The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1015: Why Would It Change?

Chapter 1015: Why Would It Change?

Why Would It Change? . . .

The lotus was entirely black, yet it exuded an air of mystique, emanating elegant luminescence. As it made its appearance, a delicate fragrance wafted through the air. Despite the strong winds, this enchanting scent lingered, refusing to be blown away.

"Regeneration Ink Lotus!" The sight of the lotus held in Cha Eun Xiao's hand left both Li Qingzhou and Cha Liangchen dumbfounded. They were gripped by a tumult of emotions, oscillating between exhilaration and avarice.

Money could stir one's soul, but in this moment, the lotus had ignited desires far more profound.

Cha Liangchen seethed with jealousy, longing to obtain the treasure that Cha Eun Xiao now held. In contrast, Li Qingzhou's expression veered toward malevolence. In his eyes, the lotus was a prize worth killing for, and his intentions soon turned deadly.

The lotus was no ordinary Regeneration Ink Lotus; its petals were in the process of lightening, indicating its imminent transformation into a Regeneration Jade Lotus, marking it as a superlative specimen. This lotus held the potential to resolve Cha Clan's crisis, yet if it fell into Li Clan's hands, it could spell utter annihilation for Cha Clan.

Li Qingzhou's breathing grew heavy, and his two guards, poised to wrest the lotus from Cha Eun Xiao, stood ready for action.

"Hold on," Li Qingzhou commanded his guards to cease. He then turned to Cha Eun Xiao with a semblance of a smile. "I suppose you truly did venture into the third level of Heaven Treasure Mountain. This lotus serves as incontrovertible proof. I believe you."

Cha Liangchen moved forward, eager to speak, but Li Qingzhou's guards intervened, deploying their martial skills to exert suppressing qi. Cha Liangchen, below the Dream Origin Stage, was left speechless under the formidable suppression imposed by the two level-three Dream Origin Stage cultivators.

"You believe it? You merely believe it?" Cha Eun Xiao sneered as he scrutinized Li Qingzhou. "Perhaps I should thank you for this display of respect, shouldn't I?"

Li Qingzhou appeared fierce as he replied, "Indeed, respect is well-deserved. With a lotus in your possession, Clan Clan, not the same as these people, and I share a trivial conflict. Our grievances are insubstantial, are they not? We can reintroduce ourselves and form a bond of friendship. I don't believe you would rebuff my sincerity, would you, Brother Cha?"

Cha Eun Xiao nodded deliberately. "That is correct. Making friends is a pursuit I cherish, particularly with those who exhibit kindness."

Li Qingzhou was animated. "Li Clan will extend its utmost courtesy to you. You are now our esteemed guest for eternity!"

Although Cha Eun Xiao appeared to smile, beneath the surface, he remained discontent. "However, I have never subscribed to the notion that kindness should be merely verbal. What do I stand to gain by becoming your esteemed guest?"

Li Qingzhou grinned. "As long as you can supply us with an ample quantity of Regeneration Ink Lotus, you may request anything you desire. Li Clan guarantees to fulfill your wishes within this district."

Cha Eun Xiao subtly concealed the lotus once more, shaking his head with a hint of sorrow. "Alas, it appears that Regeneration Ink Lotus is the sole focus of our discourse. I did manage to discover a path into the mountain, collecting a few of these lotuses. Regrettably, when I sought to re-enter, the path had vanished."

Li Qingzhou's eyes gleamed, and he explained, "That's perfectly normal. Brother Cha, you are new to this terrain. What you experienced is characteristic of this mountain's nature. Paths come and go, appearing for nine days before vanishing. The entrance to the third level also vanishes nine days after it emerges."

Cha Eun Xiao merely shrugged and expressed his understanding. "I see. I suppose these phenomena are determined by fate. I am afraid I can't aid you in your quest for Regeneration Ink Lotus. Even if I consented, I doubt you would trust me, would you?"

Li Qingzhou narrowed his eyes, brimming with malice, and remarked, "Not a problem. As an outsider, it's reasonable that you're unfamiliar with this mountain. Our Li Clan has thrived in the vicinity of this mountain for a thousand years. We know every path it conceals. No matter where they lead, we can always find them."

He continued, "In essence, if you can gain access, we will guide you to the path."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes sparkled with interest. "Are you certain? If you can provide a path leading to the third level, I can make my way inside. Accessing it won't be a complicated task."

Their eyes met, and in unison, they burst into laughter. Although they exchanged pleasantries, each harbored concealed motives that they kept to themselves.

Cha Liangchen, the individual Cha Eun Xiao claimed kinship with, remained entirely overlooked.

"Before we formalize our agreement, I have one condition. I've shown you the lotus as a token of my sincerity, so I believe you should extend the same courtesy," Cha Eun Xiao declared.

"Of course, Brother Cha, kindly specify your request. There are few things beyond Li Clan's capability," Li Qingzhou replied.

"I request a share of your medicinal materials. I will gather Regeneration Ink Lotus for you, and you are welcome to all the lotuses. I won't take a single one. However, I expect half of all the other materials," Cha Eun Xiao proposed. "If you're amenable, we can proceed with our partnership. If not, it seems we will have to part ways."

He exhibited decisiveness in his stance.

"Absolutely!" Li Qingzhou concurred without hesitation. "This is precisely the arrangement we should pursue."

Once again, they found themselves sharing laughter, their partnership seemingly forged in good faith.

Meanwhile, the three brothers who had been overshadowed by the two superior cultivators were left in utter bewilderment.

"Why... did Cha Eun Xiao... end up allied with Li Clan?" They pondered this bewildering turn of events. "The world... changes too swiftly."

Indeed, it wasn't merely swift; it was mercilessly capricious. It was a reality far harsher than cruelty itself.

The trio had once believed that Cha Eun Xiao would be their savior, illuminating a path to a brighter future for their clan. They had placed their hopes in a miracle that could breathe life into Cha Clan. However, the savior had been transfigured into an adversary, the beacon of hope extinguished and replaced by despair.

Li Clan now possessed a potent ally, and Cha Clan stood on the brink of collapse, on the precipice of annihilation.

The three brothers harbored nothing but desolation in their hearts.

"Are we destined to become Li Qingzhou's underlings?"

As they departed the scene, they remained at a loss, struggling to comprehend the swift metamorphosis that had led to this state of affairs. They couldn't fathom why everything had transpired as it had, or why Cha Eun Xiao, a man who initially appeared as their ally, had so rapidly changed his allegiance. They believed that someone who bore the name Cha should inherently be a person of loyalty.

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