Chapter 123: Why?

Why? . . .

In the midst of their intense confrontation, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. It was a hope that perhaps his cunning plan had worked, that maybe, just maybe, Gu Jin-Long had been dealt a decisive blow. The atmosphere was thick with tension as both men struggled with their inner demons.

Gu Jin-Long's eyelid bore a mark of blood, evidence of the close encounter with the Demonic Needle. It had threatened to pierce his eyeball, an organ so fragile that it felt like a rubber ball being pushed to its limits. Cha-Eun Xiao knew he had come dangerously close to ending Gu Jin-Long right then and there.

Yet, his adversary was not one to be underestimated. Gu Jin-Long had screamed, moaned, and endured the excruciating pain. He was a fighter, determined to survive at any cost. His curses and threats were like venomous darts, aimed at Cha-Eun Xiao's very soul.

"Die, you wretched scum! I'll kill you, and I'll make your entire clan suffer! Your master won't escape my wrath either!" Gu Jin-Long's voice trembled with anger and desperation.

Cha-Eun Xiao clenched his teeth in frustration. He had to admit that Gu Jin-Long's resilience was infuriating. The Demonic Needle had failed to achieve its primary objective, and his subsequent attacks on sensitive areas had yielded no results. It was as if Gu Jin-Long was impervious to pain.

Fury boiled within Cha-Eun Xiao, his patience wearing thin. He couldn't afford to let Gu Jin-Long live to see another day. The thought of his master and his clan being in danger fueled his determination. He needed to act swiftly, before Gu Jin-Long broke free from his restraints.

With a sudden burst of anger, Cha-Eun Xiao abandoned the needle and seized a nearby stone. His hands trembled with rage as he brought the stone crashing down upon Gu Jin-Long's head.

A deafening impact echoed through the air as the stone shattered into fragments. Dust and debris filled the space, obscuring their view momentarily. When the dust settled, Gu Jin-Long emerged, battered but still defiant.

"You're wasting your time, you fool!" Gu Jin-Long spat out, his voice laced with malice. "You can't kill me. Your only way out now is to run and end your own miserable life. If you let me live, I'll ensure you suffer every moment until death finally claims you!"

His laughter rang out, mocking Cha-Eun Xiao's efforts. "Oh, and here's some good news for you. The allure of that accursed stone is fading. Can you feel it, Feng Zhi-Ling? Your reign of terror is ending. How does it feel to know that your days of torment are numbered?"

Cha-Eun Xiao's expression remained stoic, but beneath the surface, he was tormented by the truth in Gu Jin-Long's words. The Cosmic Hades' grip on his adversary was slipping away, and he was running out of time to devise a plan to finish him once and for all.

As he stared at the vile man before him, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but think back to his earlier encounters. He had faced formidable foes, including the Xiao Monarch, the strongest figure in the Qing-Yun Realm. Yet, against this seemingly insignificant adversary, he found himself in a precarious situation.

"You set an ingenious trap," Cha-Eun Xiao admitted coldly, his frustration evident. "But you underestimate me if you think I can't end you with my 'pathetic power.' If only I were a bit stronger... perhaps I could have done it already. Fate may be on your side for now, but I won't be stopped by a wretched toad like you."

Determination burned in Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes. He needed a plan, a way to exploit the fading power of the stone and finally defeat Gu Jin-Long. The battle was far from over, and he was not one to give up easily.

In his dire predicament, Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated the grim possibility of being defeated by Gu Jin-Long. The mere thought of such an outcome left him feeling like a laughingstock, not just in the annals of history but across all realms.

However, the resilient warrior within Cha-Eun Xiao refused to surrender. He continued his relentless assault, intensifying the frequency and ferocity of his strikes upon Gu Jin-Long, who responded with a cacophony of screams and curses.

Amidst the tumultuous battle, a pivotal moment arrived when the pile of stones that imprisoned Gu Jin-Long began to tremble. Cha-Eun Xiao's heart raced as he watched a slight movement in Gu Jin-Long's shoulder. It was a minor shift, not enough to free the captive, but it signaled impending trouble.

The Cosmic Hades' hold on Gu Jin-Long was weakening, and the captive himself was acutely aware of it. With determination, he moved his shoulder up and down, relishing in his impending release. His laughter echoed through the cave as he taunted Cha-Eun Xiao.

"Feng Zhi-Ling, my friend! It seems you underestimated the resilience of your adversary," Gu Jin-Long proclaimed with wild laughter. "Even though you've thrown everything at me, I remain unscathed. The gods have always favored me. You can deceive me, but can you deceive the gods themselves? Hahahahaha..."

Cha-Eun Xiao's anxiety reached a boiling point. He desperately searched for any object within the cave that he could wield as a weapon, but his surroundings offered nothing substantial. There were no more sizable stones to be found, and it seemed there was nothing left that could inflict harm.

Gu Jin-Long's escape loomed dangerously close, and Cha-Eun Xiao had no time to venture outside the cave in search of a suitable tool. His frustration threatened to consume him. Was he doomed to failure at this crucial juncture?

Gritting his teeth, Cha-Eun Xiao resorted to a desperate measure. He accessed the Spaces, hoping to find something, anything that could be used to fend off Gu Jin-Long. However, he knew that the Spaces held no formidable weapons, only treasures, plants, and spiritual energy. A flicker of hope emerged when he noticed a radiant glow emanating from an egg-like object within the Spaces.

The sight of the glowing egg ignited Cha-Eun Xiao's anger. He had meticulously set a trap, successfully ensnaring Gu Jin-Long, only to find himself thwarted by his own perceived weakness. He raged internally, blaming the egg for sapping his strength and resources.

"Amidst all these resources, you remain unhatched, you wretched egg!" Cha-Eun Xiao's fury was palpable. He felt as though the egg reveled in his misfortune, mocking him with its radiant glow.

The egg appeared to sense Cha-Eun Xiao's presence and quivered slightly, as though chuckling at his plight. This further incensed him.

"You dare mock me?" Cha-Eun Xiao fumed as he seized the egg, his disbelief at being able to touch it turning to anger.

In a fit of frustration, he exited the Spaces, vehemently cursing the egg. "How dare you laugh at me, you despicable egg! If I am to meet my demise, you shall precede me in death!"

As the moments passed, Gu Jin-Long's sense of triumph swelled within him. Freedom appeared tantalizingly close. Yet, his elation was abruptly interrupted when he noticed Cha-Eun Xiao's inexplicable disappearance. The abrupt vanishing act left him bewildered, raising a series of questions in his mind.

Perplexity soon gave way to a more profound realization. The power of the Cosmic Hades, which had held him captive, was steadily waning. A growing sense of ease spread through him, and he discovered that not only could he move his previously immobile shoulder, but the other one too.

Though he remained confined in his position, unable to fully regain control over his body, the ability to move his shoulders was a significant development. Gu Jin-Long's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but marvel at the extraordinary nature of the Cosmic Hades. It was a power that held immense potential, one he resolved to explore in-depth once it became his own. He contemplated how it might serve as a secret weapon, a formidable advantage to outmaneuver his enemies and secure victory.

As the prospect of liberation drew nearer, Gu Jin-Long's demeanor shifted. The torrent of curses that had once flowed from his lips now ceased, replaced by a sense of calm and a growing gratitude that the Purple Lotus Decree Master remained absent. He feared that today might indeed have been his last had the master returned.

In his musings, Gu Jin-Long acknowledged that while Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't deliver a fatal blow, the Purple Lotus Decree Master possessed the potential to obliterate him.

"What is this? Could it be a stroke of divine favor?" Gu Jin-Long pondered, beginning to envision a future where he would seek vengeance against the Purple Lotus Decree Master once he was free. He considered eliminating the master of dan-making as well, but his primary focus was squarely on the perceived threat posed by the Purple Lotus Decree Master.

"Feng Zhi-Ling... Humph!" Gu Jin-Long seethed with resentment, vowing, "I shall keep him alive! I will ensure he endures a century of suffering, where he begs for death with every breath, every moment, every second! He shall plead with me! How dare he conspire against me? Did he truly believe he could end my existence?"

Hatred swirled within Gu Jin-Long's heart, but he found himself unable to fathom Cha-Eun Xiao's motives. "It's irrational! I offered him far more than he required," he mused, struggling to comprehend the enigmatic vendetta against him.

In the midst of his calculations and simmering rage, Gu Jin-Long's anticipation for impending freedom grew stronger. He was determined to bide his time, nurture his strength, and one day, unleash his wrath upon those he deemed his enemies, especially the formidable Purple Lotus Decree Master.

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