The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1108: Two Ladies Met

Chapter 1108: Two Ladies Met

Two Ladies Met . . .

The news of Cha Eun Xiao's incredible fortune had spread, leaving his fellow disciples in awe of his extraordinary luck. They couldn't help but exclaim, "Our little brother disciple actually has such good fortune. He is indeed blessed."

They attributed Cha Eun Xiao's exceptional gifts to the blessings of Cold Moon Palace, remarking, "God bless Cold Moon Palace! We have such a peerless genius among us."

In an attempt to provide a logical explanation for the mountain's collapse upon the taking of the Dan God's inheritance, Zhu Jiutian proposed a theory. He suggested, "I guess it could be... That Dan God might have set up some kind of array... Once his inheritance was taken by somebody, the mountains would collapse and become his tomb. Many powerful figures in history did the same thing. It isn't anything mysterious..."

Zhu Jiutian's confidence in his theory grew as he spoke, leading him to believe that he was onto something substantial.

Cha Eun Xiao, however, dismissed the idea, saying, "Oh... I truly don't want any of his inheritance. It is not as systematic as what I learned from my sect."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were left speechless, unable to fathom how Cha Eun Xiao could be so indifferent to such an extraordinary inheritance.

Zhan Yunfei eventually mustered the courage to ask, "Urh, little brother disciple, how... how many dan beads did you get from that place?"

Cha Eun Xiao casually replied, "Not many... Three hundred or four hundred... Not more than six hundred. Hmm. That's it. I didn't count, but it should roughly be that number. All the dan beads are just like those I gave my people today. Low-ranged. Not a big deal."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were filled with avarice. "That is a lot..."

Although Cha Eun Xiao had distributed a significant number of dan beads to Cha Clan members, there were still several hundred left, which heightened Zhan and Zhu's greed.

Zhu Jiutian inquired, "So, you still have plenty of the dan beads, right?"

Cha Eun Xiao confessed, "Not anymore. I've eaten a lot of them. I've consumed over a hundred on my journey. I eat when I'm hungry, when I'm thirsty, when I'm sleepy... Those were low-grade dan beads, but they had impressive effects. They always revitalized me. Thanks to them, I've advanced to level nine of the Dream Origin Stage, just one step away from the Dao Origin Stage. So, yes, the dan beads did help..."

With a touch of pride, he added, "Not bad, right? My progress?"

Zhan and Zhu were stunned, unable to find the right words to express their amazement.

After a long silence, Zhan Yunfei exclaimed, "Did you say... you've eaten over a hundred of those dan beads just to fill your stomach?"

Cha Eun Xiao nonchalantly confirmed, "Yes, I did. What's the big deal? They're just normal dan beads. Nothing special."

Zhan Yunfei was furious, and he vented his frustration, saying, "Not a big deal? I hope those dan beads rupture your stomach! You prick!"

He was releasing the pent-up resentment and anger he felt.

Zhu Jiutian, equally shocked, commented, "Even though you've eaten over a hundred, there should still be more..."

Cha Eun Xiao explained, "I met a friend on my journey and gave him over a dozen. I was being stingy. It's embarrassing, really. I should have given him at least a hundred, if not half of what I had. But I ended up giving him just over a dozen. My masters will scold me for sure..."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were exasperated, to say the least.

"What? Over a dozen? Don't be embarrassed. Tell us who he is, his name?" They demanded to know more.

Cha Eun Xiao replied, "I don't know his name. I just recognized his face. I didn't know him well, but he seemed like a decent guy. We parted ways outside the Oracle District. I should have given him more, but I felt awkward. I regret not being more generous."

Zhan and Zhu were left dumbfounded by Cha Eun Xiao's actions.

"When I returned home, I learned that my grandmother was sick. I had some dan beads that could potentially help her, so I used over a dozen on her. My grandfather was in better health, but I couldn't neglect him, so I gave him an equal number to make it fair. I couldn't show favoritism, after all."

Zhan Yunfei was beyond words, feeling utterly shocked by Cha Eun Xiao's actions.

Cha Eun Xiao further reassured them, "Don't worry, I still have a few dan beads with me."

As he spoke, he produced over a dozen bottles, casually placing them on the table. "These are not particularly valuable. If you want them, take them. You could have mentioned it earlier, though. You both are accomplished cultivators. There's no need to be so petty."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were left stunned, staring at the bottles on the table.

[Did he just say he's giving all these dan beads to us?]

The shock and disbelief filled the room as Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian stared at the abundant collection of dan beads that Cha Eun Xiao had casually spread out before them.

"Holy heavens! Is that real?" one of them exclaimed.

"No way!" another chimed in.


"He was not joking... He wasn't! He meant it..."

At least a hundred dan beads lay before them, and by Cha Eun Xiao's account, this was likely all that remained of his impressive collection. It was evident that Cha Eun Xiao hadn't counted them and had simply taken them all out to share.

"These magical dan beads... There are over a hundred of them... What an enormous number!" their thoughts echoed, and their disbelief was slowly replaced by a growing sense of awe and gratitude.

"They are all... ours?" they pondered in amazement.

However, their elation was tempered by the knowledge of Cha Eun Xiao's extravagant use of these valuable dan beads, with more than five hundred of them having been consumed.

"That is so painful..."

Both of them couldn't help but share a similar sentiment.

The initial shock and disbelief gave way to a sense of overwhelming gratitude and responsibility. They now found themselves stewards of a considerable treasure that held immense value.

As they opened the bottles and gazed upon the round dan beads emitting a rolling dan qi, they couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence.

"These... These are the legendary supreme dan beads... Only the dan beads with dan cloud could automatically absorb spiritual qi to keep their efficacy from running away..." Zhu Jiutian's voice wavered with emotion. "Hundreds of these... legendary Supreme Dan... They were just gone... That can't be more extravagant..."

Zhan Yunfei voiced similar sentiments, "We are brothers. If you like them, just take them. These normal dan beads, I assume we don't have many in our sect's storehouse! Right?"

Cha Eun Xiao's generosity left them feeling dumbfounded.

"Of course, we don't have many of these dan beads. In fact, our 'not many' is quite different from your 'not many.' Two completely different reasons!"

Their inner turmoil was becoming increasingly evident, and their confusion was mirrored in their expressions.

Cha Eun Xiao, oblivious to their inner struggle, continued to express his generosity, pushing the bottles closer to them.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian found themselves at a loss, torn between their desires and their sense of responsibility.

"What did he just say? He's giving all these dan beads to us?" they thought, bewildered.

Finally, Zhan Yunfei earnestly advised, "Little brother disciple, listen to me, the dan beads you have, don't tell anybody else about it. Don't ever... Never ever... Brother, listen! This is huge! This is a big deal!"

Cha Eun Xiao dismissed their concerns, murmuring disdainfully, "Urh... Why are you nagging like the elders? These are just normal dan beads... Do you really have to..."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian pushed the bottles back to Cha Eun Xiao, refusing to accept this overwhelming gift. It felt as though they were cutting into their own skin.

"What is this? Are you looking down upon me?" Cha Eun Xiao frowned. "Just take them... Do you really need to do this? They are merely some dan beads! We are brothers. What could be wrong about you two taking some dan beads from me?"

However, he separated the dan beads into three parts, taking one for himself and giving the others to Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian.

They were hesitant, their emotions conflicted, but they accepted the bottles. Their reluctance and embarrassment slowly faded away.

"Brother, I guess I should be honest with you. The dan beads of yours are not in high-class, but they are all in supreme level. They are exactly Supreme Dan! Not just normal dan beads... They are more precious than all the dan beads of our sect in total. Cold Moon Palace has never gotten even one supreme dan bead in thirty thousand years... Do you... Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?" Zhan Yunfei revealed.

Zhu Jiutian nodded in agreement.

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes lit up with appreciation. His former adversaries had transformed into friends and trusted allies in the sect.

"They are actually... nice men."

"They actually can do things beyond the ethical bottom line as men."

"They are genuinely nice to me."

Cha Eun Xiao found himself grappling with conflicting emotions at this moment. He pondered a hypothetical scenario, one in which he sought vengeance against the three factions. He wondered how Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian, who had shown him such kindness, would react.

These thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, but he chose to keep his inner turmoil hidden. In a measured tone, he spoke, "Brothers, I don't think you have listened carefully, do you? I learned my skills of dan-making in a brilliant dan-making sect. Of course, I know the dan beads of the sect are all inferior to mine. I also know what Supreme Dan is."

Despite the complex emotions brewing within him, Cha Eun Xiao maintained a calm exterior. He continued, "So what? They are supreme dan beads. They are still dan beads to be eaten! Using the right dan beads on the right person is a good choice. What is the point of keeping all the dan beads to myself?"

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were taken aback by Cha Eun Xiao's perspective and nodded in agreement. They questioned themselves about their own capacity for such generosity.

[Would we be as generous as him?]

[Could we part with such valuable treasures?]

As they reflected, a sense of compunction grew within them.

"I will protect this young brother till the end of my life!" Zhan Yunfei silently vowed.

Cha Eun Xiao's words resonated within him, and he realized the true extent of his young brother's kindness.

"Besides, think about why I decided to give you the dan beads. You two are still wounded. You need the dan beads to heal yourselves. Just let the dan beads do their jobs first, will you?" Cha Eun Xiao sighed.

He understood the irony of the situation. After all, it was he who had inflicted their wounds. However, he was now providing them with the means to heal.

The passage of time had a way of reshaping perceptions and creating a different reality. Despite the convoluted circumstances, Cha Eun Xiao felt that everything had fallen into place.

In the days that followed, Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian emerged from their rooms with smiles on their faces. Their spirits were high, and the wounds that had plagued them had been miraculously healed overnight. With the help of the dan beads, they had even made substantial progress in their cultivation.

During this time, the entire Oracle District experienced a transformation. The oppressive atmosphere that had stifled spiritual qi in the area was no more. People noticed that the spiritual qi had normalized, and the district began to flourish.

The disappearance of the unusual restraint had significant implications. As Cha Eun Xiao had predicted, the lifting of this constraint provided a powerful boost to the cultivators. Almost everyone experienced breakthroughs and reached higher levels in their practice.

The news of these developments rapidly spread throughout the Qing-Yun Realm. Influential factions, recognizing the potential for growth and power within Oracle District, sent their disciples to take advantage of the newfound conditions.

Oracle District, once seen as a barren land, had suddenly become a land of opportunity. It was clear that the lifting of the restraint had created a thriving environment for cultivation. As word spread, cultivators from all over the realm flocked to Oracle District to reap the benefits of this profound transformation.

The entire Qing-Yun Realm was abuzz with excitement, as everyone recognized that a new era of cultivation had dawned in Oracle District.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were among those who benefited most from these changes. They had positioned themselves strategically in Oracle District and recruited numerous disciples from Cha Clan, intending to bring them back to Cold Moon Palace for training.

Misty Cloud Palace, in return, had also recruited many young girls from Cha Clan. To express his gratitude, Cha Eun Xiao decided to present a generous gift to Li Yunxuan when he encountered her. He handed her nine high-quality Regeneration Jade Lotus plants, each on the verge of upgrading.

Li Yunxuan, also known as Fairy Li, was taken aback by this unexpected gesture. Her eyes nearly dropped to the floor in amazement. The pleasure she felt was beyond her wildest dreams.

She quickly sent word to the sect to request additional personnel, specifically those above level seven of Dao Origin Stage, to protect the precious lotuses. They would also bring along the newly recruited young girls. The surprise she had received had altered her perspective.

Elder Xuan Bing had instructed her to fully support Cha Clan without providing a clear reason. Now, Li Yunxuan saw the wisdom behind this directive.

"Elder Xuan Bing always has foresight! If we didn't fully support Cha Clan, we would never be lucky enough to have these lotuses," she mused.

Li Yunxuan believed Cha Eun Xiao's claim that the Mountain of All Medicines still contained many Regeneration Jade Lotuses that no one else could locate. This mutually beneficial arrangement had strengthened the bond between their two forces. The fact that Cha Eun Xiao could access such a dangerous place within the mountain and retrieve valuable items only further solidified his worth.

In their upcoming training sessions, Cha Eun Xiao made rapid progress under the guidance of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian. In just three days, he broke through the limit and reached level one of Dao Origin Stage. What astonished them even more was his ability to withstand the attacks of top-level Dao Origin Stage cultivators in one-on-one combat, even if he was mostly on the defensive.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were left in awe of Cha Eun Xiao's remarkable progress.

Meanwhile, far from their location, a beautiful woman was gracefully gliding through the sky like a cloud of sweet-scented wind. She made her way toward Oracle District in a relaxed manner, her journey taking her over mountains and rivers.

Technically, she was not moving at high speed. She moved leisurely, allowing her to tend to the wounds she had sustained during recent battles and recover her spiritual qi.

What she was about to do was fulfilling a promise, something that held moderate importance to her. She and Xiao Monarch had embarked on this mission from the beginning, albeit as a minor favor.

Jun Yinglian couldn't have anticipated that the events to follow would reshape her life. As she flew over a towering mountain shrouded in clouds and mist, she decided to descend and explore. Such mountains often held treasures, and her leisurely pace allowed her to take a closer look. She hoped to replenish the resources expended during her recent battles.

As she contemplated this, a dark mist suddenly erupted from the depths of the mountain, shooting skyward. The atmosphere was charged with the presence of a dominant figure.

This massive expanse of dark fog rapidly expanded into a shroud of dark clouds, blocking Jun Yinglian's path. She was taken aback by the power of the aura she sensed.

"It must be a superior cultivator," she thought, her mind racing to identify the enigmatic figure responsible for this imposing display.

Quickly, she conjured a name that matched the aura, cultivation, and bearing of the individual before her.

However, Jun Yinglian found the notion that this particular person would be here improbable.

"She couldn't possibly be here," she mused, "especially since this region isn't under Misty Cloud Palace's jurisdiction. Her recent dealings involved a protracted battle, which suggests she should still be occupied. Such battles take a long time to conclude. How could she possibly be here?"

Yet, the evidence before her was undeniable. The dark clouds had dispersed, revealing a lady.

It was none other than Xuan Bing.

Jun Yinglian was momentarily stunned. As far as she knew, Xuan Bing always wore black attire, and her face was shrouded in mystery. The sight of her unveiled face was nothing short of astonishing.

"Why is she here, and why is she doing this?" Jun Yinglian pondered as confusion took hold.

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