The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1051: Chief Is In!

Chapter 1051: Chief Is In!

Chief Is In! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao had teetered on the precipice of his endurance, buoyed only by a stroke of serendipity that had allowed him to persist.

Unbeknownst to him, the extent of his fortune far surpassed his understanding. There was no perceptible change within his body, no sensation to hint at the gravity of his situation.

Far removed from his location, within a sumptuous hall in the vast cosmic expanse, several individuals were seated together. Among them, a man donned in black attire possessed a striking countenance. Flanking him on either side were two individuals garbed in white and black, while six others stood behind. Each of these men exuded a remarkable handsomeness and distinction. Their collective attention was fixated on the image displayed on the screen before them.

In stark contrast to Cha Eun Xiao, who remained oblivious to the perilous circumstances in which he had become ensnared, these nine individuals possessed intimate knowledge of his predicament.

Cha Eun Xiao's form was veiled in crimson, his veins, Jing, and Mai subjected to violent ruptures. A cessation of his internal breath, a slowing of the pulsation within his Jing and Mai, could precipitate not only immediate demise but also a catastrophic implosion, as his own spiritual qi wreaked havoc upon him.

Yet, his visage bore only an expression of bewilderment, devoid of any trace of pain. Evidently, he was ensnared within an illusory realm, rendering him impervious to the physical anguish.

He seemed to be engaged in a formidable battle against this enthralling delusion. However, the enchanting scenarios unfolding before him were simply too overpowering, rendering his feeble resistance ineffectual. Although he had not yet surrendered entirely to the delusion, extricating himself appeared to be a formidable challenge.

The man donned in black attire, who had previously executed the stunning swordplay, maintained an inscrutable expression, refraining from uttering a word.

His counterpart, the man in black attire standing on the opposite side, continued to wear a serene smile, apparently unperturbed by the unfolding events.

"It appears that there may be no recourse left. His situation seems irreparable," sighed a young man clad in white robes from the group, his exquisite features resembling those of a fair maiden.

Another man furrowed his brow and expressed, "How could this be? He is the chosen one. How could he falter solely in confronting this delusion? His specialized martial art did afford him a modicum of resistance, yet now, he has been entirely submerged. Is this not a sign of his profound weakness?"

The words of a young man in azure attire resonated with mirth as he remarked, "Indeed! Were I in his position, I would have triumphed long ago."

"Out of my way!" Several voices erupted in unison, directed at him. "Consider your age! Would you still speak so brashly when you reach his stage?"

One slim young man exhibited a forlorn countenance and began to sigh.

"It is premature to render a judgment. The situation is far from concluded. We must exercise patience," the man in white attire smiled warmly. "Your impatience is unwarranted."

The man in black at the center also smiled, remarking, "Wizard is correct. We must withhold our judgment until the conclusion. Exercise patience."

Following a brief pause, he continued, "Nevertheless, even at this juncture, I maintain my faith in his ability to overcome this challenge."

"Chief, I would yield to nearly anything you say. I would even believe you if you were to claim that excrement possesses an alluring fragrance while rice exudes a foul odor. However, I hesitate to concur with your perspective on this occasion," Ji Mo exclaimed. "He has now descended into delirium, and it is improbable that he will regain his senses. What hope remains for him? Unless we, people of our stature, intervene. Yet here we are, merely observing."

The central figure in black attire responded with a smile, "Ji Mo, if you are so certain, why not make a wager with me?"

The others exclaimed in unison, "The Chief has entered the fray? Remarkable!"

Ji Mo rubbed his head, appearing perplexed. He directed his gaze toward the image on the screen, which depicted Cha Eun Xiao bleeding profusely from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, his visage ravaged. He appeared to be on the brink of annihilation, with no conceivable means of rescue.

Ji Mo's eyes suddenly sparkled as he queried, "Chief, are you serious? You genuinely believe that even now, he possesses the capability to overcome this challenge?"

The Chief's bland smile persisted. "Why not? The question, Ji Mo, is whether you are willing to accept the challenge?"

Wizard, the man known by this epithet, wore a sly smile as he issued a cautionary statement to Ji Mo. "Ji Mo, I offer you a friendly word of advice. Our Chief has never suffered a loss in a wager throughout his life. You ought to think long and hard before proceeding."

Ji Mo found himself in a quandary upon hearing Wizard's words. He deliberated for a considerable time before clenching his teeth and delivering his response. "Given Chief's profound interest in this matter, I shall not disappoint him. However, there is one stipulation I must lay out. It is evident that the man in question, Cha Eun Xiao, is ensnared within a perilous predicament that is apparent to all of us. His plight is dire, and he is unlikely to extricate himself from the Disorientation Array unaided. If we are to proceed with this wager, it must be under the banner of fairness. Any clandestine assistance or intervention by any of us is strictly forbidden. Such actions would contravene the rules and result in a doubling of the wager. Do you accept these terms?"

The pronouncement left those gathered profoundly astounded. Ji Mo's change in demeanor within the brief span of three days had rendered him a man of newfound insight. Perhaps it was folly to underestimate him, as he had displayed a hint of brilliance amidst his many impulsive tendencies.

The Chief laughed heartily and endorsed the stipulation. "Very well, we shall adhere to your conditions. I shall oversee the proceedings personally. The prohibition extends not only to us nine but also to any outsiders who may contemplate offering their assistance. I shall bear the responsibility should anyone breach these terms."

Ji Mo's enthusiasm soared upon hearing this assurance. His laughter reverberated through the surroundings as he replied, "Chief, your word is sacrosanct, binding even in the presence of heaven and earth. I intend to shatter your flawless record! Let the deal be struck!"

The enigmatic man in black, his lips curling in a wry smile, fixed Ji Mo with a discerning gaze. "Wait a moment, you have yet to disclose the terms of your wager."

Ji Mo, eager to commence the proceedings, could scarcely contain his impatience. "I am willing to stake anything you deem fit! Chief, let us proceed without delay. Time is of the essence."

With Cha Eun Xiao's potential imminent disintegration weighing on his mind, Ji Mo feared that the situation would deteriorate before the wager could be finalized, rendering it null and void. To Ji Mo, Cha Eun Xiao's fate held little significance, but the prospect of triumphing over his Chief proved irresistible.

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