The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1237: Importunate

Chapter 1237: Importunate

Importunate . . .

It wouldn't be much of a loss for Qiong-Hua Palace to set free of Yue Gongxue. They might be a bit degraded, but if they did it properly, they might earn some credits of supporting a much-told love story. On the contrary, if they lost Shuang and Han, it would rip them off.

The two ladies were pretty significant and influential in Qiong-Hua Palace after all.

The problem was that because of the two ladies incitement, people looked at the Moon Queen with hostility in the eyes.

[The ladies are right! A faithless person will not live long in the world! How can we trust a deceitful person? As the prime master of Qiong-Hua Palace, how could you backtrack like that? How could you be our the Moon Queen?]

[If you are not even entitled to be a proper person, how do you lead our sect?]

There were some others who were only shocked. [Shuang and Han always just follow their own wills indeed, but they never went so wild before! Isn't this too bold? They actually questioned our prime leader for a man from outside! They even wanted to dethrone the Moon Queen! That was exaggerated, wasn't it?]

How could the two ladies not stand out for their beloved brother's parents? They surely would do whatever they could! [Brother's parents are just like our own parents!]

[Cha Nantian is not just somebody from outside to us! Comparing to him, everybody in Qiong-Hua Palace is an outsider to us!]

[Well… I know… They are hundreds of years younger than us…]

[But still! They are our brother's parents! End of discussion!]

[If we fail to help him on this…]

[We will never forgive ourselves. More importantly, nor will our brother forgive us! We can't live with even a slight bit of grudge from his eyes!]

The two ladies had the same thought, so they were both getting angrier and angrier while speaking. Neither of them could stay rational at the moment. One of them was ready to leave the palace, while the other actually drew out her sword with killing intent.

They were going to do it!

If they were somebody else, the people of Qiong-Hua Palace might still think that they were acting. However, nobody would doubt that the two ladies would do what they said!

The Moon Queen nearly passed out! She was totally lost!

[What the hell is this?]

[What… What did I say? I didn't say anything serious, did I? Why are the two sisters raging up like that? Are you elders of Qiong-Hua Palace or not? What position do you think you are standing in?]

[How could you stand your ass to the opposite side?]

[Besides… I didn't say anything wrong! Going against my words? I haven't said it out yet, have I? Come on!]

[What I said was let's discuss about it later.]

[That is all!]

[Only a few words!]

[When you are going to have your daughter marry somebody, don't you think you should have a serious discussion about it first?]

[Come on! I just said several words! Cha Nantian didn't say anything yet! Why did you jump out like that?]

[Yue Shuang… You are looking at me like I am the worst person you know in the world!]

[Yue Han… You act like you are going to kill me right away if I dare to speak one more word!]

[How did things come to such absurd?]

[What the hell!]

[This is… unbelievable!]

[It can't be more… ridiculous!]

The Moon Queen felt like he was dreaming.

It was like a nightmare full of inauthenticity!

"You two, please calm down. Honesty is what human beings live upon. I didn't say they couldn't leave together, did I?"

She was awfully depressed at the moment with sullenness and frown in her pretty face. "I merely said we should discuss it! That is all! Yue Gongxue is going to leave the palace forever, married to this man! She was our Saintess after all. Shouldn't we prepare some betrothal gifts for the couple?"

She suddenly turned mad and said, "When the daughter of an ordinary family was leaving for marriage, they should have a serious discussion before the girl left! Shouldn't we talk about how to proceed with the wedding, how to get it done properly, who to take charge of it? Shouldn't we? We are one of the three great palaces! Our girl, our former Saintess is going to get married, and don't you think we should prepare a wedding for her? It would be a disgrace if not!"

Everybody else was stunned, with their eyebrows pulsing, looking weird in the face.

They all knew that the Moon Queen was speaking against her true will.

She definitely didn't mean it in the beginning.

She just got frightened by Yue Shuang and Yue Han, so she chose to stoop to compromise.

Yue Shuang suddenly turned glad and said, "It turns out Prime Master did have the same thought with us! How profound and thoughtful! Because of the anger in our head, we sisters have wronged you. We apologize."

The Moon Queen took a breath of relief. Before she said something to save her face, Yue Han spoke loudly, "That is absolutely correct. We have to discuss it carefully. Even an ordinary family will prepare ample gifts for their daughter to be married, let alone the great Qiong-Hua Palace! Our former saintess is going to get married! We can't be careless about it. Any mistake might bring disgrace to our sect."

Yue Shuang clapped and said, "Han! You fool! You were talking nonsense. Prime master has been thoughtful on this matter. The wedding must be splendid. As for the gifts… Well, we are one of the great palaces in Qing-Yun Realm. Now that our girl is going to marry somebody, we should give her a thousand times more than the ordinary families give to their daughter, shouldn't we? We can't let the world look down upon us…"

[What? A thousand times? Why do you give her the entire Qiong-Hua Palace, huh?]

The others didn't seem happy about what the lady suggested, but none of them dared to say anything. They thought the two ladies were too protective to the Cha Clan!

"My sister is right! I made a mistake!" Yue Han said, "Prime Master was right. We can't let the world look down upon us! We should support our great Prime Master's wise decision!"

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