The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1055: The Gate to Heavens Opened; Monarch Laughed Upon All

Chapter 1055: The Gate to Heavens Opened; Monarch Laughed Upon All

The Gate to Heavens Opened; Monarch Laughed Upon All . . .

In the midst of a tumultuous exchange, Wolfy was left pondering a most perplexing question. "Holy hell?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with incredulity. "I say holy hell! You call me kid yet claimed to be my brother! Who am I to you really?" The sentiment gnawed at him relentlessly as he desperately sought a flaw where none seemed to exist.

As for Ji Mo, he was relentless in his pursuit of what he desired. He reached out to Wolfy, clutching his hand as if he were determined to defy the very mountains should they tumble upon him. "Look," he implored, "I can call you father if you stay!"

Wolfy, however, was far from eager to acquiesce. Anxiety coursed through his veins, prompting him to shout in anger, "Let go!"

But Ji Mo's grip remained steadfast. "No!" he declared with unwavering determination. How could he possibly let go now that he had found someone to hold on to?

"I am not going with you!" Wolfy vehemently resisted.

"Yes! You have to!" Ji Mo's resolve was unwavering.

Desperation crept into Wolfy's voice as he sought refuge in a plea. "I can't see your wife… She is going to beat me up to death… Brother! Beloved senior brother! You are my true brother! Please, spare my miserable life…"

Tears welled up in Ji Mo's eyes. "Brother, you are the only brother I have now," he confessed, his voice trembling. "As long as you come with me, you are my senior brother instead! Brother! Beloved brother! My beloved senior brother! Please help me…"

Suddenly, the color drained from Wolfy's face, and he began to tremble. Then, with a resounding bang, his body disintegrated into a shower of ash, and a streak of red light darted away like lightning. It happened so swiftly that words failed to capture its speed. He had escaped, much like a stray dog or a fleeing fish.

Ji Mo was left grasping at the emptiness, stunned and bewildered. After a moment, his frustration boiled over, and he shouted, "Damn you, Wolfy! That is nasty! F*ck y... You actually exploded your physical body to avoid coming to help me… That is cruel! You are cruel!"

A distant voice echoed, "It is better to explode myself than to get beaten up by others… I am not going anyway..." The voice faded until it disappeared completely.

"Ahhhh… Just let me die..." Ji Mo lamented to the heavens, his emotions a turbulent mix of anger and sorrow. "I am done. I am finished. Ahhhhh…"

From a distance, a robust figure approached him, and Ji Mo's demeanor shifted dramatically. He became gentle and ingratiating as he walked towards this person and spoke in a soft voice, "Oh, darling, my beloved wife… Why are you here?"

The person, puzzled by Ji Mo's transformation, responded, "Brother Three told me to come and pick you up… He said you have something you need to discuss with me…" They continued, "I thought that since Brother Three is such a steady man, you must have something urgent? What is it? Why do you look like this? Is anything wrong?"

Ji Mo's exasperation spilled over. "Mo Tianji you f*cking bloody wizard! I hate you..." He felt like weeping but had no tears to shed.

And so, the enigmatic saga continued, with emotions swirling in a never-ending tide.

Cha Eun-Xiao, in response to an unexpected outburst, couldn't help but seek further clarification with a touch of frustration. "What? What did Cha Eun-Xiao just say?" the words slipped from Cha Eun-Xiao's lips, echoing through the cosmos, as if imploring for a more detailed explanation.

As a consequence, a remarkable phenomenon unfolded. The very heavens seemed to undergo a profound transformation, resulting in the world itself quivering in response. The radiant light of the sun and the moon dimmed, casting an otherworldly pall over everything.

Over the ensuing three millennia, anyone who happened to traverse this region would bear witness to a ceaseless chorus of mournful exclamations, as if this melancholic lamentation would never come to an end, reminiscent of the mournful cries of a cuckoo and the plaintive squawking of birds.

Amid an almost eerie stillness, Cha Eun-Xiao found himself grappling with an extraordinary shock to his spiritual soul. It was as if his very essence had been subjected to a cataclysmic upheaval.

Suddenly, the operation of the East-rising Purple Qi, which had been at full throttle, was unceremoniously halted. Cha Eun-Xiao swiftly regained consciousness, bewildered by the sudden interruption. Out of the corner of his eye, a streak of purple light shot into his head.

Subsequently, he was overcome by dizziness, causing him to stagger uncontrollably and eventually collapse to the ground. It was a wholly unfamiliar sensation, and he had never experienced such profound weariness in both of his lifetimes.

Within the Wood Space of Boundless Space, a diminutive rock stele materialized, only to explode and transform into a radiant purple light, which bathed the entire space. Observing this, Erhuo began to flick its whiskers, its eyes betraying an intense avarice.

In its gaze, the fervent desire of "I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it" was unmistakable.

Cha Eun-Xiao was uncertain of the duration of his unconsciousness. He was plagued by a lingering sense of dizziness, almost as though he were trapped in a dream. A cacophonous laughter resonated through the sky, and with each echoing peal, Cha Eun-Xiao felt himself plummeting without end. It was as though he were suspended in mid-air.

"Go ahead! The gate to the heavens opens now; Monarch will laugh upon all. The moon hangs beyond the clouds; reach your hand to just take it..."

Meanwhile, Han Bingxue paced restlessly, his eyes flitting back and forth between the Mountain of All Medicines. He made no attempt to conceal his mounting anxiety, and his face bore the mark of a desperate determination.

"If Boss is absent for an extended period, I will shatter this mountain into pieces!" Han Bingxue declared fervently, his voice filled with urgency. "Save the man, keep the mountain. What purpose does the mountain serve if the man perishes?"

His resolute statement echoed through the surroundings.

"Shatter it?" Xuan Bing sat before the mountain, her demeanor frigid and unperturbed. She calmly asserted, "Not even you, not even all the superior cultivators combined, can make a dent in this mountain! It is impossible to even crack it a little bit!"

In response to her words, Han Bingxue delivered a powerful stomp, causing the ground to tremble. The sheer force of his action was enough to move mountains and rivers, a display of power reserved for true titans.

Had there been any seasoned individuals present, they would undoubtedly have been filled with terror. This was the kind of stomp that only the most formidable figures in the world could muster.

Han Bingxue was no fool; he recognized the validity of Xuan Bing's assertion. In fact, he had made numerous attempts. Elsewhere, his efforts could easily obliterate entire mountain ranges, but no matter how forcefully he stomped, not even a single rock on this mountain yielded to his immense power.

The mountain remained unbroken.

One and a half months had passed, and Han Bingxue couldn't contain his restlessness. He spoke with mounting concern, his voice tinged with anxiety. "It has been one and a half months! What is happening on Boss's side? Is Eun-Xiao alive? We have heard nothing about him... This is... This is driving me crazy..."

Xuan Bing, on the other hand, retained her composure as she responded in a composed manner. "Your boss will be fine."

"How do you know?" Han Bingxue exclaimed in frustration. With a forceful punch, he struck a massive rock in front of him, his anger palpable. "One and a half months have passed, yet there is no information about Eun-Xiao emerging! How did you know? Bloody mountain! Don't tell me nonsense like 'no news is better than bad news'! I don't buy it!"

Xuan Bing, not wanting to engage in further conversation, merely let out a humph and maintained her cross-legged posture, unmoving. She appeared calm and serene, displaying unwavering patience. Yet, deep within her heart, she was plagued by worry and anxiety, perhaps even more so than Han Bingxue.

If Cha Eun-Xiao didn't emerge, Xuan Bing was prepared to wait there indefinitely. It was entirely plausible that she would remain seated, patiently anticipating his return until the very end of the world.

[Master, please return safely!]

As Han Bingxue continued to pace around, Xuan Bing's emotions were anything but annoyance. Rather, she felt a profound sense of warmth. After observing him closely for all those days, she could attest that Han Bingxue held a genuine reverence for Cha Eun-Xiao. There was nothing insincere about it.

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