The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1043: All Good Stuffs

Chapter 1043: All Good Stuffs

All Good Stuffs . . .

In reality, the heavens did not bestow the world with perpetual creations. The unique ability of the Spirit Root primarily concerned its own fruits, which were impervious to rot. If consumed by other beings, the fruits would become part of those creatures' energy. Conversely, if left untouched, they would descend to the ground and transmute into the world's spiritual qi, courtesy of the Spirit Root.

This was a peculiar and mystical phenomenon. The tree was encompassed by an immense concentration of spiritual qi. The surrounding air was nearly stagnant, preventing any leakage of spiritual qi. This specialized environment ensured that the spiritual paste did not disperse into the atmosphere, creating a miraculous spectacle.

Cha Eun Xiao's familiarity with spiritual paste stemmed from his previous experiences as Xiao Monarch. During an auction he attended, he had encountered a small quantity of spiritual paste. The sight of this substance had ignited a fervor at the auction, driving the final price to an astounding ten thousand times the wealth of Xiao Monarch. Although he hadn't been particularly affluent during his time as Xiao Monarch, he had still been a top-tier cultivator at the nine Dao Origin Stage. Yet, he had been unable to procure even a fraction of that minuscule amount of spiritual paste. It had been a source of considerable embarrassment.

Now, however, with such a substantial quantity of spiritual paste at his disposal, Cha Eun Xiao deemed it an invaluable treasure, regardless of any future developments.

After gathering the spiritual paste, he began to survey his surroundings and couldn't help but feel like an unsophisticated country bumpkin.

In the fourth layer, Cha Eun Xiao discovered a vast array of precious and valuable medicinal materials within his immediate vicinity, all worth more than the Rainbow Cinnabar Fruit.

"I'm going to be wealthy! So incredibly wealthy…" He was trembling with excitement.

"Erhuo, enter the Space and be ready to receive whatever I put inside. Prepare to create dan beads!" Cha Eun Xiao exclaimed as he forged ahead.

"Goodness... Is this Blood Ginseng? It certainly appears to be. Into the Space."

"Gold Ginseng? Excellent! Into the Space."

"This... Could it be the Nine-spirits Flyer? Hmm. Outstanding... It matches the description perfectly... Retrieve it."

"Is this... the Godly Heaven Root? It must be... Come, come, come..."

"What is this all-white substance? I don't care... Just take it..."

Since entering this layer, Cha Eun Xiao had been behaving like a country bumpkin making his first trip to the city. He simply collected everything in sight.

Initially, he attempted to identify some of the materials he encountered. However, as time passed, he adopted a "grab everything" mentality, resembling a rustic villager gathering every valuable item and placing it in his pocket.

Wherever he went, he left behind sizable pits, devoid of any remaining spiritual qi!

He didn't miss a single thing!

He was akin to a soldier ransacking a village!

Every place he visited became a barren wasteland thereafter.

The fourth layer was several times larger than the third.

Since entering this layer, Cha Eun Xiao had been diligently collecting every item he could find.

Typically, the higher the layer, the sparser the distribution of valuable materials. There needed to be at least several dozen meters between one valuable plant and another to ensure each had adequate space to absorb the necessary spiritual qi.

Rainbow Cinnabar Fruit, particularly at this level, required an expanse greater than a mountain to thrive. If a massive mountain were home to Rainbow Cinnabar Fruit, it would leave no room for other plants, apart from grasses. Spiritual herbs and medicines would not be able to grow in the vicinity.

Such was the dominance of spiritual medicinal materials, and such was the rule for surviving the selection.

However, this rule did not apply in this realm. The concentration of spiritual qi in this layer was exceedingly dense and bountiful.

Here, only spiritual qi flowed in, with none escaping.

This sanctuary had been accumulating spiritual qi for countless millions of years. It comprised spiritual qi from diverse lands and realms, creating a density akin to solidity. The abundance of spiritual qi in this place surpassed the requirements of any plants present.

Consequently, there were no resource-related conflicts among the spiritual flora, as they didn't need to compete for limited nourishment. This harmonious environment allowed for the growth of various medicinal materials.

Cha Eun Xiao diligently gathered a wide array of plant specimens. However, he eventually realized that his initial approach was not the most efficient. He decided to clear several acres of farmland in his Boundless Space and relocated the spiritual plants there.

This method proved to be faster and more efficient, which spurred Cha Eun Xiao to work tirelessly for three days. Exhaustion began to take its toll, and he felt severe back pain. It was then that he had an epiphany: he was acting like a typical fool.

He had been collecting in one direction, but he had only reached the central area of the fourth layer. He had cleared a path dozens of meters wide and tens of thousands of meters long, but the rest of the area was still teeming with various spiritual plants.

Upon surveying the vast expanse of untouched flora, Cha Eun Xiao became anxious and despondent. The sheer volume of plants was staggering, and if he continued at this pace, it would take him three years to clear them all. Furthermore, he would exhaust himself daily during this three-year endeavor.

"So many... So unbelievably many... How could this be..." he muttered, expressing his frustration rather impolitely.

Had someone overheard his complaints, they would likely have chastised him before taking any other action. "You've been blessed with the opportunity to acquire all these medicines, and you're complaining about having too many? It seems good deeds often go unappreciated."

As Cha Eun Xiao grumbled, he noticed something else. About ten meters ahead, in the core region of the fourth layer, there stood a stone stele inscribed with words. Reading the inscription nearly caused him to cough up a mouthful of blood and stirred the qi within his chest.

"I know what you're doing now. You're a fortunate individual. I presume you possess a private spiritual space in which you can store these plants or something of the sort. I imagine you're transplanting the medicines. When you encounter this stele, you've likely completed the collection of approximately one out of a thousand... of all the medicines in this layer."

The inscription concluded with a grinning face, which only served to aggravate Cha Eun Xiao.

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