The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1061: A Gift to You!

Chapter 1061: A Gift to You!

A Gift to You! . . .

Cha Eun-Xiao contemplated the state of Misty Cloud Palace, acknowledging that, at the very least, it continued to function despite numerous challenges. One thousand items may appear substantial in number, but Cha Eun-Xiao maintained his belief that it wouldn't be excessively impressive. However, he remained blissfully ignorant of the actual circumstances that Misty Cloud Palace faced. It was apparent that they were in dire straits; even possessing one hundred of these items would be considered an incredible abundance in current times. Moreover, what magnified the astonishment was the realization that it wasn't just any item, but the elusive Regeneration Jade Lotus.

Cha Eun-Xiao noticed the bewildered expression on Xuan Bing's face when she heard the number.

["A thousand? How is that possible?"]

["Is there a misunderstanding? Is he confusing regular white lotuses with Regeneration Jade Lotus?"]

[This is the only logical explanation for such an astonishing quantity!]

However, deep within her heart, Xuan Bing secretly wished that Cha Eun-Xiao did, in fact, possess one thousand Regeneration Jade Lotuses. It was a dream she hoped to realize, even if she would have to pinch herself awake later. Nevertheless, her rationality reminded her that she must confirm the veracity of this claim, as it profoundly influenced the future of Misty Cloud Palace.

"I find it difficult to believe," Xuan Bing retorted.

"I understand your skepticism. That's precisely why I've brought a small gift for you, Miss Xuan," Cha Eun-Xiao remarked. "You've been an invaluable companion during our journey and have provided us with tremendous support. I believe it's destiny that has brought us to this point. These lotuses symbolize my deep appreciation. Please accept them..."

He extended his right hand, palm up, revealing an aged and mysterious space ring.

Without hesitation, Xuan Bing reached out, seized the ring, and promptly opened it.


She couldn't contain her astonishment.

This exclamation was particularly noteworthy because it emanated from a seasoned and unwavering cultivator. It underscored the sheer shock that she was experiencing. As she delved into the contents of the ring, she swiftly discerned what lay within.

An abundance of Regeneration Jade Lotus!

Xuan Bing couldn't initially believe her eyes, so she revisited the ring repeatedly until she was ultimately convinced that there were indeed one thousand plants of Regeneration Jade Lotus. It was a reality she couldn't deny.

The lotuses exuded a delicate fragrance, possessed the appearance of white jade, and displayed an introverted luminescence within the texture of their petals. There was no doubt—they were unmistakably Regeneration Jade Lotus. But it wasn't just one or two, ten or twenty, or even a hundred or two hundred; there were an astounding one thousand of them.

The magnitude of this number left Xuan Bing in sheer amazement. As she clutched the ring, verifying the count, her expression registered her stupefaction.

"It's... It's real..." Xuan Bing took a deep breath, her spiritual senses affirming what her eyes beheld. She found herself unconsciously desiring to remove her mask, scrutinizing the lotuses up close with her own eyes.

People of her standing were accustomed to observing things with their spiritual senses. Yet, in this moment, she felt compelled to physically inspect the reality before her.

Cha Eun-Xiao observed her hand intently.

Moments later, Xuan Bing's grip on the ring, which had grown pale from her firm grasp, began to loosen.

The revelation was nothing short of astonishing for Cha Eun-Xiao. Regeneration Jade Lotus, the real deal, was now in his possession. Xuan Bing's demeanor, once again calm and composed, reflected the tranquility that had returned to the scene. "Young Brother Cha," she began, "I, Xuan Bing, am deeply grateful for your incredible gesture toward the sisters of Misty Cloud Palace."

With these words, the dynamic between them shifted. She had addressed Cha Eun-Xiao as "Little Brother Cha," a playful moniker that held an air of camaraderie. Simultaneously, it emphasized her superior position. By addressing him as "Young Brother Cha," she was implicitly acknowledging his role as the esteemed Prime Elder of Misty Cloud Palace, signifying respect. This nuanced shift in their interactions left their relationship in a state of ambiguity, as it was challenging to ascertain whether they had grown closer or more distant.

In truth, it was a surprising but logical development. While Cha Eun-Xiao remained unaware of Xuan Bing's true identity, she had a clear understanding of who he was. Despite their apparent disparity in status, Xuan Bing had covertly been drawing nearer to Cha Eun-Xiao. However, she refrained from revealing her true intentions. Now, Cha Eun-Xiao's gift of a thousand Regeneration Jade Lotuses represented an immense favor to Misty Cloud Palace, which, though still projecting strength, was secretly weakened. As the Prime Elder of Misty Cloud Palace, Xuan Bing could not afford a private relationship with Cha Eun-Xiao. She had to uphold her respect for him as the representative of Misty Cloud Palace.

It was a concern that only weighed on Xuan Bing's mind, and Cha Eun-Xiao remained blissfully unaware of it. Life's unpredictability had once again revealed itself.

"Miss Xuan, your graciousness is overwhelming," Cha Eun-Xiao replied with a polite tone, though he harbored a hint of regret within. He still had not seen Elder Xuan's face, and the enigma surrounding her identity troubled him.

"You are genuinely offering these to me, and these items hold great significance for Misty Cloud Palace. I suppose I must graciously accept them," Xuan Bing responded with a serene smile, her words graced with elegance. "However, we should not take such generosity for granted."

Cha Eun-Xiao expressed his heartfelt gratitude, "Miss Xuan, you have journeyed with us, and your illustrious presence has eased our anxieties. My brother and I will forever remember your support. Everything I offer you is well-deserved."

Xuan Bing maintained her composed smile without offering a reply, but a sense of indescribable melancholy welled up within her. Regeneration Jade Lotus was never the reason for her travels with them, and now, she had received an ample supply. Consequently, she had lost a compelling motive to remain with them. Duty called her back to Misty Cloud Palace, where her sisters awaited these life-saving lotuses. Despite her reluctance, she couldn't act selfishly.

As she contemplated her imminent departure, a sense of uncertainty clouded her thoughts. [Master, am I truly leaving? I... I no longer have a reason to stay with you.]

The conversation between them concluded, and the talkative Han Bingxue continued to question Cha Eun-Xiao about the enigmatic Mountain of All Medicines. However, Cha Eun-Xiao found himself unable to provide a clear explanation. As far as he knew, it appeared that the mountain was now under his control, but it still stood resolute, shrouded in mist, and reaching for the heavens. It was no mirage; it was a tangible reality.

The events that had transpired were so bewildering, incredible, and incomprehensible that Cha Eun-Xiao could only attribute them to the extraordinary abilities of powerful figures. It wasn't the right time to dwell on this matter further.

Resuming their journey, the trio maintained a somber silence.

After traversing over a hundred miles, a pungent scent of blood filled the air. All three of them sensed it, prompting them to investigate. Among the thickets, they discovered dismembered flesh and bones, the remnants of a fierce battle that had taken place in this very spot. The freshness of the bloodstains suggested that the confrontation had been exceptionally brutal, leaving an indelible mark on the land.

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