The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1115: Qiong-Hua Palace’s Conditions

Chapter 1115: Qiong-Hua Palace’s Conditions

Qiong-Hua Palace's Conditions . . .

Yue Shuang continued to speak in a dispassionate manner, emphasizing the guiding principles of their faction, "We never adhere to conventional rules. The concept of right and wrong holds no sway over us. What we place our faith in is the currency of power. If Xuan Bing were present, her judgment would dictate the morality of our actions."

"But she isn't here, and in her absence, the responsibility falls on us to define right and wrong," Yue Shuang stated icily.

"We remain unwaveringly loyal to Qiong-Hua Palace," Yue Han affirmed.

"What we're about to do will undoubtedly put the Cha Clan at a disadvantage," Yue Shuang commented while casting a steely gaze upon Cha Nantian. She continued, "So, you ask how Qiong-Hua Palace envisions the resolution of this situation. My response to you is straightforward; it's the only answer I can offer at this juncture."

Cha Nantian attentively absorbed Yue Shuang's words before exhaling deeply and stating, "I never anticipated that Qiong-Hua Palace would be reasonable toward us. In this world, power reigns supreme. Whatever your desires, just express them."

Yue Shuang gazed serenely at Cha Nantian, her countenance unmoved. She elucidated, "There are several stipulations we insist upon concerning this disagreeable matter. If the Ye Clan can meet these conditions, their survival is assured."

Cha Nantian appeared composed and casually inquired, "I'm eager to learn more."

"First, we had once requested the expulsion of Cha Nantian from the Cha Clan, but the Ye Clan breached that commitment. We require an explanation," Yue Shuang stated.

Cha Nantian's response was marked by a sneering laugh, "I fail to comprehend the nature of the explanation you seek from us. I have spent over a decade in the lower realm, enduring countless trials and tribulations. Through my own perseverance, I have attained the position I now hold. Ladies, you can undoubtedly perceive my current level of cultivation. According to your past conditions, I can reunite with Xue-er and lead our lives together once I reach the Dao Origin Stage. You were present when those terms were established. My assertion holds true, doesn't it? I am a member of the Cha Clan, and I have achieved a high level of cultivation. Why should I not be allowed to return home? There's no necessity for me to remain in the lower realm, is there? Is that a reasonable demand?"

"What, just because you don't want us to rise, should we remain stagnant at the bottom? As soon as we make progress, you view us as adversaries?" Cha Nantian's words were far from conciliatory, carrying a sharp, cutting edge.

Nonetheless, Yue han maintained a contemplative silence for a brief interval before delivering his response in a subdued tone, "From my perspective, that is indeed our modus operandi."

The absence of rage in Cha Nantian's demeanor elicited a chuckle instead.

"Master Yue Han, are you suggesting that Qiong-Hua Palace has intentions to permanently bar me? Do you wish to banish me from the Qing-Yun Realm indefinitely?" Cha Nantian inquired with a mocking tone. He proceeded, "Permit me to pose a question in return. Your Prime Master, the Moon Queen, extended a commitment... She declared that I could enter Qiong-Hua Palace and unite with Xue-er to reclaim our family life once I reached the Dao Origin Stage. So, what of her vow?"

"Now that I have attained the Dao Origin Stage, I wonder if you intend to honor the pledge she made," Cha Nantian mused.

"I remain indifferent to whether the two of you are acting rationally or not. It doesn't concern me," he continued, his voice laced with a steely resolve. "But that was a promise personally made to me by the Moon Queen. Are you prepared to dismiss it as casually as a passing breeze, leaving nothing but fleeting echoes?"

Cha Nantian kept his hands folded behind his back as he confronted two of the most influential figures in the Qing-Yun Realm, a sardonic grin etched on his face. "You insist on an explanation from us, and I must confess my inability to furnish one. Instead, I demand an explanation from you regarding the promise your Moon Queen made to me! Can you elucidate it?"

This time, Yue Shuang and Yue Han appeared hesitant.

Known for their unblemished hearts and straightforward natures, they typically adhered to simplicity in their actions. Their allegiance was firmly with their sect, their deeds driven by the betterment of their faction's interests, regardless of whether those actions aligned with reason or not. However, Cha Nantian's words introduced a dilemma that could either undermine their sect's objectives or endorse them. They acknowledged the veracity of his claims, which prompted them to pause and reconsider.

Even though Cha Nantian had reached the pinnacle of Dao Origin Stage, it remained within their power to reduce him to ashes with a mere gesture, as effortless as turning one's hand.

Yet the core predicament lay in the pledge made by the Moon Queen, a vow they couldn't disavow.

They could not disregard the solemn promise extended by the Moon Queen to Cha Nantian.

Their hearts were characterized by unwavering purity and integrity, qualities that had facilitated their progress along the path of cultivation. Forsaking their conscience could potentially introduce a plethora of challenges into their spiritual journey.

When they first set foot in the Cha Clan, they had never envisioned that Cha Nantian might one day attain the Dao Origin Stage and fulfill the criteria established by the Moon Queen.

In days of yore, Cha Nantian had found himself at the humble threshold of Dream Origin Stage during his clash with Qiong-Hua Palace. This ferocious confrontation had inflicted grievous wounds upon him, precipitating a plummet to the lowest echelon of Dream Origin Stage. Upon his arrival in the Land of Han-Yang, he had already ascended to the ninth level of Spirit Origin Stage, though the lingering injuries in his body had cast a looming shadow over his prospects. In the confines of a lowly realm like the Land of Han-Yang, opportunities for advancement were scarce, and the concealed wounds were progressively enfeebling him.

Similarly, Song Jue had been ensnared in the same web of adversity as Cha Nantian. However, Song Jue had entered Qing-Yun Realm in a feeble state, rendering him even more vulnerable to the grievous injuries inflicted upon him. When Cha Eun Xiao had taken the initiative to heal Song Jue, the latter had been reduced to a state of profound debilitation. His inner reservoir of energy had been depleted entirely, rendering him bereft of any semblance of cultivation. In essence, without Cha Eun Xiao's intervention, Song Jue's life hung by the thinnest thread.

The identical affliction of concealed injuries that had burdened Song Jue had also been remedied by Cha Eun Xiao in the case of Cha Nantian. His strength had been fully restored, and he had experienced a substantial surge in his power. A few days prior, after acquiring the supreme dan beads from Cha Eun Xiao, he had made an extraordinary breakthrough, vaulting beyond the apex of Dream Origin Stage to attain the revered status of Dao Origin Stage. In effect, he had fulfilled the criteria stipulated by the Moon Queen, an accomplishment that should have been deemed insurmountable.

Nevertheless, this remarkable feat, remarkable as it was, was not the paramount concern at this juncture. For Yue Han and Yue Shuang, as Cha Nantian had aptly pointed out, there appeared to be no compelling reason to demand explanations.

So, what had brought them to this particular juncture?

These two individuals were characterized by their unblemished hearts and unwavering principles. They were not the sort of people who would readily compromise their integrity or succumb to domineering impulses. Cha Nantian's pointed questioning had caught them off guard, and they grappled with this unexpected turn of events.

Cha Nantian drew a deep breath and addressed them, "Ladies, you have approached us seeking explanations. Very well, as the opportunity presents itself, may I inquire when your Moon Queen intends to fulfill her pledge to me?"

Yue Shuang and Yue Han exchanged glances, and after a moment of reflection, they conceded, "You are correct. Let us set aside our initial request. Our second demand pertains to your son. We must bring him back to the palace to meet the Moon Queen."

"Your son is not just your offspring; he is also the progeny of our saintess. Our saintess is bound by a vow of celibacy, let alone giving birth to a child. This time, we are resolute in bringing him to the palace!" Yue Han declared serenely.

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