The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1110: Sworn Sisters!

Chapter 1110: Sworn Sisters!

Sworn Sisters! . . .

Xuan Bing, her face flushed from the few drinks she'd consumed, fixed her gaze on Jun Yinglian and posed a question. "Jun Yinglian, how many years do you think we'll have with our current cultivation?"

Jun Yinglian, taken aback by the inquiry, couldn't help but smile ruefully as she considered the question. Bitterness welled up within her. "If we manage to avoid death or any fatal accidents, I'd say thousands of years."

Xuan Bing's eyes sparked with intensity as she pressed further, "And if we were to make significant advancements during those thousands of years?"

Jun Yinglian contemplated for a moment before responding, "That's hard to say. Perhaps we would live even longer..."

Xuan Bing's eyes gleamed as she delved deeper, "Have you ever considered that throughout those long lives, we might have to endure perpetual loneliness?"

Jun Yinglian offered a faint smile and observed, "I believe you understand me. There's a fundamental difference between a person with a heart devoid of hope and someone who possesses hope."

Xuan Bing was momentarily choked by the truth of Jun Yinglian's words.

"I certainly understand," she thought. "That's why I initiated this conversation, to extend the hand of friendship, to become sisters."

She realized that Jun Yinglian might misconstrue her intentions. She understood that her boldness was necessary. She was driven by the desire to make the first move in establishing this connection and to ensure that Jun Yinglian was willing to embrace this opportunity. Both conditions had to be met for her plan to succeed. If either party refused, it could lead to adverse consequences.

Xuan Bing was aware that she was in a unique position of influence and power in the Qing-Yun Realm, and any rejection of her amicable overtures could be perceived as a sign of weakness. She couldn't allow herself to appear weak, and it was the fear of such a possibility that had held her back until now.

With this conversation, she aimed not only to foster a sisterly bond but also to address a deeply buried personal matter that she couldn't discuss with anyone.

The conversation continued, shifting to the gender dynamics of the Qing-Yun Realm. Xuan Bing noted, "Qing-Yun Realm is populated by numerous formidable individuals, but ninety-five percent of them are men. Women hold only five percent of the seats."

Jun Yinglian pondered for a moment and then added, "We might even be less than five percent."

Xuan Bing's inquiry led to an acknowledgment of the reality: "Talented young men receive attention and training, and a select number of talented young women receive the same. However, their progress eventually stagnates."

Jun Yinglian elaborated on this stagnation, saying, "It's because men's infatuation with women often leads to misfortune. The more gifted a girl is, the more beautiful she becomes."

Xuan Bing nodded in agreement. The correlation between a woman's talents and her physical appearance was indeed a reality they had to contend with. After all, to excel in martial arts, a woman typically had to maintain a certain level of physical fitness and agility.

Physical condition played a vital role in determining a woman's potential. There were several specific types of physical conditions unique to women, including the Pure Yin Body, Yin Cold Body, Natural Body, and Cold Moon Body. Women were inherently attributed to Yin, and the qualities of Yin and coldness were regarded as the most alluring aspects of a woman's essence. A woman blessed with such a physical condition was destined to be extraordinary.

However, possessing the right physical condition was only one part of the equation. A woman should also encompass purity and intelligence to make her truly formidable. A combination of a perfect body shape, an excellent physical condition, and the qualities of purity and cleverness were the trifecta that could render a woman invincible in all aspects. In fact, a woman with just the first two attributes could still wield significant power. Such a woman was invariably the focus of attention for all men, coveted by many and adored by those who beheld her.

The favor of a man and his claim over such a woman often became a roadblock to her personal development. Once she became ensnared in a relationship, she was invariably owned by one man. Regardless of whether it was through subtlety or coercion, a man who possessed such a woman would typically hold a position of significant influence and dominance in the world. These men could often have their pick of beautiful young women.

Trapped in such a situation, a woman's potential for personal development was greatly curtailed. Her future would no longer hold the same promise of greatness. History had shown time and again that men often asserted their power by conquering the women they desired, be it through pursuit or force. Even when men acquired their coveted women, they did not always cherish them. This was a recurring pattern in the annals of history.

Jun Yinglian made a somber conclusion, "Men's lust for women has stifled the potential of ninety percent of talented girls."

Xuan Bing pondered the implications and said, "Perhaps that is why the world remains patriarchal. It is difficult for women to rise to positions of strength and independence."

Jun Yinglian sighed and remarked, "Hence, while there may be many talented girls, only a few in centuries can ascend to the heights we've reached. Meanwhile, there are numerous men who have risen to become top-class cultivators."

Both women shared a moment of reflection, recognizing the disparities ingrained in their world.

Xuan Bing then mentioned Xue Danru, acknowledging her as a top-class female cultivator, though their relationship had its complexities. Xuan Bing, Xue Danru, and Jun Yinglian were the triumvirate of female martial artists who had reached the pinnacle of their craft in the Qing-Yun Realm.

Jun Yinglian inquired why she hadn't mentioned the Moon Queen of Qiong-Hua Palace, who was assumed to be an even more formidable cultivator. Xuan Bing responded with a wry smile, "The prime master of Qiong-Hua Palace is indeed a bit stronger than you, but there's a significant difference between her and us. She is married and holds a more important identity as a wife. Furthermore, many of her achievements can be attributed to her husband's support."

Jun Yinglian was taken aback by the revelation. She exclaimed, "What?"

Clearly, this was unexpected news that left Jun Yinglian astonished and, strangely enough, a hint of envy permeated her reaction.

Xuan Bing took a sip from her bowl and noticed Jun Yinglian's perplexed response. She casually asked, "Sister Jun, why do you look so perturbed?"

Jun Yinglian's initial alarm gave way to a melancholy as she lifted her bowl to drink. Instead of the expected pleasure, the liquor now brought grief and sorrow, leaving her with a profound sense of loneliness. She expressed, "Who doesn't carry troubles within their hearts?"

Xuan Bing ventured to inquire, "Back then... when Cha Monarch..."

Hearing his name, Jun Yinglian's complexion paled, and her heart felt as if it had been pierced. With a bitter smile, she posed a profound question, "In truth, Xuan Bing, what do you believe women live for?"

Xuan Bing was taken aback by the profundity of Jun Yinglian's query. She would usually answer, "For dignity, for achievements, for dreams!" Yet now, in the face of the question, her response eluded her.

In reality, this was a question that had long preoccupied Xuan Bing's thoughts. She intended to pose the same question herself. However, Jun Yinglian had preempted her, and she found herself at a loss for words.

What, indeed, did a woman live for?

"I don't think you are pursuing invincibility in the world," Jun Yinglian observed thoughtfully.

Xuan Bing remained silent, her thoughts dwelling on the change in her aspirations.

A year earlier, she would have unhesitatingly declared, "I am solely pursuing invincibility!"

But things were different now.

"Great Elder Xuan, have you ever considered that women, including you and me, are a group of disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals?" Jun Yinglian expressed her perspective solemnly. "I've never admitted this before, but now I'll say it. A woman always needs companionship, a sanctuary. A man, a refuge, whom we are never compelled to love... whom nothing obligates us to love... yet we love him with all our hearts, with all our souls."

Xuan Bing questioned, "Your sanctuary, your man, was Cha Monarch. Was he genuinely such a refuge to you?"

Jun Yinglian wore a wistful smile as she responded, "Elder Xuan, if you've ever loved someone, you'll understand that when a woman like me or you falls in love, it's an all-encompassing commitment. Once we love that man, he becomes our sanctuary."

Xuan Bing was deeply touched by Jun Yinglian's heartfelt words, profoundly moved by her sincerity.

The two women engaged in an extended conversation among the clouds, on the mountaintop. They took turns, one speaking while the other listened, as they shared their innermost thoughts. Eight jars of liquor were emptied as the hours passed, yet the two remained spirited and engaged.

Jun Yinglian's initial apprehension gradually faded, and she became entirely at ease. If someone had suggested that Xuan Bing had an ulterior motive, Jun Yinglian would have vehemently defended her friend.

"Sister Jun, you are absolutely right. Let's drink!"

"Sister Bing, cheers!"

In the end, Xuan Bing proposed an idea, and Jun Yinglian readily agreed. She suggested, "Sister Jun, I feel as if we were close friends from long ago. What if we make a solemn vow to become sisters? As sisters, we can confide in each other more openly in the future. What do you think?"

Jun Yinglian wholeheartedly embraced the idea, "That's precisely what I was thinking. Since you've been so kind to me, I believe I should accept the relation of a younger sister to someone of your higher status."

But Xuan Bing mockingly scolded her, "Sisters like us shouldn't say things about status. You're disgracing me with such talk!"

Jun Yinglian immediately apologized, "I apologize, Sister. I won't dare to say such things again. Please forgive me and don't hold it against me."

These were two candid and big-hearted women, and the formalities of sisterhood did not trouble them. They knelt on the ground, bowing to each other eight times, before becoming sisters. Both felt an immense sense of joy at the bond they had forged.

Xuan Bing, being the elder of the two, was designated as the older sister, while Jun Yinglian became the younger sister. The next day, they parted ways, both reluctant to say goodbye.

Xuan Bing headed back to the Misty Cloud Palace, while Jun Yinglian continued her journey towards the Oracle District. Just before parting, Xuan Bing assured her, "Sister Jun, if you encounter any difficulties on your journey, send me word. Furthermore, when the time comes for your final showdown against the three factions, I won't stand idly by. Your trouble will be my trouble, sister. When you initiate the battle, I will stand by your side."

It was a solemn promise of unwavering support.

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