The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1039: Master Tianji

Chapter 1039: Master Tianji

Master Tianji . . .

The nature of the first three layers of the Nine-layer Valley unfolded, designed to bestow benefits upon humanity while simultaneously serving as a test of human limits. Upon crossing this initial trio of strata, any individual daring to venture into the fourth layer would encounter a rigorous handprint examination. Failure to match the enigmatic handprint would result in immediate expulsion. Following such an event, the entire Nine-layer Valley would withdraw from this world, only to reappear in the future.

"This is the ninth world," the enigmatic words declared, and they continued, "We have been awaiting your arrival for a considerable span of time, and at long last, you have graced us with your presence. This is the answer that may offer resolution to the mysteries that have haunted your thoughts."

These words materialized and dissipated one after the other, imparting a sensation to Cha Eun Xiao as though a sagacious narrator were seated before him, recounting a tale in a deliberate and measured manner. There was an absence of haste or agitation in the narrative's delivery; it exuded calm and tranquility, devoid of tumultuous emotions.

These words did indeed address the questions that had plagued Cha Eun Xiao's mind and unfolded the tale of the Nine-layer Valley's existence. "It has transpired eight times prior," he reflected, "which implies eight individuals have faltered. Why then, am I the fourth?"

The enigma deepened. "Who is the architect of all this?" Cha Eun Xiao questioned, his confusion resurfacing.

His musings were met with a response, "You must be curious about who I am. I have not uttered my name in a considerable while, but in days of yore, I was known as Master Tianji. You may continue to address me as such."

Cha Eun Xiao's countenance contorted in fear, his visage a portrait of trepidation. "This man," he surmised, "must have fashioned this platform countless millions, perhaps even billions, of years ago, yet it feels as though he is conversing with me in the present moment. He addresses every query in my heart and anticipates my thoughts."

The wisdom and insight displayed by Master Tianji left Cha Eun Xiao feeling vulnerable, as if there were no secrets he could keep from this ancient being, who was not even physically present. If Master Tianji were standing before him, to what extent would he be able to discern Cha Eun Xiao's innermost thoughts?

Such contemplations plunged Cha Eun Xiao into a state of bewilderment, and he dared not delve deeper into these profound mysteries. However, Master Tianji, in an attempt to dispel some of the mystique, intervened, stating, "You may have misconstrued my abilities, attributing to me more power than I possess. The act of manipulating time is not as formidable as you might believe. Let me elucidate in simpler terms. We can easily compress the time span between ten thousand years ago and the present day. In doing so, we can either transport your world back ten thousand years or bring the world from ten thousand years ago to the present."

Cha Eun Xiao remained speechless, his thoughts racing. [This explanation is more perplexing than none at all. Had he refrained from elucidation, I could have crafted a rational explanation based on my own knowledge. Now, however, he has unveiled a concept beyond the scope of my understanding, only deepening my apprehension. Is he perhaps attempting to flaunt his abilities?]

Master Tianji continued, "I could offer a more intricate explanation that would likely confound you further. The distinction lies in our perspectives; you cannot fathom the theory of time manipulation, for there exists no heaven-defying cultivator of such might within your universe. Once your universe is graced by a cultivator of comparable power to the first three chosen individuals, it will attain solidity and stability. No one, aside from the super cultivator, can influence the status of your universe."

In conclusion, Master Tianji conveyed, "Ultimately, you reside in a universe that remains relatively feeble. The enhancement of your universe's strength rests upon your shoulders. As the fourth individual, I hold hope that you shall evolve into a formidable figure, one who shall exercise dominion."

"Have no doubt about it," Master Tianji's words continued to unfold, "In other worlds, there exists a counterpart to you, a man quite like yourself. However, the outcome hinges on which of you can persist until the end. I hope that you may outpace your counterpart and emerge victorious in this competition."

Cha Eun Xiao's senses prickled with a chill, his understanding of the unfolding events growing clearer, though still not entirely comprehensive. He had begun to formulate a close approximation of the situation, understanding that Master Tianji had constructed this platform eons ago and embedded these words, which would manifest in due course. What rendered the scenario even more astonishing was that the words not only materialized after such a protracted period but also addressed Cha Eun Xiao's innermost queries as if Master Tianji possessed foresight, predicting the questions that would arise in Cha Eun Xiao's mind.

Master Tianji was a paragon of meticulous detail, clarifying aspects that Cha Eun Xiao hadn't even considered, yet should have. The boundless wisdom emanating from Master Tianji was nothing short of daunting, leaving Cha Eun Xiao in awe.

Indeed, the term "Tianji" seemed almost singularly apt to encapsulate the essence of this remarkable being.

"Let us not waste any more time," the words continued to materialize, conveying an intimate, almost friendly tone. They steadily relayed Master Tianji's narrative to Cha Eun Xiao, imparting a warmth akin to that shared among close friends. Yet, this apparent closeness incited both gratitude and unease within Cha Eun Xiao.

[This is utterly perplexing. We have never met, yet you make me feel like a close friend? It's almost uncanny...]

[Is this some form of manipulation or trickery?]

[Moreover, why does the name Tianji sound so familiar? I'm certain I've encountered it before, but my memory eludes me...]

There was no time to delve into these memories; the words marched on, each one holding vital significance. Cha Eun Xiao resolved to maintain unwavering focus.

"The emergence of the Nine-layer Valley was an unexpected occurrence," the narrative continued, "My brother and I once engaged in a formidable battle with our leader and subsequently sought respite together. Inadvertently, we released primal life energy that had been confined. Years later, when I revisited this location, I discovered that it had evolved into something we could never have envisioned. Man's capacity to predict the whims of the heavens is inherently limited. Change is a constant in this world, and there must be a reason for the events that unfold."

With each revelation, Cha Eun Xiao delved deeper into the enigma of the Nine-layer Valley and the profound presence of Master Tianji, whose influence extended beyond the bounds of time and space, leaving him awestruck and eager to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.

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