The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1077: The Night of Miracle

Chapter 1077: The Night of Miracle

The Night of Miracle . . .

As Han Bingxue had surmised, the dan beads had been provided by Cha Eun Xiao, and they were all simple dan beads that he no longer required. Since they held a considerable weight, he had made the decision to give them away as soon as possible.

In a matter of seconds, several bottles of dan beads were placed on the table.

Gramp Cha's eyebrows twitched in disbelief.

["This friend of my grandson... he's incredibly generous, isn't he?"]

["No, no, no... 'Generous' doesn't even begin to describe it!"]

["These are rare items that have hardly been seen in history. None of these substances have appeared in the Qing-Yun Realm for many years. How can he just produce them in such quantities? Am I... am I... am I dreaming?"]

Cha Nantian, too, was puzzled. Had his son arranged for this man to provide all these dan beads? Or was this individual a powerful dan-maker?

He had always believed that a mysterious benefactor was secretly supporting Cha Eun Xiao. Could Han Bingxue be that remarkable individual? ["Hmm. This man possesses a wealth of invaluable treasures, yet he doesn't seem like a prominent figure at all. Could he be a high-level cultivator who is so powerful that he doesn't need to flaunt it?"]

In contrast to the suspicious attitudes of Gramp Cha and Cha Nantian, the old lady was simply delighted. She was already holding bottles filled with various dan beads in her arms.

She smiled sheepishly while looking at Gramp Cha and Cha Nantian.

"Granny, there's no need to feel embarrassed. He's my good friend, like a brother. His possessions are mine, and mine are his. Just accept them," Cha Eun Xiao reassured her.

"That's right. His belongings are all mine. His are still his. It's okay," Han Bingxue chimed in. Then, as if suddenly recalling something, he added, "By the way... Gramp Cha and... Uncle Cha... Ahem... are both cultivators. I have a few other dan beads for the two of you. They should be beneficial."

He began to produce more bottles of dan beads. "Mai Connecting Dan... Hmm... There are ten. Sky Reaching Dan... Heaven Spirit Dan... Purple Cloud Dan... Cough, cough... Heaven Climbing Dan... Each of these can grant one hundred years of cultivation, and you can take multiple without diminishing the efficacy. Oh... there are twenty of the latter. You might consider sharing them!"

Cha Shuqing's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

He was on the verge of fainting.


["Are these miraculous dan beads as common as cabbages to him?"]

["Aren't these still rare dan beads?"]

If Gramp Cha had been more astute and experienced, he would have realized that Han Bingxue was gifting him some supreme dan beads. This would have been enough to make anyone's jaw drop. What had just occurred was beyond astonishing!

Cha Nantian watched as the bottles of dan beads piled up on the table within seconds. Han Bingxue showed no signs of stopping, leaving Cha Nantian more and more certain that this man was the enigmatic benefactor who had been assisting Cha Eun Xiao. ["What a formidable individual... How inscrutable... He's pretending to be a jester, and it's beyond belief..."]

"Granny, why don't you take a dan bead right away? Don't worry about the others; your well-being is the top priority," Cha Eun Xiao suggested. He opened a jade bottle and handed her a Pei-Yuan Dan.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Han Bingxue chimed in. "Well, well... Gramp Cha and... Uncle Cha... Ahem... are both cultivators. I have a few more dan beads for both of you. They should be helpful."

He proceeded to take out more bottles. "Mai Connecting Dan... Hmmm... There are ten. Sky Reaching Dan... Heaven Spirit Dan... Purple Cloud Dan... Cough, cough... Heaven Climbing Dan... Each of these can provide one hundred years of cultivation, and you can take multiple without any loss of efficacy. Oh... there are twenty of them... Perhaps you can share them!"

Gramp Cha was left in awe by the tremendous display of dan beads.

Had he been more experienced, he would have recognized that Han Bingxue was giving him some supreme dan beads, which would have been enough to make his head spin. It was an extraordinary event!

Under the astounded gazes of those present, the old lady reached for the dan bead. She was unaware that her grandson had arranged all of this. Her grandson was back, and he was offering her a dan bead. She had no reason to refuse. It was a healing substance, but even if it weren't, she would still accept it with joy. She hadn't been this happy in many years.

As she took the dan bead, everyone fell silent, watching intently as it began to work its magic. The pale face of the old lady slowly turned rosy. Simultaneously, tiny specks of dark material began to emerge on her skin.

These were impurities from within her body being expelled by the efficacy of the dan bead.

The old lady exclaimed and hurried off the table. Most women were obsessed with cleanliness. The old lady might be old now, but she still cared about her hygiene. How could she endure the weird smell that came from her own body?

The four men looked at each other and then started to laugh.

Gramp Cha laughed like a flower. He raised up his glass again and again. "Cheers! Let's drink!"

The four of them ate and drank. Four hours had passed.

With the sound of footsteps, a woman came out with a full face of a smile.

Gramp Cha was stunned. He stood up immediately and even knocked over the chair…

"Ah!" Even Cha Nantian was shocked.

The woman who just came out appeared to be a middle-aged woman, with fair skin, long dark hair, a big smile in the face, tears in the eyes…

It was precisely the old Lady Cha.

Her face… Was she back to youth?

Lady Cha was too thrilled to say the words fluently, "I… I… ate one bead from each kind in those bottles… and… and I became like this…"

Gramp Cha was stunned!

The huge surprise had made him faint!

That night was an unforgettable night of miracle for Cha Shuqing's family!

The person who made all this happen was exactly the young lord Cha Eun Xiao, who had just returned to the family!

After the drinks, the old lady started to talk to Cha Eun Xiao. She just couldn't look enough at her grandson. Han Bingxue went to rest alone.

Cha Nantian and Gramp Cha took every second to digest the efficacy of the dan beads.

Cha Nantian was still lost in confusion. He didn't know whether the dan beads were from Cha Eun Xiao or Han Bingxue. He thought that Han Bingxue was Cha Eun Xiao's secret master. If the dan beads were from Cha Eun Xiao, he should just be grateful to his own son. If they were from Han Bingxue, a great dan-maker who had been teaching his son all the time, it would be too big a favor that was difficult to return.

However, although he was shocked, it didn't make him feel the astonishment for a long time because his heart was holding the confusion!

Cha Shuqing was different. He couldn't calm down.

"How do we return the favor after accepting such the great gifts…" Gramp Cha was still in excitement but also worried. "Those dan beads… not to mention our group, even the entire Cha Clan in the prime days didn't have the power to return the favor. The value of these dan beads is unmeasurable…"

"Unfortunately these dan beads are an irresistible attraction to us." Gramp Cha truly felt nervous. "That man gave us so many dan beads just because he is a good friend to Cha Eun Xiao… I don't know what level these dan beads are… But I am pretty sure these dan beads can make an average scale clan immediately become a big clan!"

"With all these dan beads, why would we be afraid of the other groups and the other clans… What does it matter if we will lose all the fights in the arena…"

"But… I just don't feel right about it!"

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