The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1081: Overwhelming Aura

Chapter 1081: Overwhelming Aura

Overwhelming Aura . . .

Gramp Cha Shuqing made a deep sigh and slowly closed his eyes.

This was his clan.

These men had been pressuring him relentlessly.

His grandson had only been home for a single night, and yet these men had singled him out.

"Even though he didn't learn the martial arts, he should still contribute in some way! Otherwise, do you want the clan to support him without him giving back? There's no way he can simply be a freeloader!" These words sent a chill through his heart.

Cha Clan, while only a second-rate clan, remained a significant force in the region. The notion that the clan's offspring must contribute applied to Cha Clan's own descendants. However, that middle-aged man's statement had laid bare the nefarious intentions lurking in his heart.

Evidently, they were determined to ruin Gramp Cha's grandson, and they wouldn't stop until they succeeded.

Another man furrowed his brows and retorted, "Cha Chengbo, what foolish words have you uttered? Are you suggesting that those without martial prowess should still contribute to the clan? Very well, then explain to me, how should they contribute? Moreover, what do you mean when you say the clan won't support him without his contribution? Are you implying he can't be a mere recipient of the clan's support? Cha Chengbo, take a moment to reflect on this. What have your over a dozen concubines done for the clan? What have they contributed, apart from... their interactions with you? Following your logic, should we put your concubines on a stage and let everyone pass judgment on them?"

The man who spoke appeared thin and frail.

As he began talking, the crowd grew increasingly agitated.

Cha Chengbo, the middle-aged man in question, responded with a stern expression, "Cha Xinghui, I never suggested that he should take the stage. Why are you forcing your own interpretation and speaking nonsense?"

"True," Cha Xinghui chimed in with a loud laugh. "You didn't explicitly state it, but we're not fools. Do you believe that we can't comprehend your underlying message? You accuse me of speaking nonsense, but isn't that precisely what you're doing?"

Another man stepped forward, anger etched on his face. "Their child, who was missing for so many years, has just returned and spent a single night at home. Yet, all of you have gathered here to cause trouble. How shameless can you be to speak of sharing the same name and blood? By pushing them like this, aren't you afraid of being scorned by the world?"

"Sixth Uncle is mistaken," a young man declared. "Even though they haven't seen each other in years, a whole night of conversation is more than enough... How much could they possibly have left to discuss that couldn't be covered in one night? Even if their conversation isn't complete, how can their minor affairs compare to the clan's future?"

Cha Liangchen stepped forward with authority and stated, "What are you insinuating? Is it possible that Cha Eun Xiao, Uncle Nantian's son, can now determine the clan's future? Is that how you interpret it? Let me pose a question to you. If you were abandoned for over a dozen years, how would you feel and react? We are all part of the same clan, sharing the same blood. How can you treat him so heartlessly? Why subject him to such pressure?"

The words of the two young men incited yet another heated debate.

The eight elders split into two opposing sides and engaged in a fervent argument. The older generation was also divided, with the second-oldest generation clashing fiercely. The youngest generation, including Cha Liangchen and Cha Meijing, was embroiled in an intense dispute.

Overall, the individuals in the yard had separated into two clearly opposing groups, engaging in an escalating conflict.

Yet, those supporting Cha Nantian numbered only a few, less than thirty, while the other side boasted over eighty members, holding a significant advantage.

The two factions continued to clash, and the conflict grew increasingly heated.

At this critical moment, a mere provocation could easily trigger bloodshed.

Luckily, no one from other sects was present. Otherwise, they might have launched a sneak attack, leading to an internal conflict within Cha Clan, making them even more vulnerable. For now, only Cha Nantian, Cha Shuqing, and one other elderly man remained passive in the midst of the turmoil.

Cha Shuqing exchanged a silent, meaningful look with the slim old man standing across from him. Their gaze reflected the complex conflict brewing within them.

The old man was none other than the current Chief of Cha Clan, Cha Shuxin, who was also Gramp Cha Shuqing's younger cousin. In the midst of the cacophony, these brothers exchanged silent tensions that spoke louder than words.

After a brief silence, Cha Shuqing approached Cha Shuxin. "Must you be this ruthless?" he asked with a hint of bitterness.

Cha Shuxin offered a bland smile. "Brother, you're mistaken. We're family, and there's no need for things to get this serious. Accusing me of ruthlessness is a bit too much."

Cha Shuqing, his eyes filled with complexity, inhaled deeply and paused for a moment. "My grandson has just returned home for one night. Just one night. And my son has only been back for half a year…"

Cha Shuxin remained silent for a while before responding blandly, "However, within that half year, my brothers died."

"What are you talking about?" Cha Shuqing demanded.

Cha Shuxin lowered his eyelids and said, "My oldest son also died."

Cha Shuqing erupted in anger. "What are you insinuating? What more do you want? The entire clan is in your hands. What more is there to desire?"

A fierce and malevolent glint appeared in Cha Shuxin's eyes. "I want to say that my brothers and my son can't have died in vain."

Cha Shuqing retorted, "So my son should die in vain?"

Cha Shuxin looked surprised but then said blandly, "Are you admitting it?"

"Admit what?" Cha Shuqing's eyes blazed with anger as he glared at his cousin.

"Admit it or not, I must bring this to an end." Cha Shuqing half-closed his eyes. "Brother, your grandson has been absent for many years. It's as if you never had a grandson at all. I suppose it won't matter if you truly have no grandson after this?"

Cha Shuqing trembled. "What do you mean? Is this your idea alone, or is it the consensus of others?"

"Forefather heard that your grandson had returned. He wanted to meet the boy. I believe he intends to groom and train the child for a significant role in the clan if the child is talented enough." Cha Shuxin's face twisted with malice. "Brother, if you were in my shoes, would you permit it?"

"Why wouldn't I? How could I not?" Cha Shuqing responded fervently. "A stronger child means a stronger Cha Clan. There's no need for hesitation."

Cha Shuxin suddenly sneered. "That's precisely why you're unfit for the role of Chief. Your mind is too feeble. A weak-minded man cannot be the resolute leader of a clan."

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