Xiao was in need of money.


He required a significant sum of money.

It occurred to him to access the funds he had stored in the Ling-Bao Hall Salesroom – an impressive sum of over five million silver bars.

Unbeknownst to him, things within the Ling-Bao Hall had undergone significant changes.

He remained unaware that a colossal trap had been set, one designed specifically for him. His unwitting prey had been anticipated for quite some time.


A smile played on Cha-Eun Xiao's lips as he beheld the distant Ling-Bao Hall.

He mused, [If I have to exchange more Supreme Dan Beads, so be it. I still possess an ample supply. First and foremost, money can help me acquire the necessary spiritual jades.

My primary concern is where to obtain them.]

During his previous life, Cha-Eun Xiao had frequently used spiritual jades, but they had all been fully refined and readily available. They were standardized and easily purchased or acquired through other means.

In the Qing-Yun Realm, they were simply everyday objects, albeit high-priced ones.

However, the mortal world was an entirely different matter. While spiritual jades could be found in every realm, Cha-Eun Xiao had no knowledge of their appearance in this world. He wasn't even certain if anyone here could recognize them, which posed a significant dilemma.

"Very well, I'll play it by ear," Cha-Eun Xiao muttered. "A living man doesn't die for holding in his urine."

He casually strolled into the salesroom and was met by a surprising sight – Master Guan!

Guan Wan-Shan's reaction upon seeing Feng Zhi-Ling resembled a starving man stumbling upon a mountain of gold. It was as if he had long awaited the arrival of this "mountain" and, upon finally encountering it, experienced instant relief. His demeanor was more than a little unsettling.

Then, without hesitation, Guan Wan-Shan bolted from the scene, exhibiting a youthful agility.

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback.

"What's going on? What happened?" Cha-Eun Xiao sensed that something was amiss. [Guan Wan-Shan should have been excited to see me, but instead... this is anything but normal.

He's an experienced veteran who has worked in the salesroom for decades. He should know better. Normally, he would have greeted me warmly and quickly to maintain a positive relationship.

But he fled like that. It's highly unusual. There must be something wrong here. What could be the issue?]

Cautiously, Cha-Eun Xiao surveyed the surroundings and noticed several men stationed near the entrance – they appeared to be guards.

[Typically, there should be four guards at the door. Now, there are eight. Moreover, these eight guards are keeping a close watch on me. It's as if they're afraid I'll make a run for it.]

He had a hunch that if he tried to leave now, these men would likely obstruct him.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you blocking the door?" Cha-Eun Xiao frowned and began approaching the exit.

Before he could reach the door, a burly man among the eight guards advanced with a smile. He bowed deferentially to Cha-Eun Xiao. "Lord Feng, if you would kindly wait for a moment. Master Guan has instructed us to request your patience. There's an urgent matter that requires your input."

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded calmly and replied warmly, "I understand. I just wanted to step outside for some fresh air."

The burly man bowed and suggested, "Lord Feng, please enjoy some tea."

In essence, it meant, "Forget about the fresh air. Please return inside and have some tea."

Cha-Eun Xiao's frown deepened, and he spoke with a touch of irritation, "What's the matter? Can't I step outside for some fresh air? Is that not allowed?"

The burly man became even more deferential but continued to stand in Cha-Eun Xiao's path. The other guards subtly moved closer, as if trying to form a protective circle around Cha-Eun Xiao.

"Step aside!" Cha-Eun Xiao barked, his frown intensifying. He sensed that lingering too long in the Ling-Bao Hall would lead to dire consequences. If he stayed any longer, something terrible would occur.

Golden light began to radiate from his concealed hands within his sleeves, ready to unleash a power that had once stunned an entire auction.

"I presume this must be the renowned Feng Zhi-Ling, Lord Feng, right?" A cheerful voice suddenly chimed in. "Hahahaha... I am Wan Zheng-Hao, the owner of Ling-Bao Hall. I've heard of Lord Feng for quite some time but never had the fortune to meet you in person. Today is indeed my lucky day. It's a matter of great pride to finally make your acquaintance!"

Cha-Eun Xiao furrowed his brows and turned his attention toward the source of the voice.

What he saw was a rotund figure swiftly descending the staircase from the second floor.

The very ground seemed to tremble beneath the weight of this hefty individual. It was no exaggeration to say that he was quite a hefty fellow, Cha-Eun Xiao mused.

As the "meatball" reached the ground floor, Cha-Eun Xiao could discern that it was, in fact, a person!

This individual possessed virtually no discernible neck – at least, not one that was easily discernible. His head resembled a watermelon perched atop his corpulent shoulders. His facial features appeared almost crammed together due to his excessive weight, with a mouth that resembled a large pot but seemed relatively small in proportion to his immense countenance.

His shoulders were broad, his waistline substantial, and his round belly seemed to flow seamlessly into his legs, which were like elephant limbs supporting his colossal frame. Yet, despite his immense size, he moved with surprising agility, almost defying belief. Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle before him.

However, it became evident that this rapid movement exacted a toll on the hefty man, as he was soon drenched in perspiration.

It appeared that the "price" for his swift mobility was rather steep.

"Aye ya ya... Lord Feng..." As Cha-Eun Xiao looked on in astonishment, Wan Zheng-Hao approached him, extending his chubby hands without hesitation to shake Cha-Eun Xiao's hands vigorously. He spoke with great enthusiasm, "Aye ya ya... Brother Feng. Oh, no. Lord Feng... Hahaha. I've been eagerly anticipating our meeting these past few days. In fact, I've lost quite a bit of weight just from the anticipation. You truly made me wait with bated breath..."

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