The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1241: Dowry; Dispute; Query

Chapter 1241: Dowry; Dispute; Query

Dowry; Dispute; Query . . .

"What Elder Shuang and Elder Han intend," the Moon Queen calmly articulated, "is that we should make the wedding a grand-scale affair. I don't see any issue with that, but when it comes to the dowry…" She paused momentarily and continued, "Shuang and Han suggest that we provide unique specialties as the dowry, including a hundred Qiong-Hua Pearls, a hundred Pure Lotus Seeds, and a hundred pieces of Ice Essence Soul..."

She paused again, hoping to gauge the reaction of the others, but it became evident that nobody was particularly concerned. The proposal didn't seem to elicit any reaction from the assembly, which left the Moon Queen and others surprised.

The Moon Queen herself couldn't help but wonder, "[The numbers were mentioned yesterday. Why repeat it? Is it for emphasis?]"

"[As the Prime Master, she makes the decisions,]" someone thought, "[It doesn't directly affect me, does it? Speaking out against it may not result in a reduction of the gifts, but it would undoubtedly upset Shuang and Han. They may seem distant to others, but they've never harmed anyone, and their power is such that none of us dare oppose them. The wisest approach is to wait for someone else to take a stand.]"

This, it appeared, was the prevailing mindset. Everyone was hoping that another person would step forward and express their objections, leaving them in the clear.

Some elders, who were genuinely indifferent to the matter, began to meditate, prioritizing their personal cultivation.

The Moon Queen felt her anger simmering. She spoke up again, "It appears that everyone is content with this proposal. Very well, I assume the suggestion is accepted. We shall provide Yue Gongxue with a hundred Qiong-Hua Pearls, a hundred Pure Lotus Seeds, and a hundred pieces of Ice Essence Soul… Is there anything more to discuss? If not, you may return home and continue your cultivation."

It was, in essence, a way of passing the responsibility.

However, this action concealed a deeper frustration. The Moon Queen's inner monologue expressed her discontent, "[You're all keeping your heads down, leaving me to bear the brunt of Shuang and Han's displeasure. Do you think I'm a fool? Do you believe I became the Moon Queen without a strategic mind? Let's see how you contend with this.]"

The crowd erupted in a frenzy of protests. None of them had expected the Moon Queen to accept such a preposterous proposal.

"No way!" someone exclaimed.

"The Prime Master can't allow that!" the Second Elder, who had been deep in meditation, urgently rose to her feet with a flushed face. "Qiong-Hua Pearls, Pure Lotus Seeds, and Ice Essence Soul are the foundational treasures of Qiong-Hua Palace! These are the pillars of our sect, and even one of them is a great blessing and a tremendous loss that could take ten thousand years to recover, let alone a hundred of each! Prime Master, please reconsider."

The Third Elder shared the same concerns, saying, "That's correct! In the entire history of our sect, no Saintess has ever entered into matrimony. Allowing Yue Gongxue to depart for marriage is a breach of our rules. While it's reasonable for the sect to offer her a dowry, there are many other suitable items we could provide. It's unthinkable to give her nearly all of the sect's most prized treasures. Absolutely not!"

The other elders also expressed their apprehension, with the consensus being that such a proposal was entirely unacceptable.

They were all aware that Shuang and Han's suggestion would deplete over eighty percent of Qiong-Hua Palace's treasured reserves. The consequences were dire. The palace would be unable to maintain its usual conditions for cultivation, and any aspirations of progress would be quashed.

The Moon Queen, while appearing to be troubled, was secretly satisfied with the uproar. She continued, pretending to ponder, "I understand your concerns, but no one voiced their agreement with Yue Shuang and Yue Han's proposal. I believed you all to be generous and kind in your support of Yue Gongxue, which led me to approve of these gifts as part of her dowry."

The crowd swiftly refuted her assertion, "We were genuinely weighing the pros and cons in our minds. We were lost in thought, but no one affirmed the proposal. Absolutely none."

"That's right," another added, "You know us well, Prime Master. We are cultivators, lost in our own musings."

Despite the opposition, the Moon Queen pressed further, "Regardless, we need to decide on an appropriate dowry for her. What would be the right quantity? We should reach a decision before the day concludes, shouldn't we? Are we going to leave such a minor issue unresolved indefinitely? Furthermore, Elder Shuang and Elder Han have been waiting for a long time."

It was a plain statement, and the implication was clear: If no one could offer a practical solution, Shuang and Han would indeed acquire all they had suggested for Yue Gongxue. The Moon Queen made it evident that any ensuing conflicts or confrontations would not be her responsibility to mitigate.

Reluctantly, an elder grumbled, "Alright, we'll have to work something out. It's reasonable to provide the girl with a substantial dowry, but we can't empty our coffers."

Another chimed in, "Absolutely, we can't even mention a hundred! Offering a single piece of each of the three treasures would already be excessive. We need to earnestly discuss the pros and cons, especially when we're talking about one hundred. These treasures are incredibly rare and precious."

The meeting swiftly transformed into a lively and fervent discussion. In the thousands of years of Qiong-Hua Palace's history, such enthusiasm and fervor had rarely been witnessed during meetings. Every voice was eager to contribute, as if they were aware this might be their only opportunity to speak.

Yue Shuang, vexed by the other elders' objections, couldn't hold back her frustration any longer. She rose and exclaimed, "Ladies! All of you, listen! Please, pay attention! You certainly have the right to voice your opinions in this discussion, and I acknowledge that. However, can't you consider our feelings even a little? We may have suggested a hundred of each of the three treasures, but we never anticipated the sect would actually provide that many. Even if the Prime Master approves, we would not accept it..."

"But," Yue Shuang continued with a fiery gaze, "you all know that we proposed one hundred, yet some among you claim we should not even give one. Isn't that a blatant insult? Shouldn't you at least show us some respect?"

Yue Han, also infuriated, joined in, "Anyone who genuinely wants to insult us should step forward and reveal herself. We, as sisters, do not fear any confrontation."

The crowd, which had been enthusiastically objecting moments before, suddenly fell silent. Faced with the passionate and pointed questioning of the two sisters, they hesitated to respond.

No one within the confines of the Qiong-Hua Palace harbored the illusion of challenging the formidable duo of the two sisters, Yue Shuang and Yue Han. Their might and influence were unquestionable, and as a result, none dared to oppose them.

As the assembly grew tense with discord, the First Elder, who had initially maintained a facade of calm and composure, took it upon herself to intercede. She cleared her throat gently and spoke with a soothing tone, "Yue Shuang is correct. We are all sisters here, and it is inconceivable to relinquish the entirety of our sect's treasures. However, there's no need for this discussion to become acrimonious. The core issue revolves around the quantity of treasures we should bestow upon our girl as her dowry. The key is to arrive at a number that satisfies both parties. We cannot deplete our coffers entirely, but we must also avoid stinginess. We should ensure that Sister Shuang and Sister Han are not left feeling embarrassed. I, for one, won't allow that. So, ladies, let us steer the conversation in this direction. Find a way to reach a compromise that promotes harmony. Take it easy, take it easy..."

The Moon Queen, sitting regally on her throne, observed the First Elder with an enigmatic expression. "[What a brilliant move, First Elder!]" she thought to herself. Though the elder's words may have sounded like empty platitudes, they had nonetheless managed to cool the heated atmosphere substantially.

The Moon Queen couldn't help but admire the First Elder's diplomatic prowess. Even though the old woman had uttered a string of ostensibly meaningless words, they had indeed served to defuse much of the tension in the room.

Yue Shuang, in light of the altered tone of the discussion, decided to take a step back. She stated, "We, as sisters, hold our dignity and reputation in high regard. We prefer to conclude matters swiftly and decisively. Let us agree on a number between fifty and ninety. Please proceed with your discussions and reach a decision promptly. We shall accept the number you determine."

However, this suggestion was met with a vehement collective protest.

"No way!"

An individual, displaying irritation on her face, demanded, "Yue Shuang, do you have any idea how many of those treasures you are requesting, and how many the Qiong-Hua Palace possesses in total?"

The speaker happened to be the elder responsible for the palace's financial affairs and storage. She appeared conflicted, as if unsure whether to laugh or cry at the situation.

Yue Han innocently inquired, "How many?"

The elder replied solemnly, "For the Qiong-Hua Pearls, we have a total of one hundred and three. That's all we've collected over eighty thousand years, spanning generations. As for the Pure Lotus Seeds, we have a mere seventy-five in total, not a single one more. Yet you were requesting one hundred, correct? You wouldn't be able to obtain even that many even if you took every last one of us out. It's simply impossible. As for the Ice Essence Soul... our people have been diligently collecting it for eighty thousand years, through numerous generations. Despite all their hard work, we have only accumulated forty-nine pieces in total. Suggesting a range between fifty and ninety is unfeasible."

The elder gazed at Yue Shuang and Yue Han, her expression fraught with exasperation as she sighed and said, "You girls... both of you... you are effectively auctioning off the entire palace for Yue Gongxue. Do you genuinely expect us to give away every resource we possess to support one person's wedding? Should we pack up the entire palace and offer it to the bride as a dowry, perhaps?"

The others burst into laughter following the elder's humorous remark.

[Qiong-Hua Palace doesn't even have sufficient reserves of these treasures to fulfill your request! Are you trying to burden the entire sect? Yes, of course, you are!]

[You are attempting to impose the sect to accomplish what we cannot do on our own!]

Yue Shuang and Yue Han blushed, realizing the extent of their impractical request.

However, this was of little consequence to the sisters. "[Our goal is to set an extremely high asking price, an unreasonable request, in this discussion. What we need is to await their response.]"

After the laughter subsided, the atmosphere in the hall grew more relaxed and harmonious.

Observing this, the Moon Queen seized the opportunity to intervene once more. She spoke thoughtfully, "Sister Shuang and Sister Han have been deeply engrossed in their martial cultivation. It is unsurprising that they possess limited knowledge of the palace's reserves. Qiong-Hua Pearls, Pure Lotus Seeds, and Ice Essence Soul are the paramount treasures of our sect, forming the foundation of the Qiong-Hua Palace. As such, we cannot afford to bestow too many of them. I propose that we establish a range between one and ten. It should be greater than one but less than ten for each of the three treasures. We must reach a decision today, without further delay."

Yue Han was about to protest, but Yue Shuang, recognizing the need for prudence, held her back with a gesture. They understood that obtaining more than one of each treasure was already a remarkable achievement. Prolonged demands for additional concessions could exacerbate the situation rather than enhance it. If they pushed too far, they might not secure any treasures for Yue Gongxue.

Their objective was not just to gain treasures but to bring prosperity to the Cha Clan, transforming it into a Qiong-Hua Palace within the Oracle District. Furthermore, these treasures were to be acquired free of charge.

Yue Shuang and Yue Han had initially been tasked with reuniting Cha Nantian and Yue Gongxue, nothing more. However, their efforts had led to an unexpected windfall for the couple. While they were uncertain of the exact number of treasures they would receive, Cha Nantian and Yue Gongxue were thrilled with the prospects. They didn't mind the quantity; their primary concern was a safe departure without causing any trouble.

The sisters had originally suggested a random amount, almost as an afterthought. They never anticipated that Qiong-Hua Palace would entertain their proposal. Nevertheless, given the palace's reputation, they understood that some form of dowry would be required.

In fact, they were willing to provide additional items to the couple. After offering the primary treasures, gifting cheaper objects would be disrespectful to the sisters and the Moon Queen, a foolish move.

However, some elders were deeply distressed by the potential loss. The Second Elder was particularly vocal, lamenting the significant sacrifice they were making.

Other elders joined the chorus of disapproval. They felt that any number above two was excessive. Each suggestion was met with disapproval and disapproval, illustrating the difficulty of reaching a consensus.

Yue Han's patience eventually reached its limit, and she shouted at the other elders, expressing her frustration at their unwillingness to be generous. She questioned their stinginess and pointed out that Yue Gongxue was the former Saintess of their sect. Yue Shuang, although her words were rude and incoherent, delivered a sharp and satirical critique of the elders' attitudes.

After Yue Han's outburst, the elders reevaluated their positions. They realized that reducing the number significantly was unjust and disrespectful to both Yue Shuang and Yue Han and the Moon Queen. It was a considerable treasure they were discussing, after all.

Yue Shuang intervened, suggesting a compromise of four Qiong-Hua Pearls, three Pure Lotus Seeds, and two pieces of Ice Essence Soul, totaling nine. This was declared as the bottom line, and they made it clear they wouldn't accept anything lower.

Ultimately, the Moon Queen decided to resolve the conflict by suggesting four Qiong-Hua Pearls, four Pure Lotus Seeds (including one of her own), and one piece of Ice Essence Soul, maintaining a total of nine, which was in line with Yue Shuang and Yue Han's proposal. The Moon Queen's decision ended the discussion, and the elders hesitated to challenge her final say.

Though the elders believed the amount was still excessive, they refrained from voicing their concerns. They were no fools, and challenging the Moon Queen's decision would be unwise.

As the meeting concluded, the Moon Queen left with mixed emotions. She seemed to be siding with Yue Shuang and Yue Han, which confused the other elders.

As the elders contemplated the Moon Queen's unusual change of heart, she suddenly returned to the main hall. She revealed a sense of foreboding and asked if any of the elders had experienced similar feelings. They were cultivators, and some admitted to having strange, restless sensations lately. These sensations were unexplainable and difficult to define.

The First Elder concurred and stated that she had felt restless and uneasy recently. Many others echoed her sentiments. It seemed that the eerie sensation was not an isolated incident.

The Moon Queen's face darkened as she suddenly realized that the Prime Enforcer and Vice-prime Master had taken several disciples to Heaven's Terrace. However, they hadn't returned, nor had the palace received any message from them, which was highly unusual and concerning.

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