The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1247: Twin Swords Blast; Cold Ice World!

Chapter 1247: Twin Swords Blast; Cold Ice World!

Twin Swords Blast; Cold Ice World! . . .

The vicious voice sounded again, "Elder Yue Shuang, you are wrong. If we dare to show our faces, why would we work so hard to hide ourselves?"

Yue Shuang coldly nodded, "That's right. I was asking a dumb question. Whether you dare or not to show yourselves, it doesn't matter. You are going to die anyway. It makes no difference to show your faces. Nothing will be changed. Who you are is not an issue at the moment."

That person coldly laughed and said, "Elder Yue Shuang is indeed a heroic and tough lady. However, nobody knows how this will end. I would love to see how powerful Yue Shuang and Yue Han can be. Are you really as good as they say?"

After that, that person's eyes shined with killing intent. The vicious voice sounded in the end, "Broken Jade Strategy!"

The fourteen people who had just been hit by the reverse shooting weapon attacks only stood stable and calm on the ground, but then they started to show an enormous intent of killing at the same time!

Broken Jade Strategy was actually a suicidal plan in the battle!

The target might not get killed, but the ones who operated such plan would definitely die! It was an extreme method to sacrifice one's own life to damage the opponent!

The key to the Broken Jade Strategy was to sacrifice oneself to create an opportunity for the others to kill the opponent.

"Broken Jade?" Yue Han was sneering with a big smile, "Look at you… A bunch of useless junks with your pathetic martial arts… and you call yourself jade? You are just a bunch of broken tile when you are dead!"

In the sound of the sneer of Yue Han, the fourteen men had flown over to her, willing to sacrifice themselves and bring their enemies to death with them.

The somber and dullish forest was suddenly brightened by the sword lights from the attacks. The light was so glaring that it nearly lit up the entire firmament. In the bright light, countless small black dots appeared and moved around the battle, crossing each other.

"Piercing Gold Needle!" Yue Han angrily shouted, "That… That is… the unique martial art of… Wait! Are you from Ice Cloud Palace?"

The man with the vicious voice seemed to be their leader. He was wearing black clothes too, speaking with a wicked smile, "Elder Yue Han is such a knowledgeable lady. You are right about the weapon. However… do you think nobody else in the world except Ice Cloud Palace people can use this gold needle?"

He denied it.

The tough battle was started again.

Yue Shuang and Yue Han, one stayed in the front while the other on the back, waving their swords again and again. Sometimes they moved toward each other and switched positions. It would make a half round rotation of the sphere. Sometimes they became two iron walls protecting the others from any attacks…

The fourteen men of the enemy's side had started a suicidal attack. However, none of them genuinely caused any damage, because the two ladies were doing such a great job.

Cha Nantian and Yue Gongxue didn't have a chance to do anything at all because they were so well protected.

Only a while after the battle restarted, somebody finally screamed in blood.

A woman in black, who was one of the fourteen superior cultivators, was bleeding on six places of her body. She was hit away and spinning in the air. As she was flying in the air, there was more blood splashing onto the floor.

"Soul Chasing Snowy Blast!"

Bang! – A woman suddenly arrived at the left side with her human-sword mergence attack. While she was about to hit Cha Nantian, a shadow flashed quickly, and after a second, Yue Shuang was standing right before the woman's eyes.

The woman's sword attack seemed to be dense and overbearing, but Yue Shuang just lifted a foot and kicked out fast. Her foot got through the sword light of the woman's attack and hit her stomach severely!

That woman started to exclaim, and her sword move was broken down. She was hit away flying backward, spitting out blood in the air with some broken pieces of her inner organs. Apparently, she was going to die.

"Yue Shuang and Yue Han are indeed two dominant cultivators. You deserve the compliments." The person with the vicious voice was controlling the gold needles in the air, but when he saw what Yue Shuang just did, he realized it was impossible to defeat the two ladies. He finally understood that he was sacrificing his people for nothing.

If the battle kept going longer, he might lose every single one of his people.

Suddenly, he shouted to the sky in grief.

Shoot shoot shoot… –

Right after he shouted, over a dozen more people showed up and approached in all directions.

These newly arriving people were also wearing black suits and mask on their faces. In the darkness of the forest, they looked even more horrible than they should. As they showed up, they didn't say a word, but only joined the fight fiercely.

The new group of enemies showing up in the battle made it more stressful for the two ladies. The sisters were not so casual and confident anymore.

They looked at each other within a short moment and instantly understood what each other thought. In fact, what had happened were all under Cha Nantian's expectation.

That meant the two ladies knew what would happen all the time. Even though they were more stressful, they didn't feel any more terrified. Suddenly, their sword lights became brighter, and the sword light sphere became much more significant. After that, the two ladies started to fight back the nearly thirty Dao Origin Stage cultivators immediately!

Their sword light was like a rainbow reaching the sun, splashing glaringness all around inside the dark forest. Their swords moved like two long dragons flying everywhere. The strong counterattack from the twins actually forced all the enemies to step back again and again.

The two ladies didn't show weakness, but kept pushing ahead until the enemies moved backward over one hundred meters!

Facing such an overwhelming sword attack, every one of the enemies started to sweat! Their masks were soaked by the sweats!

At this moment, that leader of the enemies suddenly made an abrupt shout.

Hearing the shout, the nearly thirty superior cultivators in black suits felt like it was blessing from heavens. They started to move retreat fast.

However, when they started to turn around and retreat, they showed the biggest weakness in the battle to the two ladies. Yue Shuang and Yue Han humphed and made another sword light blasting attack without hesitation. Three people screamed one by one, dead with their bodies chopped into halves.

They were spreading out while retreating, so only three were killed. If they stood together, more would be chopped!

At this critical moment, something happened that revealed the reason why they would suddenly retreat. – Boom! – The ground abruptly collapsed down.

Countless flying weapons shot out from beneath the floor.

At the same time, a massive horrible power burst out from under the ground.

The power was aiming at the six of Cha Nantian and the others who were about to fall into the pit.

Yue Shuang made an incredibly fast reaction. With a clear shout, she moved her sword and splashed the light again. The sword lights rolled up like a dragon, wrapped the six of them up, and took them all out of the pit. The six people rose in the air for nearly a hundred meters high. Meanwhile, Yue Han's sword light became a shield of qi which blocked all the flying weapons away.

Nine people showed up under the ground, who were also wearing black suits with masks on the faces. They looked like ghosts, horribly appeared in the darkness, making gloating laughter.

"That's all you've got, Yue Shuang and Yue Han."

Yue Han coldly responded, "You are nothing but a bunch of sneaky rats. Do you really think you are good?"

The leader of the enemies giggled weirdly and said, "Whether we are good or bad is never the point of this battle. We are the ones who will go home alive, while the good ones, like Yue Shuang, Yue Han, who were hit by our rare poison, will never return to your beloved Qiong-Hua Palace alive anymore. Beauties become skeletons. What a shame!"

Yue Han sneered, "Really? With all those kid's tricks you've got? Nice dream…"

Then her facial expression changed all of a sudden.

Yue Shuang led the others down to stay behind a big tree. She looked around the enemies and then talked to Yue Han in a deep voice, "Yue Han, are you hit?"

Yue Han's face looked pale. She answered in a deep voice, "Nothing serious. I can at least slaughter every single one of these motherfxckers before anything really happens to me!"

After a while, her face started to look slightly green.

Yue Shuang turned over and looked at Yue Han's face. She frowned and shouted angrily, "What poison is it? How come it is so overwhelming?"

The leader of the people in black blandly said, "We would never be any careless on preparing some efficient poison to deal with the famous Yue Shuang and Yue Han… I can assure you that it is not any ordinary poison. We know that traps won't work on you. Poison fog won't work. Shooting weapons won't work either. Ambush, surrounding attack… I know these are useless when fighting against you. Well then, do you know why we still came and did this?

"Hahahahaha… Do you think we are here to get ourselves killed? We wouldn't come if we didn't have the confidence, would we? We showed you a weakness so that you would think you got the chance to kill us. You bit the bait! Elder Yue Han, you got poisoned, just as I expected!

"This poison is powerful enough to drag you, two dominant cultivators in the world, down to the taste of failure!"

Yue Han looked pretty pissed and said, "When did you do it? I did show a flaw earlier, but I have been staying under my energy shield all the time. Do you mean you poison could still hit me over the shield? How is it possible?"

"I would love to explain it to you. You don't need to ask. After all, it is such a great honor to successfully poison Elder Yue Han, a dominant figure of Qing-Yun Realm…" He was apparently stalling for time, waiting for Yue Han to get invaded by the poison, so he was glad to spend time explaining. "When the first wave of attacks started, we let out not only the flying weapons but also some Thousand-mile Invisible Powder. The powder is colorless and tasteless, also poison-less. Normally we only use it to track people. It is merely something harmless to people. I knew you wouldn't notice it."

He complacently continued explaining, "However… when the second wave of attack started, we finally got the chance to hit you with Qianji Powder. It is also colorless, tasteless and poison-less… Elder Yue Shuang was up in the sky at that moment, so we could only put it on Elder Yue Han…"

Yue Han showed an angry face, but only made a sigh and said, "I guess the two poison-less powders together made a poison."

"Heh heh. The mixture of Thousand-mile Invisible Powder and Qianji Powder was poisonous indeed, but such a poison would not make an impact. A poison that would not be activated was surely safe from your notice…" The leader black-suit man said.

"Oh? A poison that would not be activated? That was why we didn't notice it? Interesting! I guess there should be a third material other than the two powders. Am I correct?" Yue Shuang coldly said.

The man in black with a mask on the face viciously smiled and said, "Of course there is a third material. Do you know why we would show your our weakness on purpose? We want you to make your killing attack! They swallowed Ice Saliva Juice. Ice Saliva Juice is poison-less. In fact, it is a great detoxicating material. However, when it is merged into the blood and splashed out with the blood in the air, it will activate the poison of Thousand-mile Invisible Powder and Qianji Powder! Now, with the three different kinds of materials, we make the best poison in Qing-Yun Realm's history! Nobody has ever survived it! Frozen Land Frost!"

He then started to laugh unscrupulously, staring at Yue Han's face which was turning worse and worse, said, "Elder Yue Han, do you feel the cold around your body right now? I do admire you, Elder Yue Han. According to our experience, ordinary people should have been broken and lying on the floor already. However, you are still standing there toughly. Impressive! Hahahahaha…"

Yue Han blandly said, "Frozen Land Frost… What kind of poison is it? I guess it is merely some weak children-play poison. And you actually expect that it would cause damage to me? You know what, I am not cold. Instead, I feel a bit hot!"

"Hahahaha… Hot! That is right!" The man in black with a mask on the face made loud laughter and said, "Such an extreme poison works under the power of mutual promotion and restraint between different materials! When this special poison gets into the body and affects the inner organs, it is impossible to cure. When a person is hit by such poison, his or her skins will look frosty… Those who got killed by it always appeared as killed by freezing! I think you are not a special case on this, Elder Yue Han. I was hoping that you could be different, but it appears that you ladies are just nothing! Hahahaha… Yue Han, your sister will die after you soon. She won't survive this without you. Yue Shuang and Yue Han, you are done!"

After laughing boldly, the man waved his hand to give the order to the other people in black suits. They started to move over and make attacks. However, this time, they seemed to be proceeding with a different plan. Every one of them only made attempt attacks. They attacked and then moved away quickly. Obviously, they were trying to consume Yue Han's energy. They just wanted the poison inside Yue Han's body to accelerate. If Yue Han fell, Yue Shuang would have to do something to protect her poisoned sister, then the group of people in black could easily win the battle.

Yue Shuang's face was cold like ice. Her sword was splashing lights. She had been taking responsibility for blocking most of the attacks. She glanced at Yue Han and realized her sister was still moving her sword to fight the enemies, so she was anxious. "Just think about curing the poison first! Do not waste your energy in the fight… I am able to block their attacks on my own!"

Yue Han was sweating, gritting her teeth and then replied, "I tried. It didn't work."

The leader of the people in black cracked loud laughter with pride, "We have been planning for such a long time, sacrificed a lot of people for this. If you can cure the Frozen Land Frost, I will cut my throat here and feel too shameful to live in the world. Hahaha… hahaha…"

He sounded so confident and inflatable.

All the other enemies saw the difference, and it spirited them up much. They were capable of sensing the variation of powers. Yue Shuang and Yue Han became slower in their match-up. In fact, they became slower and slower.

The two ladies had a feeling like they could never make a fluent attack anymore. Actually, not only the two ladies but also the others in the battle realized it.

Cha Nantian had held his sword in hand, standing with Yue Gongxue back to back. The couple had made a few strikes to block the attacks from different directions. However, after two blasts from the enemies, they both spat out blood. They were too weak to fight anymore.

After all, they were only low-level Dao Origin Stage cultivators. In a battle of so many superior cultivators in Qing-Yun Realm, they were powerless. Qingxue and Wuxue were even weaker. They didn't dare to step forward. The implicative impact from the fight between others could have killed them because they were below Dao Origin Stage.

As things turned worse and worse, Yue Shuang looked more and more anxious. She smashed out her sword light as much as she could. Yue Han's face looked more and more bloodless. The sword in her hand seemed to be more and more powerless. She gritted her teeth and said, "It is really Frozen Land Frost, the most powerful poison in Qing-Yun Realm… Ice Cloud Palace's unique poisonous technique! Good… Now I am sure you are from Ice Cloud Palace!"

Pah! – She spat out a mouthful of blood, staggering, couldn't even hold her sword in hand. Her sword pointed down and touched the floor. She was using it to support herself. However, it seemed difficult for her to keep stable. The sword was bent.

It looked like she was going to fall down at any second. Her long smooth hairs got off the knot and hung down, covering her face. Her heavy gasps could be heard.

The leader of the enemies laughed loudly again and said, "Fine. You know the truth now. So what? Guys! Let's go! Do your best and finish them as quickly as you can! Let's end this battle and return with victory!"

All the other people in the black suit with the mask on the face felt the powerlessness of Yue Han and the helplessness of Yue Shuang. They all shouted at the same time, rushing over fiercely. Every move of them was murderous! Every sword move of them was aiming at the two ladies' lives!

Every one of them believed this was the end, and they were on the winning side. The two ladies couldn't hold on a perfect defending energy shield anymore. One of the ladies had fallen down. The perfect defending sphere was gone. The other four were all weak cultivators. If Shuang and Han were defeated, the others would be knocked down at any second!

About thirty superior cultivators who were in high levels of Dao Origin Stage all rushed over with viciousness on their faces.

However, at that critical moment, Yue Han suddenly raised her head, even though she seemed to be too weak to do so. Her hairs flew up again and her pretty face shined with elegance again. She didn't look like sick at all, did she? The bright glow started to burst in her eyes! Her stunning vigor broke into great exploding power all of a sudden.

It was her killing strike! She had been saving energy and time to prepare for this strike!

At the same time, Yue Shuang suddenly flew up with her sword in hand. Her power was exploding too. The sword splashed lights that shined in the air and formed a huge glowing sphere. Yue Han's sword was lifted up from the ground with a blasting sound which made the strike sound invincible.

An even greater beam of splendid sword light from Yue Han shot over Yue Shuang's sword light!

The two sisters, one on the left while the other on the right, one on top while the other on the ground, made a massive storm of sword breaths and sword lights. The world suddenly became cloudy and full of striking lightning!

The thunderclap and the lightning strikes seemed powerful enough to break the entire world into pieces!

"The twin swords howl till the end of the frost and ice of the world!"

Yue Shuang and Yue Han became two shadows which flashed in the air and disappeared. The two of them actually became a part of that enormous, invincible, overwhelming sword light.

After that, the light exploded and started to shot countless beams out to all directions!


"How is this fxcking possible?" All the enemies were shocked by what had suddenly happened!

[Isn't Yue Han poisoned and powerless? Didn't she lose power to fight anymore?]

What astonished them was that they knew the poison, Frozen Land Frost truly had hit Yue Han, and she was alright!

The poison hit her—that was why they dared to start a surrounding attack and make attempts to capture the two sisters at the same time! However, unexpectedly, Yue Han was well! How was that possible?

[What… What the fxck is going on?]

[Is this a joke?]

[We have been risking our lives to build up a surrounding attack, yet when we finally reach this far, at this critical moment, that woman started her most powerful strike back on us?]

[Isn't it a joke? Isn't it playing us around? Isn't it leading us to death!]

All the superior cultivators on the enemy's side had the same thought!

"How is this possible? The poison… Frozen Land Frost… failed on you? How come?" The leader of the enemies exclaimed loudly with astonishment in the eyes. He spent the last second before the sword light hit him to shout out the question.

"All poisons have cures. Extreme poison is never a poison. I am well now, lively appearing before your eyes. It is time for you to keep your words, you dxckhead! Cut your throat huh?" From the blinding sword light in the sky, Yue Han's cold voice sounded. After that, a huge beam of bright white light covered the entire place!

All the people in black clothes with masks on the faces were hit by this attack of area!

It was a murderous area attack!

Twin Swords Blast was the most powerful sword attack of the two ladies when they fought together. Meanwhile, it was also the riskiest move which might put the two sisters in danger!

This move was so incredibly powerful that the two ladies could fight against Wu Fa with it!

However, it wasn't a perfect technique after all. First, one of the two ladies had to gather enough energy before the sword light was released. In fact, when they truly were fighting some crucial battles against some really dominant enemy, they wouldn't have the chance to gather enough energy. After all, any mistake could get them killed.

Second, because this move was to obtain the extreme offending power in order to cause the greatest damage to the opponent, the two ladies had to lower their defense to the lowest level. That meant if anybody got a chance to attack them while they were operating the Twin Swords Blast, they would definitely get severely hurt. If somebody knew the secret and attacked them at that very moment, they would get beaten really hard!

That was why it was the extreme technique of the ladies. It killed the enemy, but might also kill themselves!

Back to the battle in the forest, when the enemy intentionally stalled for time to let the poison make a more significant impact on Yue Han, they were actually giving Yue Han time to gather the energy she needed. After all the time the enemy had wasted, the last move went unbelievably smooth.

With all kinds of screams, blood splashed everywhere.

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