The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1250: A Terrifying Conjecture

Chapter 1250: A Terrifying Conjecture

A Terrifying Conjecture . . .

Li Wuliang made up his mind and started to follow those people.

Since they were not here for him, then they were definitely here for somebody else. The problem was… Li Wuliang had great hostility to the two sects, so even though it had nothing to do with him, he had to get involved in their business.

He followed the people for one and a half day.

Unexpectedly, he found out something weird.

[Wait a minute… These bastards are actually able to cover their real power by operating some weird technique… Wait… They are disguising themselves with the martial arts of Ice Cloud Palace… They are pretending to be people of Ice Cloud Palace!]

[They are going to attack somebody and frame Ice Cloud Palace for it, aren't they?]

[Well, then I absolutely can not just stand aside.]

[It have to get involved in this mess…]

He became more cautious while carrying his huge saber. He sneakily moved toward the center of those people.

When he moved over a dozen miles ahead, he surprisingly sensed an extraordinarily dominant power flying in the sky. [Oh my soft bleeding heart…] He exclaimed in his mind and hid away hurriedly before looking up to the sky.

The overwhelming power was terrifying. He thought more in-depth about it and realized that he could never make such a suppressive power stream even if he used up every bit of his energy. [Who is it?]

Over the dense forest, a bunch of people wearing black suits with masks on the face was flying over with some terrifying power like wild wind.

These people all had scary appearances, and each of them was a superior cultivator. There were over sixty of them who were all flying in the sky!

– Shoot! – They all fleeted away over Li Wuliang's head and disappeared in the distance.

[Who are they going to get on?] Li Wuliang was curious. [What a powerful team… They are strong enough even to defeat me right now… Whoever they are targeting must be somebody important! Would it be Cha Eun Xiao, the girly prick? Did he do anything too attractive?]

Although he wasn't sure about it, he still hurried up and tried to catch up with those people.

[If it is Cha Eun Xiao, I will definitely be scolded for being late…]

Somewhere in the sky at least three kilometers high from the ground, the golden hawk was thundering ahead, making a long dark mark which felt like a narrow line-shaped dark hole. It was moving so fast that the space behind was broken into a fissure!

Cha Eun Xiao proudly stood on the golden hawk's back, with his clothes flickering in the strong air flow. His clothes seemed unable to bear the speed, but his tough body stood straight up like a spear firmly sticking between the sky and the earth, not moving a bit!

His face looked cold and solemn, with two frosty and sharp eyes, shining with glaring lights. A mass of undisguised killing intent was spreading out from him to the ground!

Wherever the golden hawk went over, people on the ground would suddenly tremble. Even though they didn't know why, they felt frightened, and their bodies started shaking.

At this moment, the anxiety in Cha Eun Xiao's heart was almost beyond his endurance.

He was almost mindless.

Only one thing stayed in his head.

What if something happened to Cha Nantian…

If Cha Nantian died, slaughtering all the people of the two sects wouldn't make it up for the loss of Cha Eun Xiao.

If anybody or any force in the martial world dared to defend for the two sects…

Cha Eun Xiao would sacrifice anything to fight against them!

In fact, at this moment, he even had the thought of killing every single living person in Qing-Yun Realm!

He couldn't lose Cha Nantian or Yue Gongxue. He couldn't lose the twin sisters, Shuang and Han. He knew he wouldn't be able to live with such a loss!

The golden hawk sharply sensed the anxiety and fury in Cha Eun Xiao's head, so it had boosted up to its fastest speed. In fact, it had been trying every method it could including consuming its life energy to accelerate. As a result, it was fleeting in the sky almost as fast as lightning!

When they saw something in the distance, the next moment, they would have already arrived. It moved a hundred miles each time it waved its huge wings. Ten thousand miles felt like only inches because it flew so fast. It was like the word 'long-journey' never existed in its world.

Han Bingxue was wearing his all-white clothes, standing right behind Cha Eun Xiao with his hands clasped behind his back.

In his eyes, there was also a sense of disdain and killing.

The sword on his waist seemed to smell blood in the air and started to howl along with the wind. Apparently, it was yearning to drink the blood of its enemies!

"The path in the martial world is always the most difficult way. Just like the way to justice!" Cha Eun Xiao looked cold and bland in the eyes while speaking coldly, "There are too many songs of the heroes to sing, heads of the evils to chop off!"

Han Bingxue blandly said, "There are too many heads to cut off, so what? Our swords are never just decoration on the waist. We shall keep cutting off the evil's heads one after another until all is done!"

Cha Eun Xiao cracked a bloody and terrifying smile on his cold face and slowly said, "Not only in this world… Somewhere beyond this realm too. We will go there someday soon."

"Bingxue." He looked calm and sounded cruel. "You have to understand. Our true battle… is up there!"

"I know." Han Bingxue's eyes burst out with clear fighting intent.

"There is a sworn enemy of mine waiting for me up in Human's Realm Upon Heavens." Cha Eun Xiao smiled and said with concerns in his eyes, "I can feel his solitude."

"When we get there, he won't feel lonely anymore." Han Bingxue laughed and said, "Is it Master Bai of the House of Chaotic Storms? The story of the House of Chaotic Storms does not only spread in the Land of Han-Yang, but also in Qing-Yun Realm!"

Cha Eun Xiao smiled and nodded.

The imposing image of Master Bai whose face always looked calm and steady with a pair of confident eyes seemed to show up in Cha Eun Xiao's mind.

In fact, after ascending to Qing-Yun Realm, Cha Eun Xiao had been wondering one thing.

Qing-Yun Realm was a higher realm beyond the Land of Han-Yang, which meant it shouldn't be as peaceful as it appeared to be.

Many years earlier, there was a story of the House of Chaotic Storms in Qing-Yun Realm. There was even a war in which Wan and Xiu had taken a great victory with glory in this realm. However, there was not much about the House of Chaotic Storms being told in the realm. Master Bai was never mentioned in this world.

The House of Chaotic Storms once nearly conquered the entire Qing-Yun Realm, but in the end, it seemed completely dead in history, leaving no more information to the world.

That was weird! It didn't make sense!

Cha Eun Xiao knew why things would go this way though. Master Bai never cared about the gains and losses in the worlds below. He was just used to establishing a dominant power when he was in a world which he tried to collapse.

Qing-Yun Realm and the Land of Han-Yang were the same.

There were many people who were working or had worked for Master Bai. Many of them were amazingly talented. However, under the great fame of Master Bai, these brilliant cultivators seemed to be ordinary.

Even though Master Bai would leave the world after causing them to collapse, some of his people would be too unreconciled to go with him. There were definitely people who didn't like to be nameless!

That meant there was always a group of brilliant people who stayed when Master Bai left.

How would such a group of amazing cultivators like to be nameless in the world?

However, that was exactly what was happening in Qing-Yun Realm. The House of Chaotic Storms was more like just a fairytale. There was nothing, nobody in the world that could prove its existence.

Cha Eun Xiao knew about the House of Chaotic Storms very well. He knew that it was unreasonable.

In history, when the head of a great force died or left, his power which was represented by his people might gradually disappear as time passed by. However, the House of Chaotic Storms was a different story. Whoever was qualified to be recruited by Master Bai must be a dominant figure in the world!

Even though Master Bai had left, people that he left behind would never just disappear or die.

Some people indicated that those men Master Bai left behind were killed by other cultivators in Qing-Yun Realm. Cha Eun Xiao didn't believe a word of that bullsh*t!

Nobody in Qing-Yun Realm had the power to wipe out Master Bai's people!

Well, the problem was, what made those men disappear? Why were they traceless?

Suddenly, Cha Eun Xiao's heart beat heavily as he thought deeper into it!

He had come up with an idea about something that might concern the entire Qing-Yun Realm!

Thinking about how dangerous it could be to the world and how terrible the possible results could be afterward, he was so terrified that his face turned pale.

"The secret organization that has been wracking the entire Qing-Yun Realm… the massive plan… the enormous number of people… the incredible wealth and power… they must have an enormous foundation and a long history in the world."

The idea kept shocking Cha Eun Xiao's heart, [Isn't it telling us that this secret organization is run by those people who were left here by Master Bai years ago?]

[Master Bai has a broad and profound sight. I don't think he would do such evil plots. Qing-Yun Realm is too weak and low for him to waste time making schemes like these. Besides, he is too highly-born to use such a despicable method. Such ignoble things are simply something he wouldn't even think of.]

[Maybe… his people changed?]

[Master Bai wouldn't bother to make such a big plan in Qing-Yun Realm, but those people who used to follow him… To rule the world is still a lifetime goal for these people, isn't it? They could have spent many years and sacrificed many lives for the plan…]

[There is one problem. These people should be utterly dominant in the world. Why would they hide so deep and wait so many years to proceed with the operation? Even the seven great sects together would never be able to rival that incredible group of people, would they?]

[They have been hiding, staying so low in Qing-Yun Realm. Even none of their names are known to the public… They don't have to fear any other forces in Qing-Yun Realm… They are too powerful to be afraid… Does it mean… they are actually afraid of Master Bai?]

[Master Bai would never allow his House of Chaotic Storms to become a cause of ruin to the world after he left. If he found out what these people were doing, Wan of Clouds and Xiu of Heavens could sweep off every single one of the secret organization. Master Bai wouldn't even need to show up.]

[That is why these people don't dare to show themselves.]

[That is why they keep running the organization under the ground. They don't want to be exposed to Master Bai…]

[But… Master Bai has been back to his world with Wan and Xiu. He won't care about the weak and low realms such as Qing-Yun Realm or the Land of Han-Yang anymore. It seems only people in the Land of Han-Yang know that Master Bai is gone, but the truth is that these people know it too. They must have their subbranch in the Land of Han-Yang, just like the three factions!]

[Master Bai has gone back to his home with Wan and Xiu, which means the threat to the organization is gone. They have been staying underground for such a long time, and now they finally have the chance to proceed with their great plan. Who in this world has the power to stop them anyway?]

[Well, only Heaven's Terrace can make anybody powerful enough to rival that secret organization within one night. That is why when the world knows somebody has taken many of the fruits, the organization decided to send their people to kill all the possible targets in Heaven's Terrace. They don't want anybody else in this world to become super powerful cultivators, do they? They would do anything it takes to kill every cultivator who might stand against them in this world!]

[If I am right about this, it means the world is having a big problem…]

Cha Eun Xiao took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit. Apparently, he was terrified by the conjecture he just made!

Cha Eun Xiao never underestimated himself. After eating and digesting the purified Divine Yin Yang Fruit, he had returned to his prime cultivation status, which was as powerful as Xiao Monarch in his previous life. Aside from that, he had learned a lot more from the three Great Elders of Cold Moon Palace and knew about the three ultimate phases of Dao Origin Stage.

Maybe he was still weaker than some people such as Wu Fa, Xuan Bing, and Xue Danru. These were the top cultivators in the realm after all. However, he was at least in the same league with these ones. What he needed was only experience and time to catch up with them.

If what he conjectured was true that the leaders of the secret organization were former House of Chaotic Storms members who used to follow Master Bai in the old days, nobody would dare to challenge such an organization. Those people were all great cultivators with dominant powers! Any of them could be a super-level Dao Origin Stage cultivator!

However, it was his conjecture after all. There was no evidence to it. Maybe Cha Eun Xiao was overthinking too much!

Maybe he was lost in his great imagination. The powerful secret organization, Master Bai, former House of the Chaotic Storms members, Heaven's Terrace, one person, two great halls, three great palaces, seven great sects… He just connected everything.

[Heaven's Terrace is a game that is designed by somebody in some higher realm. That realm may not be as high as where the Wizard and the others live, but at least on the same level as the Human Realm Upon Heavens… where Master Bai lives…]

[The first Prime Master of the West Hall is Zong Yuankai, who ate the first Divine Yin Yang Fruit and became an ultimate cultivator… The current most potent cultivator Wu Fa became this powerful because of the fruits too.]

[Before anybody knew their names, they were both nobodies… Hmm. There was a third person who took the fruits but disappeared. Nobody knows who that person is…]

[Why? How come the three of them could succeed in taking the fruits? Was it just good luck?]

[Divine Yin Yang Fruits are from some upper realm. I am told by Erhuo… That's for sure…]

[Erhuo knew about those fruits… and it moved super fast. The others could never be as fast as Erhuo. They must know something about the fruits if they can succeed. Wu Fa has always been the most potent cultivator in the world. West Hall has a great force. Wu Fa and Zong Yuankai are both wise men. They don't look like two desperados at all…]

[They are not desperados, and they can live with their fame and power. They must be wise. Wise men always take steps. They don't take risks…]

[Why would they risk their lives to try the fruits which is obviously a bait?]

[The only explanation is… that they know some trick about taking the fruits off the hook! Maybe there is a secret about that hook! If I am right that there is a secret about that hook, then how did they get to know the secret?]

[Divine Yin Yang Fruit are from a realm which is in the same level with Human Realm Upon Heavens… One man in Human Realm Upon Heavens definitely knows the secret… Master Bai!]

Bits by bits, the disordered and confusing thoughts kept hitting his head. He realized that Master Bai seemed to be the key that linked every isolated piece together.

He took a long breath with a sigh.

[If this is the truth, then the truth is way too much terrifying than it should be.]

[For so many years, they secretly built resource network. How many dominant cultivators have they recruited during these years?]

[It must be an enormous number that could kill the hope that people finally got!]

[When I was in the Land of Han-Yang, I fought against Master Bai by coincidence. Because of my good fortune, I never had to face the true battle power of the House of Chaotic Storms. I never needed to experience their destructive power… What a great luck of mine… Maybe the heavens don't like me, so after the Land of Han-Yang, they arranged me through the power of the House of Chaotic Storms in Qing-Yun Realm. Am I going to confront the incredible House of Chaotic Storms? Maybe I have to win this war before I got the chance to leave this place for Human Realm Upon Humans and fight against Master Bai face to face!]

[Three worlds… Three tests… Three wars…]

Cha Eun Xiao took in a cold breath and said, "Is this a joke of the heavens? Or is it my destiny? The man seems to be my destined enemy. Why? Can't I just keep away from him… Why can't I just get away?"

Maybe he was too shocked to keep it to himself, so he directly said the words out.

The strong wind was howling in this height. Han Bingxue didn't clearly hear what Cha Eun Xiao just said, so he asked curiously, "Destiny? Destined enemy? Boss? What are you talking about? Why are you mumbling? Are you okay?"

Cha Eun Xiao looked solemn. In a low voice, he said, "It isn't sure to be a destiny yet. Something may be changed."

However, in his heart, he almost confirmed that it was his destiny. All the things that happened recently pointed out the truth that the horrible secret organization, which only brought despair to the martial world, was very likely the former House of Chaotic Storms run by Master Bai many years earlier when he was in Qing-Yun Realm!

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